
Friday, December 29, 2023

Sunday, December 31, 2023 Christmas Sunday and New Year’s Eve


Hymn       See Amid the Winter’s Snow #76VU

Scripture Lessons:       Isaiah 61:10-62:3

                                     Psalm 148 p.871VU

                                     Luke 2:22-40

Hymn           From Heaven Above to Earth I Come #72VU


Prayer:  God, above time, above space, yet with us an in us in Christ, we who are creatures of time and space come to you today with thankfulness. 
      We give you thanks for the year that is passing. We thank you for the many ways in which you have touched us, in moments of great happiness or in deep distress. You have been present in Christ, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. 
      We thank you for the people who matter to us and through whom you have been present to us in their love. 
       We thank you for your church, the community of faith in whose company we have journeyed, whose friendship we value, whose challenge we welcome, and whose wide boundaries are not defined by time, by space, or by death. 
      As we move on now into a new year, give us grace to leave behind our regrets and our failures and any sense of guilt, to let go of the past with gratitude, and to leave in your hands the future in faith— to live in each moment in joyful discipleship, in the company of him who is always Emmanuel, God with us. Amen. ( a prayer by John Harvey, printed in the Iona Community’s Hay and Stardust)

Hymn      All Beautiful the March of Days #530VU

This Sunday there will be a combined service held in Ormstown at the hall at 11am. We will begin at 10:30 with coffee and conversation. All welcome. 

Next Sunday we will be back to our regular schedule, with a 9:30 service in Ormstown and an 11:00 service in Howick. 

We continue to hold the families dealing with loss in this season, including the families of Donald McCormick and Karen Jones Buchanan, following their deaths before Christmas. 
A memorial service will be held for Donald McCormick Saturday, January 13th in St Paul’s United Church at 2pm, with visitation from 12-2:00 in the church. 

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Sunday, December 24, 2023 The Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve

 Merry Christmas to one and all! 🎄

Hymn         O Come All Ye Faithful #60

Scripture Lessons:       Luke 1:26-38

                                     Luke 1:47-55

                                     Luke 2:1-20

Carol         Away in a Manger #69


Prayer:  Thank you, scandalous God, for giving yourself to the world, not in the powerful and extraordinary, but in weakness and the familiar: in a baby,; and in bread and wine. 
   Thank you for offering, at journey’s end, a new beginning; for setting, in the poverty of a stable, the richest jewel of your love; for revealing, in a particular place, your light for all nations. 
   Thank you for bringing us to Bethlehem, House of Bread, where the empty are filled, and the filled are emptied; where the poor find riches and the rich recognize their poverty; where all who kneel and hold out their hands are unstintingly fed. Amen. (a prayer from the United Church’s worship resource, Celebrate God’s Presence.) 

Carol      Go Tell It on the Mountain #43

This Sunday, which is both the fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve, there will be a morning service in Howick, at 11am  and an evening service at 8pm in St Paul’s in Ormstown. Both will be family services. 

The next service will be a combined service in Ormstown, at the hall, to be held Sunday, December 31st, at 11am. 

We hold the family and friends of Donald McCormick, who died this week. A service of remembrance and thanksgiving for his life will be held in the new year, Saturday, January 13th in St Paul’s United Church. 

Our sympathy and support is offered to the family and friends of Karen Jones Buchanan who died this past week from cancer. 

Happy birthday to Violet Deschamps, who celebrates her 90th birthday this week. 


Thursday, December 14, 2023

Sunday, December 17, 2023 The Third Sunday of Advent


Hymn       Good Christian Friends Rejoice #35VU

Scripture Lessons:        Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11

                                      Psalm 126 p.850VU

                                      I Thessalonians 5:16-25


Prayer:  God of birth, we watch in fear for your coming; scared of the pain and risk, the struggle of new life emerging and our own capacity to bear it, God of waiting, 
God of the future, we watch in hope for your coming; anticipating an unknown future, uncertain of the unnamed reality, not sure of the form it will take. God of waiting, 
God of celebration, we watch in joy for your coming; expectant with promises of freedom, eager for new possibilities, delighting in the gift of birth. God of waiting, 
WAIT WITH US. Amen. (a prayer by Jan Berry, printed and published in the Iona Community’s Candles and Conifers.) 

Hymn      Joy to the World #59VU

This Sunday is Communion Sunday in both Howick (9:30) and in Ormstown (11:00). 

Franklin United Church will be holding their Candlelight Christmas service this evening at 7:30pm. 

Congratulations and best wishes to Dorothy Wright as she and her family celebrate her 100th birthday. 

We hold in our prayers the family of Marlene Stuckey, following the death of her mother this week. We will hold them in our thoughts and prayers through the Christmas season and into the New Year when they prepare to remember to give thanks for her life. 

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Bev Cocher following her death this month. 

Next Sunday will be Christmas Eve and there will be services in Howick, at 11am and in Ormstown, at 8pm. All are welcome to either (or both) services. 

Many thanks to all who worked, donated, or supported the Christmas Sale in Howick last weekend. It was a great success and raised about $1500.00 for the repair of the elevator. We thank the community for the generosity that was shown. 

A few messages from Howick’s Treasurer: if there are people who would like to receive envelopes, please speak to Wilene and she will provide them. The envelopes we are currently using are undated, so if you have envelopes remaining, you may continue to use them. 
      Also, the books for 2023 will close on December 28th, so if you wish to make a donation for 2023, please make it by that date. Funds may be sent by e-transfer to or by mail to Wilene Cullen, 2134 Rte 138 Howick QC J0S 1K0. 

Please note that the books of the Memorial Fund for Howick will also be closing December 28th. If you wish to make a memorial gift in memory of someone for 2023, please get it to Grace by or before December 28th. Thank you. 

The donations to the Canadian FoodGrains Bank made through Howick United Church, will be sent away on Monday, December 18th. If you still wish to make a donation for this year please do so before this date, or you may make an individual donation online or by mail with the CFGB envelopes. 

There will be a combined Christmas Sunday and New Year’s Eve held on Sunday, December 31st at 11:00 in the hall in Ormstown. We will begin at 10:30 for some coffee and fellowship time. 

Friday, December 8, 2023

Sunday, December 10, 2023 The Second Sunday of Advent


Hymn      Hark the Glad Sound #28

Scripture Lessons:      Isaiah 40:1-11

                                    Psalm 85 p.802VU

                                    Mark 1:1-8

Hymn       There’s a Voice in the Wilderness Crying #18VU


Prayer:  With John the Baptist and all your saints, we ask this grace:  that we may know repentance for our sins, that is true and heartfelt; let us prepare a way for the Lord and make his paths straight. 
   With John the Baptist and all your saints, we ask this grace: that our nation may be turned around to the values of God’s kingdom; let us prepare a way for the Lord and make his paths straight. 

   With John the Baptist and all your saints, we ask this grace:  that your church may be renewed by the fire of your Spirit; let us prepare a way for the Lord and make his paths straight. Amen. (a prayer from the Iona Community’s Candles and Conifers) 

Carol        Herald Sound the Note of Gladness #28VU

This Sunday will be White Gift Sunday, when we will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Christmas baskets and the local food bank. There will be services in Franklin at 9:30, Ormstown at 11:00 and in Howick at 11:00, led by Evie Kerr, as Debbie Beattie will not be able to be with us this month. 

Good news! The elevator in Howick is working and unlocked now! (Really this time!)  It will be available for the sale on Saturday and the service on Sunday. 

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Louise Johnson, who died this week and whose memorial service will be held Sunday, December 10th at 2:30, following the visitation beginning at 1:30 at the McGerrigle Funeral Home. 

Unit B (retired) of the Howick United Church will meet on Tuesday, December 12th for lunch at the home of Winnifred Sherry. Soup and some extras will be provided, but a few cookies or goodies could be added.

The UCW of Howick United Church will meet on Wednesday, December 13th at 6pm in the church for its annual Christmas Potluck supper. Gifts will also be collected for women receiving Christmas baskets. 

St Paul’s Stewards and the Trustees will be meeting Tuesday, December 12th at 7:30pm in the hall, in part to discuss the parking situation. 

Worship Schedule: Sunday, December 17th Communion Sunday in Howick (9:30) and Ormstown (11:00)
          Candlelight Christmas Service in Franklin 7:30pm
Sunday December 24 Advent 4 and Christmas Eve service in Howick 11am
           Christmas Eve service in St Paul’s, Ormstown 8pm
Sunday December 31 New Year’s Eve combined service 11:00 in the hall in Ormstown , fellowship time starting from 10:30am.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Sunday, December 3, 2023 The First Sunday of Advent


Hymn.     O Come O Come Emmanuel #1VU

Scripture Lessons:        I Corinthians 1:3-9

                                      Psalm 80:1-7, 17, 18 p. 794VU part 1

                                      Mark 13:24-37


Prayer:  We are waiting, Jesus; come and live with us soon. 

Jesus, we are waiting because we know who you are:  the Creator of the world, 
the God who took on human form, the son of Mary, a girl just like any other girl, 
We are waiting Jesus; Come and live with us soon. 

Jesus, we are waiting because we have faith in you. We know that we can trust in you. 
We remember that you are good to us, and we thank you for all the good things that you give to us every day. 
We are waiting, Jesus; Come and live with us soon. 

Jesus, we are waiting here, here in Howick, here in Franklin, here in Ormstown,
waiting for you to come into our homes, our streets, our shops and our offices, to fill them with your light and peace. 
We are waiting Jesus; Come and live with us soon. 

Jesus, we are waiting for you to come and change things: to bring health to our sick ones, 
to make our refugees welcome, to comfort those who have lost loved ones; and to turn us around 
so that we can be your ears and eyes, in this world that needs you so much.
We are waiting Jesus; Come and live with us. ( a prayer by John Davies, printed in the Iona Community’s Candles and Conifers)

Hymn.     Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus #2VU

This Sunday’s services will be at 9:30 in Ormstown and 11:00 in Howick. Both will offer craft and activities for children and families. Howick’s service will end with a soup luncheon. All welcome. 

Howick’s Stewards will meet on Wednesday, December 6th at 7pm in the church hall. We will be discussing decisions about the furnace. 

Next Sunday we will be holding White Gift Sunday in all three of our churches. Franklin’s service will be at 9:30, Ormstown’s will be at 11:00, and Howick’s will also be at 11:00, lead by Evie Kerr as Debbie Beattie is not able to be with us that day. We will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Christmas baskets and the local food bank. 

St Paul’s Stewards are planning a meeting on Tuesday, December 12th at 7:30pm. 

Howick UCW will be holding its annual potluck supper on Wednesday, December 13th at 6pm in the church and the goody plates will be prepared the next morning in the church as well.

Worship Schedule: Sunday, December 10 White Gift Sunday 9:30 Franklin.   11:00 Ormstown
                                11:00  Howick with Evie Kerr
Sunday, December 17 Communion Sunday, 9:30.  Howick.     11:00.  Ormstown
                                    Candlelight Christmas Service in Franklin 7:30pm
Sunday, December 24. Advent 4 and Christmas Eve 11:00. Howick
              Christmas Eve service in Ormstown, 8pm
Sunday, December 31 New Year’s Eve service combined service in hall in Ormstown 11:00

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Sunday, November 26, 2023 Reign of Christ Sunday


Hymn.       Come Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love #574VU

Scripture Lessons:       Ezekiel 34:11-16,  20-24

                                     Psalm 100 p.824VU

                                     Matthew 25:31-46


Prayer: O God, you have set before us a great hope that your kingdom will come on earth, and have taught us to pray for its coming: make us ready to thank you for the signs of its dawning, and to pray and work for the perfect day when your will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Hymn.         Rejoice the Lord is King #213VU

This week’s services will be 9:30 in Franklin and 11:00 in Franklin with the Howden-Templeton bursary being presented to William Orr. Next Sunday will be craft activity days in both Ormstown (9:30) and Howick (11:00), and in Howick this will be followed by a soup luncheon. Hope you can join us! 

Good news! The elevator has now been repaired and should be available for use on Sunday. (There is still some work to be done on the door, but we hope it will be done for Sunday.)

We hold in our thoughts and prayers the family and friends of Gretta Whyte, who died this past week. We continue to hold the family and friends of Vera Sutton and Allister Irving as well. 

Our campaign in support of the Canadian Food Grains Bank is coming to an end. Envelopes for donations are available in our churches and donations may be made online at 

Howick will be holding a fundraising sale to help cover the costs of repairing the elevator ( which is operating now) which will offer gently used books, puzzles, toys, and games, as well as Christmas decorations and baking for sale from 11:00-1:30 on December 9th in the church. Items to be donated may be brought to the church any time it is open and left in the sanctuary, but by Friday, December 8th so that they can be sorted and priced. 

A mitten tree is now up in Howick and will be up shortly in Ormstown. Donations of hats, scarves, mittens, etc. would be greatly appreciated. 

Worship Schedule:  December 3   First Sunday of Advent and Craft Activity Day 
                                9:30 Ormstown.     11:00 Howick (with soup lunch)
December 10   Second Sunday of Advent and White Gift Sunday, gifts of nonperishable food items will be collected for the Christmas baskets and food bank
December 17   Third Sunday of Advent, Communion Sunday in Howick (9:30) and Ormstown (11:00)
                       Candlelight Christmas service in Franklin 7:30pm
December 24   Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve 11:00 Intergenerational service in Howick 11:00 and evening service in Ormstown 8pm.
December 31   Combined Christmas Sunday Carol service in hall in Ormstown 11:00, fellowship time from 10:30. 

Are you looking for a gift for someone who does not need any more “stuff”? Take a look at Gifts with Vision, the United Church’s giving catalogue that supports mission and ministry in Canada and around the world. Printed copies are available in our churches or you can check it out online at 

Friday, November 17, 2023

Sunday, November 19, 2023 Children’s Sabbath


Hymn.       O Day of God Draw Nigh #688

Scripture Lessons:     Judges 4:1-10

                                   Psalm 123 p.847VU

                                   I Thessalonians 5:1-11


Prayer:  A Litany of Thanksgiving and Hope for Children
We give thanks that God’s love for children was shown to us when Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.”  
We thank you God. 
We give thanks for the gifts our children offer to the world, for they are our present, future, and hope. 
We thank you, God. 
We give thanks for the delight and infectious joy children have for all wonder-filled things in your creation. We thank you, God. 
We offer prayers for the safety of children. We pray for an end to violence in the schoolyard, in the home, on our streets, and the streets and hillsides of the world. Hear our prayers, dear God. 
We pray for adults who sincerely offer a caring hand, a comforting shoulder, a listening presence, and a tireless voice on behalf of children. Hear our prayers, dear God. 
Gracious God, you have always welcomed the child. We pray that our thoughts and words and actions may reflect love for all of your children, not merely a privileged few. May we always remember children in the way you have called us to do. We will not forget, O God. (a prayer written by Bonnie Mills and shared in Seeds and Sowers.)

Hymn.       Precious Lord Take Me Home #670

This week’s services will be 9:30 in Howick and 11:00 in Ormstown. In Howick there will be a craft and activity day, making cards for the Christmas plates. All welcome to participate. The next craft and activity day will be Sunday, December 3rd, in both Ormstown and Howick. In Ormstown, the activities will begin at 9:30, and in Howick, will begin at 11:00 and be followed by a Soup Luncheon. Volunteers for soup and other items would be appreciated. 

Don’t forget the Rudolph Run that will take place next Saturday, November 25th from 9-11:00, starting from the Rec Centre. A minimum donation of $5 is requested from the adults participating. The proceeds will go to the Christmas basket program offered through La Bouffe Additionelle. If you can, wear some red or green! 

The mitten tree will go up this week in Howick. In Ormstown, it will be up for December 3rd. 

Howick United Church Session will meet Tuesday night, November 21st at 7:00 in the church. 

St Paul’s Stewards will meet on Wednesday November 22nd at 7:30pm in the hall. 

Next Sunday in Howick the Howden-Templeton bursaries will be presented in Howick, at its 11:00 service. 

Howick United Church will be holding a fundraiser on Saturday, December 9th from 11:00-1:30. There will be a Bake Sale, book, game, puzzle, toy, and Christmas decoration sale (gently used, please). Donations may be brought to the church (before or by Friday, December 8th. They may be left in the sanctuary. 

Howick Stewards will be meeting on Wednesday, December 6th at 7:00pm. 

Friday, November 10, 2023

Sunday, November 12, 2023


Hymn.     Jesus Bids Us Shine #585VU

Scripture Lessons:      Joshua 3:14-24

                                    Psalm 78:1-7 p.792VU pt1

                                    Matthew 25:1-12


Prayer:  O living God, in our darkness you kindle a flame that never goes out. Through the spirit of praise, you take us out of ourselves. To us you have entrusted a mystery of hope. In our human frailty, you have set a spiritual strength that is never withdrawn. Even when we are unaware of it, it is always there, ready to carry us onward. Yes, in our darkness, you kindle a fire that never dies out. We thank you. Amen. (a prayer by Brother Roger from the Taize Community.)

A Prayer for Courage: We offer to you, O God, our prayers for those who seek Justice and resist evil. We pray for those who need your presence and strength to stand firm; for those who are opposed to the use of violence in any form in faithful response to the Prince of Peace. We pray for those are prepared to be firm to protect those in danger. We pray for those who walk with others who need strength. We pray for those who protest, those who organize letter campaigns, those who give sacrificially on behalf of others.
   We pray for those who speak the unpopular truth; who protect the unpopular victims; who choose the unpopular path of peace. 
   We pray for those who do not let their desire for peace hinder the requirements of justice, and for those who do not let their zeal for justice override the call for peace. Amen. (a prayer by the Rev.Dr. Neil Parker)

Hymn.       I Love to Tell the Story #343

There will be a Cenotaph service held in Ormstown Saturday November 11th on Church St beginning at 10:45. 

This Sunday there will be services in all three of our churches: 9:30 in Franklin, 11:00 in Ormstown and 11:00 in Howick with Debbie Beattie. 

This Sunday, November 12th, the Sunday after Remembrance Sunday, the United Church is joining with other churches and faith groups to call for a ceasefire in the Middle East. Members are invited to take part in demonstrations to show their concern for both Israelis and Palestinians in the region. 

Wesley United Church in NDG will be holding a covenanting service with their new minister, the Rev. Cynthia Reynolds. Best wishes to the in their ministry together. 

We hold in our thoughts and prayers the family and friends of Vera Sutton, who died this past week. A memorial service will be held this afternoon. 

For the next two Sundays in Howick we will be collecting items for shoeboxes for homeless women. Items such as shampoo, lotions, socks, candy, makeup or gift cards would be greatly appreciated. It is requested that nothing for specific sizes or complexions be included. Many thanks for all that will be donated. 

Next Sunday in Howick, November 19th, there will be a craft and family activity Sunday, making cards for our Christmas treat plates. The service will begin at 9:30am and the activities will begin after the children’s story. There will be another craft and activity day on Sunday, December 3rd beginning with the 11:00 service and ending with a Soup Luncheon. 

St Paul’s Session will meet this Wednesday, November 15th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

St Paul’s Stewards will meet next Wednesday, November 22nd at 7:30pm in the hall. 

Keep in mind the Rudolph Run which will take place Saturday, November 25th from 9-11:00am from the Ormstown Rec Centre. A minimum donation of $5 per adult is requested and the proceeds go to La Bouffe Additionelle for the Christmas baskets. For more information, please check the poster on the bulletin board or check with Grace Brown or Darlene Legros. 

Howick United Church is planning a book, puzzle, toy, game, and bake sale on Saturday, December 9th from 11:00-1:30 in the church hall. Items donated for the sale may be brought in any time, but please by Friday December 8th. 

Friday, November 3, 2023

Sunday, November 5, 2023 Remembrance Sunday

 This Sunday we start preparing for the events of Remembrance Week. (Also it is time change weekend! Time to fall back!) 

Hymn.       O God our Help in Ages Past #706VU

Scripture Lessons:      Joshua 3:1-16

                                    Psalm 107:33-43 p.831-2 VU, parts 1 and 4

                                    I Thessalonians 2:9-13


Prayer:  on this Remembrance Sunday, we think of people around the world who fear the violence of war when troops are deployed, bombs are dropped, missiles launched, and attack rockets released. 
Help us, God, to see the light of Christ even in the light of Christ even in the midst of fear. 

As stories of war are heard all around us, we think of people who have served their country and who sought to bring stability and peace to the world even as they responded to the invitation to participate in battle. 
Help us, God, to see the light of peace even in the midst of war. 

As autumn moves into winter, and as the cold night air chills our bodies and our homes, we look for reminders of the joy we seek each new day. Turn us, God, away from the dreariness of a world torn and forlorn. 
Help us, God, to see the light of day even in the midst of night. 

As war dominates the news and is splashed across our television sets and newspaper headlines, May we know that the essence of life is in following the one known as the Prince of Peace. Keep us, God, aware of that truth, and open to your presence. 
Help us, God, to see the light of hope even in the midst of despair. Amen. ( a prayer written by the Rev. Bill Steadman and printed in Gathering S/A 

Hymn.        God of Grace and God of Glory #686

This Sunday there will be a Remembrance Sunday service in Ormstown at 9:30. In Howick there will be a community Remembrance Sunday service held in Georgetown Presbyterian Church, beginning at 10:30am. 

In Ormstown there also will be a Cenotaph service held Saturday morning, November 11th, beginning about 10:30am. 

We hold in our thoughts and prayers the family of Allister Irving, following his death this past week. 

This is the time for college, university, and vocational students from Howick United Church to apply for the Howden-Templeton bursaries. The deadline is November 12th with the bursaries being presented in the 11:00 service on Sunday, November 26th. Application forms are available on the Howick United Church website, or in the church as well. Applications should be returned to one of the members of the bursary committee: Scott Templeton, Debbi Templeton, Brent Tolhurst, or Marlene Stuckey or May be mailed to the church, 2 Bridge, Howick, QC, J0S 1K0. 

St Paul’s Session will meet on Wednesday, November 15th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

St Paul’s Stewards will meet on Wednesday, November 22nd at 7:30pm in the hall. (please note that this is a change from the date set at the meeting.)

Howick united Church is planning a couple of craft and activity days for families and members. The first will be held Sunday, November 19th during and following the 9:30 service. All are welcome to come and take part. The second craft and activity day will take place the first Sunday of Advent, December 3rd during and following the 11:00 service. There will be craft activities based on the nativity scene and we will conclude with a soup luncheon. 

Because we have chosen to go ahead with the elevator repairs, Howick United Church is going to try a few new fundraising activities. The first we will be trying is a book, puzzle, gently used toys, Christmas decorations, and bake table on Saturday, December 9th (the day of the Santa Claus Parade) from 11:00-1:30.

In order to try to save money, once the elevator is repaired, we will routinely meet in the hall in the basement. 

Barbara will be printing a newsletter for the Advent-Christmas season, which should be printed for Sunday, November 19th. If there is any news that needs to be included, please let Barbara know. 

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Sunday, October 29, 2023 Reformation and All Saints Sunday


Hymn       A Mighty Fortress is Our God #262VU

Prayer:  For all the saints: who went before us; who have spoken to our hearts; and touched us with your fire, we praise you, O God. 

   For all the saints: who live beside us; whose weaknesses and strengths are woven with our own, we praise you, O God. 

   For all the saints: who live beyond us; who challenge us to change the world with them, we praise you, O God. Amen. ( a prayer written by Janet Morley of England and printed in Bread of Tomorrow, edited by Janet Morley.) 

Scripture Lessons:      Deuteronomy 34:1-12

                                    Psalm 90:1-6p. 805VU

                                    I Thessalonians 2:1-8


Prayer:  God, for all the saints I give you thanks— for grandparents and godparents, for doctors and teachers, for coaches and pastors. 

   God, for all the saints I give you thanks— for authors of books that have moved me, for friends whose advice has guided me, for strangers who proved an example, for my children and the children of others who have given me courage. 

   God, for all the saints I give you thanks— for those nearest and farthest away, for those who have died, and those who are living, for those who knew they made a difference and those who never will. 

   God, for all the saints I give you thanks. Amen. ( a prayer written by Maren Tirabassi and printed in Before the Amen, edited by Maren C. Tirabassi and Maria I. Tirabassi.)

Hymn       For All the Saints #705VU

This week there will be a combined service held in Franklin United Church at 11:00, preceded by a fellowship time, beginning about 10:30. All welcome. 

We hold the family and friends of Bill Lawrence, formerly of Ormstown, who died last week. We also continue to hold the family and friends of Melissa Evans, Marie-Paule Hodgson who have also died this month. 

Next Sunday will be Remembrance Sunday in Ormstown and Howick. In Ormstown we will welcome members of the Legion to our 9:30 service. (There will also be a Cenotaph service held in Ormstown on Saturday, November 11th beginning at around 10:30.) 
     In Howick, there will be a community service held at Georgetown Presbyterian Church, beginning at 10:30am. 

The Howden-Templeton Bursaries will once again be awarded to CEGEP or university or vocational level students who are associated with Howick United Church. Applicants can receive the bursary a maximum of three times. The deadline for applications is November 12th with the bursaries being presented at the 11am service at Howick United Church on November 26th. Applications can be found at the Howick United Church website or in the back of the church and can be given to Debbi Templeton, Scott Templeton, Brent Tolhurst, or Marlene Stuckey or mailed to the church at 2 Rue Bridge, Howick, QC, J0S 1G0. 

FYI: after the congregational meeting in Howick last weekend, it has been decided to repair the elevator, despite the cost, to ensure that the church is accessible, particularly as we will be holding more services in the hall in the basement. This will be funded in part through the Memorial Fund, the Trustees, and any donations that may be received for this project. It was also decided to apply for Faithful Footprints to make the church building more sustainable. A plan with estimates is now being prepared by a committee. Assistance and advice would be appreciated. 

Franklin United Church will be holding a Joint Board meeting Wednesday, November 1st in the church office, at 1:30pm. 

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Sunday, October 22, 2023 The 19th Sunday after Pentecost

 This week the United Church, along with other organizations, observed a Day of Prayer for peace in the Middle East. In some churches this Sunday is also known as Peace Sunday. As we approach Remembrance Day, we continue to pray for peace. 

Hymn       Jesus Calls Us      #562VU

Prayer: Two peoples, one land
Three faiths, one root, 
One earth, one mother, 
One sky, one beginning, one future, one destiny, 
One broken heart
One God. 

We pray to you:
Grant us a vision of unity
May we see the many in the one and the one in many. 
May you, life of all the Worlds, 
Source of all Amazing Differences, 
Help us to see clearly. 
Guide us gently and firmly toward each other, 
Towards peace. Amen. ( a prayer of Rabbi Sheila Weinberg, Jewish Community of Amherst, MA.)

Scripture Lessons:       I Thessalonians 1:1-10
                                     Psalm 99 p.819VU
                                     Matthew 22:15-22


Prayer:  God of comfort, send your Spirit to encompass all those whose lives are torn apart by violence and death in Israel and Palestine. You are the Advocate of the oppressed and the One whose eye is on the sparrow. Let arms reach out in healing, rather than aggression. Let hearts mourn rather than militarize. 
    God of Justice, give strength to those whose long work for a just peace might seem fruitless now. Strengthen their resolve. Do not let them feel alone. Show us how to support their work and bolster their courage. Guide religious leaders to model unity and reconciliation across lines of division. Guide political leaders to listen with their hearts as they seek peace and pursue it. Help all people choose the rigorous path of just peace and disavow violence. 
     God of Love, we lift up Palestine and Israel — its people, its land, its creatures. War is a monster that consumes everything in its path. Peace is a gift shared at meals of memory with Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Let us burn incense, not children. Let us break bread, not bodies. Let us plant olive groves, not cemeteries. We beg for love and compassion to prevail on all your holy mountains. 
     God of Hope, we lift up the cities of the region: Garza City and Tel Aviv, Ramallah and Ashkelon, Deir El Ba’ath and Sderot, so long divided, yet so filled with life and creativity. Come again to breathe peace on your peoples that all may recognize you. 
     God of Mercy, even now work on the hearts of combatants to choose life over death, reconciliation over retaliation, restoration over destruction. Help us resist antisemitism in all its forms, especially in our own churches. All people, Israelis and Palestinians, deserve to live I. Peace and unafraid, with a right to determine their future together. 
      God of the Nations, let not one more child or elder be sacrificed on altars of political expediency. Keep safe all people from unjust leaders who would exploit vulnerability for their own distorted ends. Give wise discernment to those making decisions to pursue peace. Provide them insight into fostering well-being, freedom, and thriving for all. Teach all of us to resolve injustices with righteousness, not rockets. Guard our hearts against retaliation, and give us hearts for love alone. 
      Strengthen our faith in you, O God of all Flesh, even when we don’t have clear answers, so that we may still offer ourselves nonviolently for the cause of peace. Amen. ( a prayer by Rose Marie Berger, printed in the Sojourners magazine and distributed by Convergence.) 

Hymn.         O Master Let Me Walk withThee      #560VU

This week there will be services in both Franklin (9:30) and Howick (11:00). Immediately following the 11:00 service in Howick there will be a congregational meeting to discuss emerging issues such as applying for Faithful Footprints funding and possible repairs to the elevator in Howick. Sandwiches and coffee will be provided for those staying for the meeting. 

We hold in our thoughts and prayers the family and friends of Melissa Evans following her unexpected death this month. 

We also hold in our prayers the family and friends of Marie-Paule Hodgson who died this past week. A service of remembrance and thanksgiving for her life will be held Saturday morning at the Village Church in Ormstown. 

We are continuing our campaign to support the Canadian FoodGrains Bank. Envelopes are available in our churches or donations may be made online at 

St Paul’s Stewards will meet on Wednesday, October 25th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

St Andrew’s United Church in Chateauguay and St Edward’s Presbyterian Churches will be holding an anniversary Musical Celebration this evening, October 22nd at 7pm at St Andrew’s United Church 46 DuPont West in Chateauguay. A free will offering will be taken to be given to the local food bank and the celebration will be followed by a fellowship time featuring many apple desserts. 

Next Sunday there will be a combined service in Franklin United Church, to be held at 11:00. There will be a fellowship time to begin at 10:30. 

The time has come for CEGEP and university students associated with Howick United Church to apply for the Howden-Templeton bursaries. The deadline for applying is November 12th, and the bursaries will be presented November 26th at the 11:00 service. The application is available on the church website or in the church. Applications may be given to Debbi Templeton, Scott Templeton, Brent Tolhurst or Marlene Stuckey, or they may be mailed to the church, 2 Bridge, Howick QC, J0S 1G0. Bursaries may only be received up to a limit of three years. 

We will be holding Remembrance Sunday services on November 5th. In Ormstown the service will be held in the church at 9:30am. In Howick a combined service with Georgetown Presbyterian Church will be held in Georgetown, beginning at 10:30am. 

Friday, October 13, 2023

Sunday, October 15, 2023 World Food Sunday

 Tomorrow is World Food Day so today is World Food Sunday. We will be launching our fundraising campaign for the Canadian Food Grains Bank. Envelopes will be available in our churches. 

Hymn       Joyful Joyful We Adore You #232

Scripture Lessons:      Philippians 4:1-9

                                    Psalm 23 p.749VU

                                    Matthew 22:1-14


Prayer:  Lord of the harvest, we rejoice in the bounty of your world; we thank you for the rich harvests it produces. As we do so, we remember those who do not have enough, the thousands who are daily dying of hunger. We pray for those who have more than they require, for ourselves and our churches. 
   Show us what needs to be done, and how to share the world’s harvest more fairly. Teach us to value people more than things. Above all, help us to set our hearts on your kingdom of love and justice, and to seek to do your will here on earth, as servants of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (from the Canadian Food Grains Bank website, 

Hymn       I Sing the Mighty Power of God #231

This Sunday there will be services at 9:30 in Howick and 11:00 in Ormstown. Following the early service in Howick there will be a craft/ family activity time beginning about 11:00, with plans to decorate pumpkins and preparing mini-pizzas for lunch. All welcome to come and participate. Wilene would appreciate if you could let her know if you are planning to attend, so we can ensure we have enough supplies for everyone. 

Congratulations to Kristina Countouris and Shawn Woodward who were married in Howick on Friday. 

This will be a Communion Sunday in Ormstown. (Ooops! I am told that I announced that the Communion celebration would be the 22nd, but it is in fact this Sunday.)

Many thanks to all who donated food to the food drive in Ormstown. It was greatly appreciated. 

For those who would like to make a donation to the CFGB online, the website is: 

Next Sunday there will be a congregational meeting following the 11:00 service. The Board of Stewards wish to inform the congregation about their plans to apply for Faithful Footprints funding for the church. We may also discuss the elevator.

St Andrew’s United Church and St Edward’s Presbyterian Church are planning a Musical Celebration to mark their anniversaries. It will be held Sunday, October 22nd at 7pm, in the St Andrew’s United Church at 46 DuPont W. It will include lots of singing and be followed by a a reception with coffee, tea, and lots of apple desserts. A free will offering will be taken to be given to the local food bank. For more information, there is a poster in our churches. 

There will be a combined service for our three congregation on Sunday, October 29th in the Franklin United Church at 11:00. We will begin at 10:30 with a fellowship time. 

Howick United Church will be sharing a Remembrance Sunday service with Georgetown Presbyterian Church. The service will be held at 10:30am in the Georgetown Presbyterian Church. 

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Sunday, October 8, 2023 Thanksgiving Sunday

 This is the final Sunday of the season of creation. As this season comes to an end, let us rejoice in the wonderful gifts and blessings that God provides to us in God’s wonderful world. 

Hymn.     Come You Thankful People Come #516VU

Prayer:  Creator of the world, and all that is in it, you crown the year with your goodness. May we who have been blessed give thanks always, sharing from God’s abundance. In all the earth, May we recognize your gifts and treat them with reverence. So be it! Amen. ( from the United Church’s worship resource) 

Scripture Lessons:      Deuteronomy 8: 7-18

                                    Psalm 65 

                                    Luke 17:11-19

Hymn.      We Plough the Fields and Scatter #520


Prayer:  In your presence, O God, we make our prayer of thanksgiving. 
  We begin with the simple things of our days: fresh air to breathe, 
      Cool water to drink, 
      The taste of food, 
      The protection of houses and clothes, 
      The comforts of home.
For all these we make an act of Thanksgiving this day! 

We bring to mind all the warmth of humankind that we have known: 
   Our mothers’ arms, 
   The strength of our fathers, 
   The playmates of our childhood, 
   The wonderful stories brought to us from the lives of many who talked of days gone by, 
   The tears we have shed, the tears we have seen;
   The excitement of laughter and the twinkle in the eye with its reminder that life is good. 
   The love freely accepted, genuinely offered, and mutually elected, 
For all these we make an act of Thanksgiving this day. Amen. ( a prayer of Howard Thurman) 

Hymn.    Now Thank We All our God #236

After consultation, the Franklin United Church has cancelled their service for Sunday, as many people cannot attend. There will be services in both Howick and Ormstown at 11:00. Ormstown will also collect food for the food bank as well. Howick United church will be welcoming Tad and Muriel to the service. Coffee and munchies will be available from about 10:00. 

St Paul’s in Ormstown will be holding their fall communion celebration on Sunday, October 22nd at 11:00. This is also World Food Sunday. 

Many thanks to all who planned and took part in  the craft activity Sunday last Sunday in Ormstown. 

St Paul’s United Church Session will meet on Wednesday October 11th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

St Paul’s Stewards will delay their meeting until Wednesday, October 25th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

Howick United Church will be holding a family activity day following the 9:30 Sunday service on October 15th. This will include decorating mini-pumpkins and preparing mini-pizzas for lunch. (This is a change of date from what was originally discussed. Please make note!) If you are planning on attending, please let Wilene Cullen know so we can make sure we have enough materials for everyone. 

Howick will also be holding a congregational meeting following the 11:00 Sunday service on Sunday October 22nd to discuss plans for applying for Faithful Footprints funding to make the church more sustainable and also possibly to discuss the expenses for repairing the elevator in the church. Sandwiches and coffee will be available. 

St Andrew’s United Church, Chateauguay, and St Edwards’s Presbyterian Church in Beauharnois will be holding a special anniversary musical celebration at St Andrew’s United Church, 46 DuPont West on Sunday, October 22nd at 7pm. This will include lots of singing and be followed by tea, coffee, and apple desserts. The free will offering taken will be donated to the local food bank. 

There will be a combined Sunday service for our three congregations on Sunday, October 29th at 11:00 in Franklin United Church. There will be a time of fellowship beginning about 10:30 am. 

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Sunday, October 1, 2023 The Fourth Sunday of Creation

 This weekend our country marks National Truth and Reconciliation Day, (also known as Orange Shirt Day) remembering and repenting the damage and injustice that many policies, including residential schools, did to the indigenous peoples of this country. 

Hymn       When Morning Gilds the Skies #339VU

Scripture Lessons:     Exodus 17:1-7

                                   Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16 p.792VU

                                   Philippians 2:1-13


Prayer: Powerful Christ, we are grateful that you came to us as a child, who grew out of a community that nurtured, supported, and taught you the way of your ancestors. 
You have asked us to do the same: to treat each child as we would treat you, to love every person as you have loved us. 
  We are grateful that your power is rooted in love, not force; your strength is displayed through community not might. You have taught us to work toward a better world where all of creation thrives, and where every child matters. 
   On this Orange Shirt Day, we remember Phyllis Webstad as a child, and the stolen childhood of all children forcibly raised by church-run institutions, known as residential schools. We lament how these institutions stole from children the opportunity to grow in a safe and loving environment, stole from the Elders the opportunity to share their teachings and wisdom with younger generations; and stole from communities the opportunity to live intergenerationally. 
   We mourn the children who never made it home, the communities that were destroyed, the broken hearts, the stories never shared, and the shattered relationships. 
   We ask that you provide comfort to all who are seeking healing and who daily wrestle with the ongoing harmful legacy of these colonial institutions, strength to all who name how colonial powers have harmed us as a people’s and as a nation: often at great personal cost, and courage to all who are working toward reconciliation. 
   Christ Child, as you grew you reminded us to always welcome and care for children.
 We remember your children today.
 We lament and acknowledge the sinful ways that colonial powers tried to eradicate indigenous cultures within Canada, breaking indigenous families, removing children from their homes while destroying communities. And we pray for healing, so that we who live together in this country can also work together to build a better future where all children are cherished, beloved, and given what they need to thrive. 
   So that we may treat all children as we would treat you, our Beloved. May it be so. Amen. ( a prayer of the United Church of Canada)

Hymn      All the Way My Saviour Leads Me #635

This week there will be no morning service in Howick, to allow members to attend the 200th anniversary celebration in Georgetown Presbyterian Church, beginning at 10:30am. There will be a service in Ormstown beginning at 9:30am, but it will be a shorter service for the same reason. There will also be some craft activities for children offered at the same time.

Unit C of Howick’s UCW will be gathering for dinner out this coming week, on October 5th. Location to be determined. Keep in touch! 

There will be a memorial gathering in honour of Donald and Rosemary Hooker held Saturday, October 7th from 1:30-4:30 in the hall in Ormstown. All are welcome to come and to share your stories and your memories of Don and Rosemary with their family. 

Next Sunday will be Thanksgiving Sunday, and there will be services in all three of our congregations: 9:30 in Franklin, 11:00 in Ormstown, where there will also be a collection of food for the food bank, and also 11:00 in Howick led by Debbie Beattie. 

There will be a town hall meeting for rural congregations and communities in the Nakonhaka Regional Council to be held on Zoom October 12th at 7pm. This is part of a consultation process to set priorities for our region for the coming years. If you would like to participate, please let Barbara know and she will forward you the link. (There will also be other meetings held for intercultural communities and an in person meeting in the city on Tuesday, October 3rd at 7pm at Wesley United Church, 5964 Ave. Norte-Dame-de-Grace, Montreal.) 

For those who would like to attend an information session on Zoom concerning the remit sent to our congregations by the General Council, on creating an autonomous and independent Indigenous church, one will be held this coming week October 4th at 7pm. Please let Barbara know you are interested and she will send you the link. 

There will be a congregational meeting held in Howick to inform the congregation about the Stewards work on an application for Faithful Footprints, an ecological program for United Church buildings. It will follow the 11:00 service on Sunday, October 22nd. 

There will be a combined service for our three congregations held Sunday, October 29th in Franklin beginning at 11:00. There will be a time of fellowship preceding the service with coffee etc and snacks provided. 


Friday, September 22, 2023

Sunday, September 24, 2023. The Third Sunday of Creation


Hymn.     Let Us With a Gladsome Mind #234

Scripture Lessons:      Exodus 16:2-16

                                    Psalm 105:1-11, 37-45 pp.828-9VU

                                    Matthew 20:1-16


Prayer: We give thanks for the beauty of God’s creation: for the glory we see around us, for the mystery of wonder and life, for green leaves, bird song, and smiles of wonder. Thank you God. 
We give thanks for the friendship of Jesus: for the stories he told, for the hope he gives us, for Good Samaritans, broken bread and laughter. Thank you God. 
We give thanks for the work of the Holy Spirit: for the wisdom and challenges she brings and the courage she gifts us, for wild dances, shared tears, and new adventures. Thank you God. 
We pray for our world, for those who suffer because of climate change, for those who are afraid of what tomorrow May bring. We pray for those who seek to renew the seas and the earth, for botanists, for marine biologists and for growers of flowers, vegetables and fruit. God in your mercy
We pray for people who live in places of war and conflict, for fighters, child soldiers, for those who get hurt. And we pray for all who work to bring peace and Justice, for volunteers and peace builders, for those who seek to do good to everyone. In our community we pray for ….. God in your mercy, 
We pray for people who are homeless and for those who are living in places that are strange to them, for new people in our churches, for new children in our classroom, for those who are living away from the people they love. And we pray for all who welcome strangers and offer hospitality, who listen and befriend. In our community we pray for…… God in your mercy, 
We pray for the church, for the church that is organization and buildings, for the church that is projects and people; we pray for ourselves. God in your mercy, 
God of grace and mercy, hear our prayers with those spoken and those held in our hearts; we ask them in Jesus’ name. AMEN. ( a prayer by Ruth Burgess printed in the Iona Community’s Acorns and Archangels)

Hymn.       Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah #651

This week there will be services in Franklin, at 9:30, and in Howick, at 11:00. This Sunday will be Communion Sunday in Howick. There will be no service in Howick next week, October 1st, as we are inviting members of the congregation and the community to join in the 200th anniversary celebration service at Georgetown Presbyterian Church at 10:30am. 

Sunday, October 1st there will be a short service offered at St Paul’s in Ormstown, and a Family Activity Sunday with crafts to do for young people. All welcome to join in. We begin at 9:30. 

On Saturday, October 7th there will be a time of remembrance and thanksgiving held at MacDougall Hall in Ormstown 1:30-4:30 for Donald and Rosemary Hooker. Friends and members of the community are invited to drop in, share stories and memories of Rosemary and Donald and to visit with members of the family. 

Thanksgiving Sunday there will be services in all three churches: 9:30 in Franklin, 11:00 in Ormstown, and 11:00 in Howick with Debbie Beattie. In Franklin and Ormstown, food will be collected for the local food bank. In particular donations of cereal, cookies, and snacks for school children would be appreciated, but gifts of any non-perishable food items and seasonal produce would be appreciated. 
Franklin will also be celebrating Communion this Sunday. 

St Paul’s will be holding its Communion Sunday service on October 15th at 11am. 

There will be a combined service for our three congregations to be held Sunday, October 29th at 11:00 in Franklin United Church. 

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Sunday, September 17, 2023 The Second Sunday of Creation


Hymn      Praise to the Lord the Almighty #220

Scripture Lessons:       Romans 14:1-11

                                     Psalm 103:1-11 p.825VU

                                     Matthew 18:21-35


Prayer:  Eternal God, creator of the world, we thank you for the earth our home, and for the gift of life.  We thank you for your love, revealed in Jesus the Christ, who came to heal this broken world, who died, rejected on the cross, and who rose triumphant from the dead.
Because he lives, we live to praise you, our God, forever. 
Glory to you, O God, forever and ever. 
Gracious God, who called us from death to life, and with the church through all ages, we thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to make us holy, and to lead us into all truth. 
Glory to you, O God, forever and ever. 
Glory to God, whose power working in us can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. 
Glory to God from generation to generation, in the church in the world and in Jesus the Christ, forever and ever. Amen. ( from the United Church, services for trial use 1996-7, adapted) 

Hymn      Amazing Grace #266VU

This week’s services will be 9:30 in Howick and 11:00 in Ormstown. 

St Paul’s Stewards will be meeting this coming week, on Wednesday, September 20th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

Congratulations to Georgetown Presbyterian Church who are preparing to celebrate their 200th anniversary on October 1st of this year. In order to be able to share in the celebrations, Howick Session has decided to cancel the 11:00 service in Howick on October 1st and invite members of the congregation to attend the 10:30 service in Georgetown instead. A lunch is being prepared to follow the service, but space is limited so an RSVP to either Brian or Nancy Tannahill or Amy Tolhurst is needed. 

As a result of cancelling our October 1st service the fall Communion celebration in Howick will be held September 24th at our 11:00 service instead. All welcome. 

Congratulations are also due to Harvey Satewas Gabriel and to Kanesetake United Church who celebrated the completion of Harvey’s complete translation of the Bible into the Mohawk language. This was celebrated in the Kanesetake United Church last Sunday. 

A special celebration is being planned to remember and give thanks for the lives of Rosemary and Donald Hooker, Saturday October 7th from 1:30-4:30 in MacDougall Hall, 17 Lambton in Ormstown QC. Donald died earlier this year and Rosemary died during the pandemic, so this is a chance to remember them and to share our memories with the family. 

In Ormstown the service on October 1st will be a shortened service and a family activity day, with crafts for young people, beginning at 9:30am. 

October 8th will be a Thanksgiving Sunday service and food will be collected to be taken to the local food bank for both Franklin and Ormstown. 

October 15th will be the Communion Sunday for St Paul’s in Ormstown, at their 11:00 service.