Friday, June 28, 2024

Sunday, June 30, 2024 The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

 This Sunday is our final Sunday for the blog until August. I will be taking vacation time and I hope you will be enjoying some rest and recreation as well. This Sunday is also the day for our final service in Franklin United Church. Please join us if you can, at 11am. 

Hymn       O Day of Rest and Gladness

Scripture Lessons:        Mark 1:35-39

                                      Psalm 130 (p.853VU)

                                      Mark 2:23-3:6


Prayer: Generous and loving God, we thank you for your blessings without number. We bless you for the beauty of creation: for day and night, for summer and winter; for sun and rain, for seed-time and harvest; for your bounty supplying all our needs. 
    We bless you for protecting us in our weakness, and renewing our strength of spirit; for guiding us as we resist evil, and calling us to your truth, and to your service. 
   We praise you for sending Jesus to be among us: for his life on earth, his sufferings and death, for his resurrection to new life, and the gift of the Holy Spirit. 
    Grant, O God, that our hearts may grow in thankfulness for these and all your gifts of grace, so that as the people of new life, we may proclaim your praise; in Jesus’ name. Amen. (from Voices United, Daily Prayer for morning.) 

Hymn      I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say #626

This week we will be holding a single combined service for our three congregations, which will be held in Franklin United Church at 11am. There will be a lunch offered after the service. This will be Franklin’s final worship service. Please join us if you can. 

Congratulations to all the graduates! Well done! 👨‍🎓👩🏻‍🎓

Thanks for the support for St Paul’s Strawberry Shortcake Takeout, which was held on Thursday. You support is greatly appreciated. 

Following this Sunday’s service, Barbara will start her vacation. She will be back in the office no later than August 1st. We will back to worship (and the blog will appear again) on August 4th. The worship schedule will be 9:30 in Ormstown and 11:00 in Howick that Sunday. 

Happy birthday to Bill Templeton who is celebrating his 90th birthday this Saturday, June 29th at his home in Ormstown. Drop in between 1-4:00 and wish him a happy birthday yourself. 

The Executive Minister of our Regional Council, Eric Hebert-Daly, is on a sabbatical, doing the Camino, and he has let us know that he will be praying for our congregations on July 14th. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Sunday, June 23, 2024

 This is the first Sunday of summer! Let us celebrate! Also, June 21st was National Indigenous Day, which we can remember as we celebrate summer as well, remembering the lessons about this land and how to live on it and in it that they have shared with us. Megwich! 

Hymn          Praise to the Lord the Almighty #220

Scripture Lessons:       I Samuel 17:32-49

                                     Psalm 107:1-9, 23-32 p.831-2, pts 1, 3VU

                                    Mark 4:35-41

Hymn      Tell Me the Stories of Jesus #357


Prayer:  As the green ripens, 
As the flowers blossom, 
As the gardens bear their first abundance, 
As the season turns, 
Warmth and light awaiting us still, 
But soon, so soon the days shortening, 
The nights lengthening—
Let us savour the radiance of each new Dawn, 
And the long unfolding of sunset over waters we so love. 
May our love for this earth deepen and unfold and expand so that we are a blessing to the ground we walk and the air we breathe, and the life hidden in the depths of the waters. 
And as we emerge slowly from these many months careful and apart, 
Still measuring the risk of each step, 
May we make way for bright new beginnings - yet unknown- 
Within us, 
Within our land, 
within our world.
May there be light within our hearts, 
The fierce Light of the noonday sun, 
The tender light of the evening dusk
And the night sky,
The hidden Light within the cloud of unknowing.
A blessed Light, a holy Light, 
For you and me and all the beloved world. 
Blessed be! (written by Jane Doull, printed in Let Us Pray, vol. 4, and shared by Janice MacLean in the Prayer Bench.) 

Hymn        Will Your Anchor Hold #675VU 

This Sunday there will be services in Franklin (9:30) and in Howick (11:00). It will be Communion Sunday in both churches. In Franklin, it will be a traditional Sunday service with Communion. In Howick we will be holding an Outdoor service at the church(weather permitting). After the service there will be a lunch provided and from 1-3:00 there will be an Open House, as we invite the community to come in and see the renovations we have been able to complete, with the help of the Community and the Faithful Footprints program of the United Church. 

St Paul’s United Church will be holding its Strawberry Shortcake Takeout on Thursday, June 27th from 5-7:00 in MacDougall Hall. Prices will be $10 for adults and $6 for children. 
The Bee to prepare the berries will be Wednesday, afternoon in the hall. If you can, you can bring your bowl(s) knife, and apron. All volunteers welcome! 

There will be a celebration for Bill Templeton’s 90th birthday on Saturday, June 29th from 1-4:00 in his home on Prince Arthur in Ormstown. Please drop by to wish him a happy birthday. 

The final service for Franklin United Church will be held Sunday, June 30th at 11:00. The community is invited to come and share in the celebration of this church’s ministry over many years. A lunch will be offered after the service, when we can share our memories and stories. 

Barbara will be having her vacation during the month of July. There will be no services held or blogs posted for the month. If you need help during the month, you are invited to contact one of the elders of your congregation. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sunday, June 16, 2024 Father’s Day


Today is also being observed as an Indigenous Day of Prayer in many United Churches. 

Hymn.       Great is Thy Faithfulness #288

Prayer:  Spirit of the living God, be the gardener of my soul. For so long I have been waiting, silent and still— experiencing a winter of the soul. But now, in the strong name of Jesus Christ. I dare to ask: 
Clear away the dead growth of the past, 
Break up the hard clods of custom and routine, 
Stir in the rich compost of vision and challenge, 
Bury deep in my soul the implanted Word, 
Cultivate and water and tend my heart, 
Until new life buds and opens and flowers. Amen. (by Richard J. Foster, collected in Richard J. Foster’s Prayers from the Heart) 

Scripture Lessons:      II Corinthians 5:6-10, 14-17

                                    Psalm 20 p, 742VU

                                    Mark 4:26-34


Prayer: Sower of Seeds, you have planted in our hearts the potential for many gifts of your love to grow and develop within us: charity, authenticity, mercy, honesty, humility, forgiveness, loyalty, patience, understanding, courage, kindness, faith, respect, and other qualities reflective of your goodness dwell within us. We give thanks for these seeds you plant within us and pray that they will continue to bear fruit in our lives. We rejoice in the diversity and richness of all we receive and can share and we offer you our thanks, now and always. Amen. (adapted from a prayer written by Joyce Rupp and printed in Prayer Seeds)

Hymn.       Faith of our Fathers #580

This week Sunday services will be held in Howick at 9:30 and in Ormstown at 11:00. We give thanks and pray for fathers, here and everywhere. 

This week, June 20th will be Refugee Day. Let us consider the joy we can give and the gifts we can receive when we welcome people seeking a safe and a just place to call home. 

We celebrate and give thanks for the ministry of the Rev. Dr Phyllis Smythe who is celebrating the 60th anniversary of her ordination this afternoon with a gathering and special service at Westmount Park United Church beginning at 4pm. 

Next Sunday there will be Communion Sunday in Franklin at 9:30, a traditional service, and in Howick at 11:00 as part of our annual Outdoor service which will (hopefully) take place in the church parking lot. This will be followed by a lunch, which will take place before the Open House we will hold from 1:-3:00, which will enable community members to see the renovations that have been completed. 

St Paul’s will once again be holding its Strawberry Takeout Thursday, June 27th from 5-7pm at MacDougall Hall. (Please note new hours.) Prices will be $10 for adults and $6 for children. We will be holding a Bee to prepare the berries on Wednesday, June 26th, in the hall, in the afternoon. If you can, please bring your own bowl, paring knife and an apron. Many hands make light work! 

Bill Templeton will be celebrating his 90th birthday on Saturday, June 29th. You are invited to drop in and wish him a happy birthday between 1 and 4:00 at his home at 25 Prince Arthur in Ormstown. Best wishes, Bill! 

Sunday, June 30th will be the final service to be held in Franklin United Church at 11am. This will include members of the Franklin Ensemble as well as Kent Sutton. The service will be followed by a lunch. All welcome to share in this special service. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Sunday, June 9, 2024 The Third Sunday after Pentecost

 Not only is June Pride month, it is also Indigenous History Month as well. We give thanks for the generosity of the indigenous peoples who share knowledge of this land with us and seek reconciliation so we can live together with respect and justice. 

Hymn.      There is Sunshine in My Soul 

Scripture Lessons:       II Corinthians 4:13-5:1

                                      Psalm 138 p.860VU

                                     Mark 3:20-35

Hymn        Be Still My Soul #652VU


Prayer: God in whom we live and move and have our being: from sea to sea to sea we share in prayer; on this anniversary we give thanks for your care, your guidance, and correction. In this heritage of trust we pray for this United Church and for faithful living on this land, our Source of Life, Living Word, and Bonding Love. Amen. (a prayer written by Catherine MacLean for Union Sunday) 

I am leaning on the heart of God.
I am resting there in silence. 
All the turmoil that exhausts me
Is brought to bear on this great love. 

No resistance or complaint is heard
As I lean upon God’s welcome. 
There is gladness for my coming. 
There is comfort for my pain. 

I lean, and lean, and lean
Upon this heart that hurts with me.
Strength lifts the weight of my distress. 
Courage wraps around my troubles. 

No miracle of instant recovery. 
No taking away of life’s burdens. 
Yet, there is solace for my soul, 
And refuge for my exiled tears. 

It is enough for me to know
The heart of God is with me, 
Full of mercy and compassion, 
Tending to the wounds I bear. ( Joyce Rupp from Out of the Ordinary) 

Hymn.      Take Time to be Holy #672VU

This Sunday there is no service in Howick, but there will be services in Franklin (9:30) and Ormstown (11:00). 

This Wednesday, June 12th St Paul’s Stewards will meet in the hall at 7:30pm. 

There will be no Official Board meeting this year for the Ormstown-Franklin Pastoral Charge, due to the closing of the Franklin congregation. 

Sunday, June 23rd will be Communion Sunday in our congregations. Franklin will be celebrating a traditional communion service. Howick will be (hopefully) holding its annual outdoor service, on the church property, with Communion. This will be followed by a lunch for attendees then the public Open House for the community to see the renovations that have been completed with the help of the United Church’s Faithful Footprints program. 
Also, St Paul’s in Ormstown has now been approved for the Faithful Footprints program as well. 

Please keep in mind the Strawberry Takeout that St Paul’s will be holding Thursday, June 27th from 5-7pm in the hall. The costs will be $10 for adults and $6 for children. 
The Bee to prepare the strawberries will be Wednesday, June 26th. Officially this will begin at 1:00, but the strawberries are expected at about 11:00, so come when you can! Please bring your own bowls, knives, and apron, if you can. 

There will be a celebration for Bill Templeton’s 90th birthday on June 29th from 1-4pm at his home at 25 Prince Arthur St. Please drop by for a few minutes or longer to wish him a happy birthday. 

Franklin United Church will be holding its final service Sunday, June 30th at 11:00 and will be followed by a lunch. Please join us to help us celebrate the legacy of faithfulness of this congregation. 

Friday, May 31, 2024

Sunday, June 2, 2024 Anniversary Sunday

Hymn.      The Church’s One Foundation #331VU

Scripture Lessons:       I Samuel 3:1-10

                                     Psalm 139:1-18

                                     II Corinthians 4:5-12


Prayer: O Christ, you are within each of us. It is not just the interior of the church’s walls:  it is our own inner being you have renewed. We are your temple not made with hands. We are your body. If every wall should crumble, and every church decay, we are your habitation. Nearer are you than breathing, closer than hands and feet. Ours are the eyes with which you, in the mystery, look out with compassion on the world. Yet we bless you for this place, for your directing of us, your redeeming of us, and your indwelling. Take us outside, O Christ, outside holiness, out to where soldiers curse and nations clash ( where families and children weep) at the cross roads of the world. So shall this building continue to be justified. We ask it for your own name’s sake. Amen. ( a prayer, adapted, from one from the Iona Community printed in the Iona Abbey worship book.)  

Hymn.       How Firm a Foundation #660VU

This Sunday’s services will be 9:30 in Ormstown and 11:00 in Howick. In Howick, we will be holding our anniversary Sunday service, followed by a waffle and sausage lunch. We will also be saying “thank you” to Debbie Beattie and Sally Kyle for their worship leadership to our congregation.

We extend our sympathy and support to the family and friends of Bill Blair of Franklin, who died this past week. 

This Sunday, June 2nd is the deadline for applying for the Regional Council bursaries. Forms are available in the churches or on the regional council website, 

Next Sunday June 9th there will not be a Sunday service in Howick as it is Fair Sunday. There will be services in Franklin (9:30) and Ormstown (11:00). 

St Paul’s Session will be meeting this week, Wednesday, June 5th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

The United Church will be holding a pre-Centennial celebration as we begin our 100th year. The celebration will be held on Sunday, June 9th at 4pm in the Metropolitan United Church in Toronto. It will also be live-streamed on YouTube for the whole church. 

There will be an Outdoor service in Howick with Communion on Sunday, June 23rd at 11:00 to be held on the church grounds. This will be followed by a lunch for attendees. From 1:00-3:00 there will be an Open House for community members to view the renovations that have been completed. 

Please keep the Strawberry Takeout in Mind! St Paul’s will be holding it Thursday, June 27th from 5-7:00 (new hours!) in MacDougall Hall. There will be a Bee on Wednesday the 26th at 1:00 in the hall to fix the strawberries. If you can come and help, please bring your own bowl, knife, and apron. Your help would be greatly appreciated. 

On Sunday, June 30th Franklin United Church will be holding its final service at 11am. This will be a celebration of the many years of ministry that the Franklin United Church has offered its community. All are welcome to share in this service, as well as the lunch that will follow the service. 

June is Pride Month in Canada. Many events are being planned and the Moderator has prepared a message which can be found on the United Church’s website, its YouTube channel or on Facebook. 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Sunday, May 26, 2024 Trinity Sunday


Hymn.       Holy, Holy, Holy #315VU

Prayer:  O God our Maker, God beyond us, we adore you. You are the depth of all that is. You are the ground of our being. 

God the Redeemer, God beside us, we adore you. You are the perfection of humanity. You have shown us what human life can be. 

God the Spirit, God around us, we adore you. You are the power within us. You can make us the people we are meant to be. God our Maker Redeemer and Sustainer, God beyond, beside and around us, we adore you. Amen. (adapted from a prayer of approach from the UCC service book.)

Scripture Lessons:      Isaiah 6:1-8

                                    Psalm 29 p.756VU

                                    John 3:1-17

Hymn       God Reveal Your Presence #391VU


An Affirmation:  We believe in a loving God, whose Word sustains our lives. GOD IS LIFE. 

We believe in God’s Son amongst us, sowing the seed of life’s renewal. He lived with the poor to show the meaning of love. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD. 

We believe in the Holy Spirit of Life, making us one with God, renewing our strength with Her own. THE SPIRIT IS LOVE. ( written by John Harvey and printed in the Iona Community’s Fire and Bread)

Hymn.       Spirit of God, Descend upon my Heart #378

This Sunday’s services will be 9:30 in Franklin and 11:00 in Howick. Members of the Joint Board in Franklin are asked to meet at 9am, prior to the service to review and discuss plans for the closing service of the church. 

Many thanks to all who have helped out and supported the renovations in Howick United Church, undertaken in partnership with the Faithful Footprints program of the United Church. 

We hold in our thoughts and prayers the family of Margaret (Bryson) Littler who died this past week. 

The deadline for applying for  the Hugh Duncan and IFE bursaries from the Nakonhaka Regional Council is now approaching. The deadline is June 2nd. Application forms are available from our churches, from Barbara, and from the regional council website, 

There will be a pre-anniversary worship held in Metropolitan United Church will be held on Sunday, June 9th at 4pm. This service will also be live-streamed on the United Church YouTube channel. 

Next Sunday, June 2nd will be the anniversary service for Howick. We will hold our anniversary service, followed by a waffle and sausage L/Brunch. This will also be our opportunity to say our thank yous to Debbie Beattie and Sally Kyle for their leadership in our worship services over the years. 

St Paul’s Session will meet on Wednesday, June 5th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

There will be no Sunday service in Howick on June 9th, as it is Fair Sunday. 

On Sunday, June 23rd Howick United Church will hold an outdoor service (if the weather cooperates). This will also be a Communion service followed by lunch. There will also be an Open House held in the afternoon from 1-3:00 for those who would like to see the completed renovations in the church.

Sunday, June 30th will be a combined service for our 3 congregations. It will also be the closing service for the Franklin United Church. All are welcome to come and share in this celebration of their ministry. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Sunday, May 19, 2023 Pentecost Sunday


Hymn      As Comes the Breath of Spring #373

Scripture Lessons:       Ezekiel 37:1-14

                                     Psalm 104:24-34, 35b p. p.827VU, pt 2

                                     Acts 2:1-21


Prayer: May the enthusiasm of the Spirit leap incessantly within you and help you to live a vibrant life. 

May the warmth of Spirit’s fire be extended through your concern and care for all those who need your love. 

May the blaze of Spirit’s courage enable you to speak the truth and to stand up for respect, dignity, and justice. 

May the undying embers of Spirit’s faithfulness support you when you feel spiritually dry and empty. 

May the strength of Spirit’s love sustain your hope as you enter the pain of our world. 

May the clear light of Spirit’s guidance be a source of effective discernment and decision-making for you. 

May Spirit’s patient endurance be yours while you wait for what is unknown to be revealed. 

May the steady flame of Spirit’s goodness within you convince you every day of the power of your presence with others. 

May the joyful fire of Spirit dance within you and set happiness ablaze in your life. 

May the spark of your relationship with Spirit catch fire in the hearts of those with whom you live and work. 

May you be mindful of the Eternal Flame within you. May you rely on this Source of Love to be your constant ally and steady guide. (a blessing for Pentecost by Joyce Rupp, published in Out of the Ordinary.) 

Hymn       Breathe on Me Breath of God #382

This Sunday’s services will be 9:30 in Howick and 11:00 in Ormstown. We will be celebrating Pentecost, one of the great festivals of the church calendar. 

On Monday, May 20th members of the Howick UCW are invited to come to help cleanup the kitchen after the renovations. We are in the home stretch now! 

On Wednesday, May 22nd a pilgrimage to Ottawa is being held to call for a fair and sustainable peace in the Middle East, with a number of leaders of national churches. Members of this regional council are invited to participate. 

Next weekend the Regional Council will be meeting and will also hold a Celebration of Ministry service at Montreal West United Church on Friday May 24th. Beryl Barraclough will be ordained at this service. If there are those who would wish to attend, you are requested to register so the planners will know how many people to expect. The service will also be available online. 

The deadline for applying for the Hugh Duncan and IFE bursaries is approaching. These bursaries are for university and college students who are confirmed members of the United Church of Canada. The deadline is June 2, 2024 and is available in our churches, on the regional council website ( or from Barbara. 

On Sunday, June 2nd Howick United Church will be holding its anniversary celebration, and will be followed by a lunch. Debbie Beattie will be present as well, so we can say our “Thank yous” to her. 

On Fair Sunday, June 9th there will be no Sunday service in Howick. There will be services in Franklin (9:30) and Ormstown (11:00).

Nakonhaka Regional Council will be offering a workshop on worship on Saturday, June 8th, from 9-4:00 at Cedar Park United Church in Pointe Claire. If you wish to attend, you are asked to register so the planners can prepare properly. 

On Sunday, June 9th at 4pm the United Church of Canada will be holding a special pre-centennial celebration to kick off our preparations for our centennial in 2025, at Metropolitan United Church in Toronto. This service will also be available online on the United Church’s YouTube channel. 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Sunday, May 12, 2024 Christian Family Sunday


Hymn.     Praise My Soul the God of Heaven #240

Scripture Lessons:       Acts 1:15-17, 21-26

                                     Psalm 1 p.724VU

                                     John 17:6-19


Prayer:  Today, O God, on this Christian Family Sunday, we give thanks and we pray for families. We thank you for families rooted in love, where character is formed and values are learned, where lives are filled with hopefulness and laughter. We acknowledge that families can disappoint us. People fight; people hurt one another. Forgive us, gracious God. Where there is pain, resentment, or bitterness, enter with your healing love. Open our hearts to families who suffer abuse and violence. Increase our compassion towards all with painful memories. We pray with hope that all families may be a source of blessing and abundant life. Amen. (a prayer written by Ted Dodd, from the United Church’s worship resource, Celebrate God’s Presence, slightly adapted) 

Hymn.       For the Beauty of the Earth #226

This Sunday there will be services in all three of our services, 9:30 in Franklin, 11:00 in Ormstown, and 11:00 in Howick with Debbie Beattie. 

St Paul’s in Ormstown will be offering a craft activity day this Sunday, May 12, for children and families. All welcome to participate. This will take place in the sanctuary during the 11:00 service. 

The Franklin Joint Board is called to meet at 9:00 to discuss plans for the closing of the church on Sunday, May 26th, at 9:00 before the 9:30 service. 

Nakonhaka Regional Council is inviting applications for the Hugh Duncan and IFE bursaries for college and university students, who are confirmed members of the United Church. Copies of the application form are available in our churches, on the council website ( and from Barbara. The deadline for applying is June 2nd. 

Next Sunday will be Pentecost Sunday. The Moderator has prepared a Pentecost message for the church which can be seen on the United Church’s website (, on Facebook, and on the United Church’s YouTube channel. Take a look and a listen! 

I am hoping to produce a newsletter for next Sunday. If anyone has any news to include, please let me know. 

Registrations are now being received for Rendezvous-Vous 2024, which is a gathering for Young Adults, which takes place July 3-6 at Brock University in Ste Catherine’s ON. The theme is Audacious Hope and there is some help for travel costs available. 

Congratulations to the UCC graduates from the United Theological College, Marie Silvenie and Adedeji Akintayo, who received their testamurs at the Convocation celebration this past week. 

Friday, May 3, 2024

Sunday, May 5, 2024 The Sixth Sunday of Easter


Hymn.       Joyful Joyful We Adore You

Scripture Lessons:       I John 5:1-6

                                     Psalm 98 p. 818VU

                                     John 15:9-17


Prayer:  O God, hear our prayer:  breathe kites high into blue skies, Sow bright mirth into circles of friends, embroider brilliance into stars of night, and teach us how to joy. 

Paint the air with lilac’s fragrance, feast the earth with gentle rain, clothe each creature with a whimsy, and teach us how yo joy, 

Dance the seasons with new colour, caress each face into a smile, splash creation with your laughter, and teach us how to joy. (a prayer by Keri K. Wehlander, and printed in Joy is our Banquet.)

Hymn       Rejoice the Lord is King #213 VU

This Sunday’s services will be Ormstown at 9:30 and Howick at 11:00. 

Next Sunday in Ormstown there will be a craft activity for young people and families. It will take place at 11:00 in the sanctuary, along with the service. 

St Paul’s Session is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, May 8th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

The time has come to renew (or start a new) subscription to Broadview, the United Church’s magazine. The cost for a year’s subscription is $30 and the deadline for renewing us May 19th. Please let Wilene know if you wish to renew and you can pay your subscription by check, cash, or by e-transfer. If you are starting a new subscription, please give Wilene your name and address as well. 

Congratulations to Gordon and Thelma Lang, who have celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary this past week! ( and also to Joanne Brown and Doug Lang who have welcomed a new grandchild into the family, Eliza who was born in Fredericton this week.)

Please let university and college students know of the Hugh Duncan and IFE bursaries that are available to confirmed members of the United Church through the Nakonhaka Regional Council. The deadline for applying is June 2, 2024 and the forms are available in the churches, on the council’s website ( or from Barbara. 

Tomorrow, May 6th. Michael Blair, the Executive Secretary of the General Council will be speaking in Montreal, at St George’s Anglican Church, from 3:30-5:00. That evening the Convocation for the United Theological College and the Montreal Diocesan College will be held. 

Registration has now begun for Rendezvous 2024, an event for young adults in the church. It takes places July 3-6 at Brock University in Ste Catherine’s ON. More information is available on the United Church website ( and the First Third Ministries (formerly Youth and Young Adults) will be holding an online information session on Tuesday, May 7th at 6:30pm. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Sunday, April 28, 2024 The Fifth Sunday of Easter


April 22nd is not only Earth Day, but also the beginning of Passover for our Jewish sisters and brothers. As they gather around a table to celebrate Seder, we pray for God’s blessings upon them and for peace on this earth. 

Hymn        All Creatures of our God and King #217VU

Scripture Lessons:       I John 4:7-21

                                     Psalm 22:25-31 p. 740 VU

                                     John 15:1-8


Prayer:  Creating God, you have called us to be in loving relations with all the Earth, living with respect in creation, choosing love and seeking Justice at all times. 
   Instead, humankind has acted in hateful ways, exploiting natural resources, choosing power and seeking wealth in the present over future abundance. 
   We need your help to fight for a better future! 
    Help to reawaken our love for Creation, that is so magnificent that we, with all our creativity and knowledge, could never articulate it, and so passionate that we, with the personal price and communal cost, would still fight for it. 
    Help to deepen our relationships and love for each other: affirming the wisdom of youth strikers, so that we are not discouraged by empty platitudes and naysayers; and growing our community of allies, so that we can create a sustainable and faithful response to the imminent climate crisis. 
     For the sake of your majestic creation and for the love of all our relations. Help us to fight for a better future. Amen. ( a prayer written by Alydia Smith and adapted and shared by the United Church for Earth Week 2024.)

Hymn       For the Beauty of the Earth #226VU

This Sunday’s services will be in Franklin at 9:30 and in Howick at 11:00. Next Sunday we will be gathering in Ormstown at 9:30 and in Howick at 11:00. 
Many thanks to all those who stepped up and in to help out while I was away on educational leave last week. It is greatly appreciated. 

We hold in our thoughts and prayers the family and friends of Madeline Cavanaugh, who died this past week. A celebration of her life will be held Saturday, April 27th at St Malachi Church, beginning with the visitation at 10:00 and the service at 11:00. 

We also continue to hold in our thoughts and prayers the family and friends of Willard Orr, whose death took place a few weeks ago. 

Congratulations to Robert Patton and the Kahnawake United Church, who will be celebrating Robert’s ordination together with the Nakonhaka Regional Council on Saturday morning at 11:00 in the Kahnawake United Church. 

St Paul’s United Church will be planning another Craft and Activity Day for Sunday, May 12th at our 11:00 service. All young people and families are invited to come and share in the fun. 

The Executive Secretary of the United Church’s General Council, Michael Blair, will be in Montreal and making a presentation on the State of the Church: Leaning into God’s Future, on Monday, May 5th from 3:30-5:00 in St George’s Anglican Church of Stanley Street in Montreal. The presentation is free but registration is requested and can be done through the QR code on the poster on the bulletin board in the churches, or through The Convocation celebrations for both the United Theological College and for Montreal Diocesan College will follow at 7pm in the church. 

Applications for the Hugh Duncan and IFE bursaries made available through the regional council are now available. The deadline for applying is June 2nd. Copies of the applications may be found in the churches, on the regional council’s website, or by contacting Barbara. 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Sunday, April 14, 2024 The Third Sunday of Easter


Hymn.      Jesus Stand Among Us #396 VU

Scripture Lessons:     Acts 3:12-17

                                   Psalm 4 p.727VU

                                    Luke 24:36-48


Prayer:  Jesus, you are risen! You are with me. Keep me ever mindful of how you are a part of my life in a deep and profound way. Surprise me with a touch of your love in places where I never thought that I would find you. Fill my heart with hope. May the gift of your presence transform every moment of mine into a sacred place where you dwell. Help me to see this gift through the eyes of Faith. Fill me with your peace. Amen. ( a prayer by Joyce Rupp, printed in May I Have This Dance)

Hymn        The Strife is O’er #159VU

This Sunday’s services will be 9:30 in Franklin, 11:00 in Ormstown (followed by a congregational meeting called to discuss and decide on a plan to make our church more sustainable through the United Church’s Faithful Footprints program). There will also be a service in Howick at 11:00 with Debbie Beattie. 

Barbara will be away this week in Continuing Education leave. She will be back in the office Monday, April 22nd. Debbie Beattie will be leading the worship services in Howick (9:30) and Ormstown (11:00).

FYI, the results for the remit concerning an autonomous indigenous organization within the United Church of Canada, has passed across the church. 

On Monday, May 6th Michael Blair, the Executive Secretary of the General Council, will be speaking on The State of the Church: Leaning into God’s Future. This will be held at St George’s Anglican Church, on Stanley Street in Montreal from 3:30-5:00. This is a free event, but registration is requested. This may be done with the QR code on the poster or at The convocation service for the United Theological and Montreal Diocesan Colleges will follow at St George’s Church at 7pm. 

St Paul’s UCW will be holding a closing meeting April 17th at 1pm in the front room at the Residence. All former members are welcome to attend. 

Keep in mind the Earth Day Forum to be held at CVR on Saturday, April 20th, as well as the Pulled Pork fundraising dinner being held that evening in the hall in Ormstown. Lots going on at the moment! 

The deadline for applying for the bursaries made available through the Nakonhaka Regional Council is June 2nd this year. The Hugh Duncan bursary is offered to full-time university students who are confirmed members of the United Church of Canada; the IFE bursary for college and part-time  students and there can also be help with travel expenses as well. Application forms can be found on the Nakonhaka website, or copies can be made available at the churches. 

Friday, April 5, 2024

Sunday, April 7, 2024 The Second Sunday of Easter

 Yes! It is still Easter! It is always Easter because we continue to celebrate Christ’s rising, each and every Sunday (at least). So we will continue to sing our Easter hymns and our hallelujahs. 

Hymn:       The Day of Resurrection #164VU

Prayer:  Risen Jesus, we thank you for your greeting, “Peace be with you.” The shalom of God, deep lasting peace; peace that brings inner calm; that keeps a person steady in the storm; that faces the persecutor without fear and proclaims the good news with courage and with joy. This is the peace that reconciles sister to brother, black to white, rich and poor, young and old, but not a peace that is quiet in the face of oppression and injustice. This is the peace that passes understanding. Amen. ( a prayer by John Johansen-Berg and printed in Bread of Tomorrow, edited by Janet Morley.) 

Scripture Lessons:      Acts 4:32-35

                                    Psalm 150 p. 874VU

                                    John 20:19-31


Prayer: We praise you, O God, that by the life, death, resurrection of Jesus Christ, you have delivered us from the power of death, making us alive to serve you. 
   Free us from pride of self that we may live in community with one another and with all your people. 
   Free us from fear of the principalities and powers of this world that we may live and speak with courage, guided by your Spirit. 
   Keep us rooted and grounded in your love, and fill us with the power of your Spirit. 
   Be glorified in our life together; through Jesus our risen Saviour. Amen. ( from the Book of Worship of the United Church of Christ) 

Hymn:        Christ the Lord is Risen Today #157 VU


This Sunday’s services will be held at 9:30 in Ormstown and 11:00 in Howick. Hope to see you there! 

We want to thank everyone who has helped with the renovations in the basement of Howick United Church. Work is proceeding and we hope to complete the project soon. 

We also want to say “Thank you” to those who have supported the renovation work in Howick United Church. If you wish to make a donation, it can be done by cheque, or by e-transfer ( or, of course, with cash!)

As a result of the work being done in the basement, there will be no Pancake Lunch this Sunday. 

St Paul’s Session will meet this Wednesday, April 10th at 1pm in the hall. 

St Paul’s will also be holding a congregational meeting on Sunday, April 14th following the Sunday worship service. This is being held to decide on the application to Faithful Footprints, the United Church  program for making church buildings more sustainable. 

Hopefully, we will rise again! 

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Sunday, March 31, 2024 Easter Sunday


Hymn.      Come Children Join to Sing #345VU

Scripture Lessons:      Acts 10:34-43

                                    Psalm 118:14-24 p.837 pts 2-3

                                    John 20:1-18


Prayer: O God of Easter surprises, open our eyes to signs of your presence and signs of new life among us. 

Jesus Christ, of great, good news, help us to hear and believe the wonderful news: that God is faithful, that our sins are forgiven, and that the power of death and despair are defeated in you. 

O Spirit of peace and hope, fill our hearts and minds this day. Let our faith in you bring us comfort and joy and unite us in love, this day and always. 

We pray in the name of our crucified and risen Saviour, Jesus the Christ. Amen. 

Hymn         Christ the Lord is Risen Today #157VU


This Sunday there will be a combined Easter Sunday service in Howick, beginning at 11:00. This will be a Communion service held in the sanctuary. We will begin gathering at 10:30 and share coffee and cookies before the service. Activities for children will also be planned. 

This Wednesday, April 3rd, the St Paul’s Board of Stewards will meet at 7:30 in the hall to discuss a recommendation for the Faithful Footsteps program as well as hold its monthly meeting. 

St Paul’s Session will meet Wednesday, April 10th at 1pm in the hall for its monthly meeting. 

A congregational meeting is called for St Paul’s United Church for Sunday, March 14th following the worship service. This will be to discuss and decide on the congregation’s plans for the application to the Faithful Footsteps program. 

Barbara will be away from April 15-21st on Continuing Education. Debbie Beattie will be leading the Sunday worship services. 

Michael Blair, the Executive Secretary of the General Council of the United Church will be in Montreal and speaking on The State of the Church: Leaning into God’s Future on Monday, May 6th from 3:30-5:00 at St George’s Anglican Church at 1011 Stanley Street, Montreal. The event is free but registration is requested. This may be done with the QR code on the poster or at This event will be followed by the convocation for Montreal Diocesan College and the United Theological College at 7pm, at St George’s. 

We continue to hold the family and friends of Ken Brooks in our thoughts and prayers, following his death last week. 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Good Friday, March 29, 2024


Hymn       There is a Green Hill Far Away #152VU

Scripture Lessons:      Isaiah 52:13-53:12

                                    Psalm 22:1-22 p. 744-5VU, parts 1,2

                                    Mark 15:25-39


Prayer:  Gracious God of grief and suffering, this Friday seems ‘good’ for all the wrong reasons. Be with us in these hours as we pray under the shadow of the cross of Christ and hear again the story of Jesus’ death. This is not where we would choose to be, O God, brought face to face with this symbol of death and instrument of torture. 
   Forgive us, where we have sought to avoid such times: where we have ignored the cross or denied our own pain, or turned our backs on the suffering of others. 
    Strengthen us to be here today, that we may know the ways of the world, O God: you have been there; you are here; you have loved and cried and lived and died to be with us, to comfort us, to forgive us and to free us. For this we give thanks. This we call good. Amen ( from the United Church’s worship resource, Celebrate God’s Presence) 

Hymn.       When I Survey the Wondrous Cross #149VU

Blessing: May you find in the cross a sure ground for faith, a firm support for hope, and the assurance of sins forgiven. And May the blessing of God go with you, now and forever more. Amen. ( also from Celebrate God’s Presence)

                                               ✝️                             ☦️                                 ✝️

This Sunday’s service will be a combined service held in Howick, as an Easter Communion Sunday, at 11am in the sanctuary. We will begin gathering at 10:30 for coffee and goodies. 

Next week we will be back to our normal worship schedule, with services at Ormstown at 9:30 (in the church) and in Howick at 11:00. 

St Paul’s Stewards will meet this week, on Wednesday, April 3rd at 7:30pm in the hall. We will be deciding on the recommendation for Faithful Footprints as well as holding our monthly meeting. 

St Paul’s Session will meet on Wednesday, April 10th in the hall at 1pm. 

St Paul’s United Church will be holding a congregational meeting to discuss and decide on the application to Faithful Footprints. It will be held Sunday, April 14th following the Sunday service. 

Barbara will be away from April 15th to 21st for Cont Ed. Debbie Beattie will be leading the Sunday service. 

Michael Blair, the Executive Secretary of the General Council, will be in Montreal in May. He will be discussing the State of the Church: Leaning into God’s Future on Monday, May 6th from 3:30-5:00 at St George’s Anglican Church, 1011 Stanley St., Montreal. The convocations for Montreal Diocesan College and the United Theological College will follow at 7pm. This event will be free, but registration is requested, which can be done with the QR code on the poster or at 

We continue to hold the family and friends of Ken Brooks who died last week. 

Friday, March 22, 2024

Sunday, March 24, 2024 Palm/ Passion Sunday

 This Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, leading us through Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, to Easter Sunday. This week we celebrate both the highs and lows of our faith. There will be a special blog for Good Friday as well as one for Easter Sunday. 

Did you know that in Australia Palm Sunday is a day to pray and to March for peace? Let us all pray for peace this Sunday and throughout Holy Week. 

Hymn      All Glory, Laud and Honour #122VU

Scripture Lessons:      Philippians 2:5-11

                                    Psalm 118:19-29 p.837VU pts 2 & 3

                                    Mark 11:1-11

Hymn       Hosanna, Loud Hosanna #123VU


Prayer:  Loving God, on this Sunday of Palms and of Passion when you invite your church more deeply to follow you, hear us as we pray. 
      Remembering the crowds who followed Jesus, we pray for all who are lost in this world, who cannot find their way, whether they are trapped in poverty, or lack of education and opportunity, whether they are depressed or lonely, whether they know you or not. Hear us as we pray. 
      Remembering the disciples who walked with Jesus, we pray for all who are seeking to walk in his way, all those who serve others either in their profession or as volunteers or in the home. Hear us as we pray.
      Remembering the religious leaders who feared Jesus, we pray for all in leadership over others, that they might know true humility, that they might turn to you for guidance, that they might consider their highest legacy to be not personal gain, but social advancement so that all might live better lives. Hear us as we pray. 
       Remembering Jesus, who faced adoration and then abandonment, we pray for ourselves, that we might be strong in our faith, joyous in serving the Good, and resolute in opposing evil. Hear us as we pray. 
       Remembering all who have been called Christian through generations upon generations, we join our voices to the great communion of saints as we pray the words that Jesus gave so each one of us to treasure …. Amen. (a prayer written by Kate Crawford and shared and printed in Gathering LEP2012)

Hymn        Ride On, Ride On in Majesty #127VU

This week there is a change to our worship schedule. This Sunday (March 24th) There will be Palm Sunday services with Communion in Franklin (9:30) and in Ormstown (11:00). There will be no service in Howick this week. Instead, there will be an Easter Sunday service with Communion in Howick, offered as a combined service for our three congregations. We will begin gathering at 10:30 with coffee and goodies. We are also planning on offering some activities for children. 

We hold in our thoughts and prayers the family and friends of Ken Brooks, who died in the past week. 

Please note that the Pancake Lunch that had been suggested by the Howick Session for April 7th will have to be postponed, due to the work that is being planned for the church basement. We hope to be able to do it later in the spring. 

St Paul’s Stewards have moved their monthly meeting ahead to Wednesday, April 3rd at 7:30 in the hall. This is to finalize recommendations for the Faithful Footprints project. 

St Paul’s Session will meet Wednesday, April 10th at 1:00 in the hall. 

St Paul’s United Church will hold a congregational meeting to finalize plans for the Faithful Footprints project following the Sunday service at 11:00 on Sunday, April 14th. 

Did you see the Promise Tree we have been decorating in Lent? Here is Howick’s:

And here is St Paul’s:

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Sunday, March 17, 2024 The Fifth Sunday of Lent

☘️. Today is, of course, St Patrick’s Day, which is more than a day for a parade or a party (or green beer?). It is a day to reflect on the spiritual meaning and impact of St Patrick and the heritage of the Irish church. 

This week also, for Muslims, the month of Ramadan begins, when faithful Muslims who are able, fast from food and water for the daylight hours, and usually gather in the evening hours to share food and celebrations. Ramadan Mubarak! 

Ooops! I seem to have forgotten PIE Day. March 14 (3.14) which was  celebrated as a Public, Intentional, and Explicit inclusion of 2SLGBTQ community members. Did you have pie to celebrate? 

Hymn      Love Divine #333VU

Prayer:  God be in our heads and in our understanding. 
God be in our eyes and in our seeing. 
God be in our ears and in our listening. 
God be in our mouths and in our praying. 
God be in our hearts and in our loving. 
God be in us, in our living and our serving, this day and every day. Amen. (based on a blessing attributed to St Patrick.) 

Scripture Lessons:     Jeremiah 31:31-34

                                   Psalm 51:1-12 p. 

                                   John 12:20-33

Hymn       O Love that wilt Not Let Me Go #658VU


Prayer:  I arise today through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity, through belief in the Threeness, through the confession of Oneness of the Creator of creation. 

… I arise today, through the strength of heaven, the light of the sun, the radiance of the moon, the splendour of fire, the speed of lightning, the swiftness of wind, the depth of the sea, the stability of the earth, the firmness of rock. 

…I arise today, through God’s strength to pilot me, God’s might to uphold me, God’s wisdom to guide me, God’s eye to look before me, God’s word to speak for me, God’s hand to guard me, God’s shield to protect me, God’s host to save me from snares of devils, from temptation of vices, from everyone who shall wish me ill, afar and near. 

…Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christwhen I sit down, Christ when I arise, Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me. 

I arise today through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity, through belief in the Threeness, through confession of the Oneness of the Creator of creation. Amen. 

Hymn      Be Thou My Vision # 642VU

This Sunday there will be a 9:30 service in Howick and a 11:00 service in Ormstown. You are invited to wear green to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. 
Next Sunday will be Palm Sunday and there will be a change to our usual worship schedule, to allow all three churches to hold a Holy Week service. On March 24th, Palm Sunday, there will be services in Franklin at 9:30 and Ormstown at 11:00. Howick will host a combined Easter Sunday service at 11:00. All these services will include the sacrament of Communion. 

St Paul’s Stewards will be meeting on Wednesday, March 20th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

In Howick the work on renewing the church heating system and environmental footprint will be beginning this week. As a result, the Pancake Lunch will need to be delayed. We will let people know when we are able to reschedule this event. 

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Sunday, March 10, 2024 The Fourth Sunday of Lent

 Hope you had a happy International Women’s Day! 💐

Hymn      O God How We Have Wandered #112

Scripture Lessons:       Numbers 21:4-9

                                     Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22

                                     John 3:14-21


Prayer:  O God, who loves the world, you hold all that you have created within your compassionate embrace as you hold each life torn by pain or sorrow or hatred within your aching heart. 

O God, who loves the world, we want to believe that snakes in the grass can be transformed into symbols of healing, but we are afraid trust in your great goodness. 

O God, who loves the world, we cry out for wholeness, for ourselves, for those we love, and for our world. 

May your healing presence gently transform the hidden places of our lives where we hold pain in the secret depths. 

May your loving presence be a comforting reality for all those who find themselves in despair, lost and alone. 

May your transforming presence create generosity in place of greed, harmony in place of hatred, and everlasting justice where now evil reigns. 

O God, who loves the world, we bring before you from the silence of our own aching hearts those people and places that most need your healing, loving, transforming presence. (Silence) 
O God, who loves the world, this is your world and we claim your power and your presence to make it whole. Amen. ( a prayer by Cora Krommenbrook, printed in Keri Wehlander’s Courage for Hallelujahs)

Hymn      Amazing Grace #266

This Sunday’s services are Howick at 11:00 with Debbie Beattie and in Franklin and Ormstown we will be combining our Sunday service with our annual meetings. In Franklin we will begin at 9am (remember, this is Spring Forward Sunday) and in Ormstown, we will begin at 11am. 

Holy Week Worship schedule:  
Palm Sunday March 24   9:30 Franklin      11:00 Ormstown  Communion Sunday in both churches
                                        (Please note, no service in Howick, though it is a 4th Sunday)    
March 31.  11:00 Combined Easter Sunday service in Howick with Communion in the sanctuary. 
                   Coffee and munchies at 10:30.