
Friday, April 29, 2022

Sunday, May 1, 2022 The Third Sunday of Easter

 This coming week is Mental Health Awareness Week. Are you doing anything to care for yourself or someone else? Maybe this is something we can consider this week. 💞

Hymn       This Joyful Eastertide #177

Scripture Lessons:    Acts 9:1-20

                                  Psalm 30

                                  John 21:1-19


An Easter Affirmation of Faith: We believe that resurrection is always possible. 
We believe in resurrections because of what we know happened in Jesus. 
We see a living faith as witness to Christ’s resurrection. 
We also affirm other resurrections which have happened. 
We know persons who have been turned around in their lives and given a brand new start. 
And because of the resurrections we have seen we affirm that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS 
        a hopeless situation
        an unredeemable person
        a death without eternal life. 
We look forward to the final resurrection when all the world will be one with God. Amen. (from Sisters and Brothers Sing! A book of music and worship resources from Sharon and Tom Neufer Emswiler) 

Prayer:  God of all life, we give you thanks for the signs of your love that surround us; 
for sun and warmth and all that comes to life within creation; 
for all that sleeps within the earth awaiting birth.
We praise you for the wisdom of your touch: water on the earth, sunlight on spirits, hands on blinded eyes. Continue to touch us. Reach out to us with compassion and forgiveness, that knowing ourselves to be loved and graced, we might work to bring your Reign. Amen. (a prayer from Janet Schaffran and Pat Kozak’s More Than Words, prayer and ritual for inclusive communities.) 

Hymn     Thine is the Glory #173

This week we welcome Gwendolyn Tolhurst into the family of God and the church of Jesus Christ through the sacrament of baptism, which was rescheduled from March. 

The time has come to renew your subscriptions to Broadview, the United Church’s magazine. The cost for 10 issues is $25.00 which can be given (or e-transferred!) to Wilene Cullen, marked for Broadview. The deadline for renewing or starting your subscription is May 22nd. 

We hold in our thoughts and prayers the family and friends of James McGerrigle, who died this past week. A private service will be held for the family at a future date. 

We also hold in our thoughts and prayers the family and friends of Isabelle Sutton, who died this winter. Her family held a graveside service on Saturday, April 30th at the Bethel Cemetery. 

This past Thursday was Yom Hashoah, a time to remember the Holocaust and commit ourselves to try to stop the hate that leads to events like this. Maybe it is a time to lead a little more about it or other places of concern in the world? 

Friday, April 22, 2022

Sunday, April 24, 2022, the Second Sunday of Easter


Hymn.     The Day of Resurrection #164

Prayer:  In you we live and move. In you we have our being. We are in your love; Enfolded by your peace; Surrounded but your might. 
Open our eyes, Lord. Enlarge our vision. Open our hearts, Lord. Increase our faith. Open our minds, Lord. Deepen our knowing. 
We are in your love. Enfolded in your peace. Surrounded by your might. In you we live and move. In you we have our being. (from The Open Gate, Celtic Prayers for Growing Spirituality by David Adam.) 

Scripture Lessons:        Revelation 1:4-8

                                      Psalm 150 p.874VU

                                      John 20:19-31


Prayer:  On this Earth Sunday, let us pray for planet earth and for all living things.  We pray that there will be careful use of the earth’s resources, that forests, waters, soil, and air may be kept clean and that life in all its abundance will flourish. May blessing and peace abound. This is our prayer. 
   Let us pray for those countries where people continue in conflict with each other— fighting for freedom of speech, religious or cultural expression. We pray for Yemen, for Ukraine, for Somalia and so many other places…. May blessing and peace abound. This is our prayer. 
    Let us pray for those communities suffering as a result of natural catastrophe— flood, drought, earthquake, fire— where lives, homes, and livelihoods have been destroyed, including South Africa, and Arizona. May blessing and peace abound. This is our prayer. 
   Let us pray for emergency workers— for fire fighters, search and rescue personnel, aid workers, peacekeepers and peacemakers— and all those who respond to crisis situations. Especially we pray for those committed to the rebuilding and restoration of broken community. May blessing and peace abound. This is our prayer. Amen. (a prayer by Lynne Frith, of Aotearoa/New Zealand, and printed in Marin Tirabassi and Kathy Wonson Eddy’s Gifts in Open Hands).

Hymn.     Alleluia, Sing to Jesus

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Sunday, April 17, 2022, Easter Sunday

 Hymn      Come Children Join to Sing #345VU

Prayer: O God, as we celebrate with joy the resurrection of Jesus our Saviour, help us to make the Easter faith a deeper reality in our lives; that we may know something more of the peace he bequeathed to his disciples, and lay hold of the victory he won for us over sin and death, rejoicing in the hope of the life immortal which is ours in him, our Redeemer and Lord. Amen. (a prayer by Frank Colquhoun, published in Contemporary Parish Prayers).

Scripture Lessons:      Isaiah 65:17-25

                                    Psalm 118:14-24 p.837VU pts 2, 3

                                    Luke 24:1-12

Hymn     Christ Arose


Prayer:  Risen Christ, hear the prayer of my heart, not the dull confusion of my mind. Hear the tears I will not shed, the grief I hide in busyness, and bring your resurrection love weaving new life. 
       Risen Christ, hear the prayer of my heart not the words of foolish boasting. Hear the doubts within my soul, dark denials freezing action, and shine your resurrection light revealing new life. 
       Risen Christ, hear the prayer of my heart not the fear I hide behind. Hear the longing for a fairer world, for God’s Justice and compassion, and bring your resurrection power enabling new life. Amen. (a prayer by Chris Polhill, printed in the Iona Community’s worship resource, Fire and Bread.)

Hymn      Christ the Lord is Risen Today #157VU

A blessed Easter to you all! Throughout the coming weeks and months we will continue to celebrate our Easter faith. 

St Paul’s Stewards will be meeting on Wednesday, April 20th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

The time has come to renew subscriptions to Broadview. The cost is $25 to be paid to Wilene Cullen by May 22nd. 

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Good Friday April 15, 2022

 Hymn    Go to Dark Gethsemane #133VU

Prayer:  O God in heaven, as your people prepare once more to follow the events of Good Friday and Easter, may we be led by your Spirit to deeper insights into your love and saving grace; that we may love you more and serve you better, for the sake of him who died for us and rose again, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. (a prayer by Roger Pickering and printed in Frank Colquhoun’s Contemporary Parish Prayers)

Scripture Lessons:       Isaiah 52:13-53:12

                                     Psalm 22 p.744-5 VU part 1

                                     John 19:1-30

Hymn        What Wondrous Love is This #147


Prayer:  On those days when life seems too demanding with all its cares, burdens, and concerns….
Jesus, grant us strength to carry our cross. 

When we experience great loneliness deep inside and the pain of separation fills our spirits…..
Jesus, grant us strength to carry our cross. 

When we feel the pain of our world and unite in compassion with the Eath’s suffering people….
Jesus, grant us strength to carry our cross. 

When we feel weary and worn out, when it seems like all of our energy has been drained away….
Jesus, grant us strength to carry our cross. 

When we feel discouraged, desolate, and depressed and want to withdraw from others…..
Jesus, grant us strength to carry our cross. 

When worries and concerns choke our peacefulness and leave us with anxiety and fear…..
Jesus, grant us strength to carry our cross. 

Crucified Jesus, help us to take up our cross day by day. Through these crosses we can grow closer to you. Help us to lean on you and learn from you. May we not give in to self-pity or self doubt. Rather, let us trust in your presence which strengthens us. Encourage us on our tomb-like days. Remind us of your resurrection. Grant us the strength to carry our cross. Amen. (adapted from a  prayer by Joyce Rupp published in her book Out of the Ordinary)

Hymn      When I Survey the Wondrous Cross #149VU

For Easter Sunday, there will be in-person worship in Howick at 9:30, with the celebration of the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper; and in Ormstown at 11am, but Communion will not be celebrated.  Also in Ormstown, the FM transmitter will be set up so those who are not comfortable attending in person, can take in the service from the church parking lot on your car radio. The frequency is 87.7. 

St Paul’s Stewards will be meeting on Wednesday, April 20th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

The time has come for subscriptions to Broadview to be renewed. The cost is $25, to be paid to Wilene Cullen, and the deadline for renewal is May 22nd. 

Friday, April 8, 2022

Sunday, April 10, 2022

 Hymn       Hosanna Loud Hosanna #123VU

Prayer:  O God, maker of heaven and earth and ruler of sky and sea, it is in our hearts that you wish to reign. Help us to give ourselves without reserve to the one who entered Jerusalem on a donkey and received a crown of thorns; for he is now with you in glory, reigning with you to the end of time. Amen. 

Scripture Lessons:       Philippians 2:5-11

                                     Psalm 118:19-29

                                    Luke 19:28-40


Hymn      My Song is Love Unknown #143V U

Prayer:  O Christ, you entered the city as a poor man, not in style, but simply, yet you still caused uproar, and questions everywhere; you drew the expectations of a hungry crowd, and brought buried conflicts to the light. May we, who are sometimes swayed by the crowd’s approval, and who often avoid conflict for fear of its cost to us, hold fast to the gospel of peace and Justice and follow faithfully in your way of compassion and solidarity with those who are poor and excluded, wherever it may lead us. Amen. (a prayer by Kathy Galloway and printed in the Iona Community’s Lenten worship resource, Eggs and Ashes). 

Hymn      Ride on, Ride on in Majesty #127VU

There is an Easter message offered by our current Moderator, the Right Reverend Richard Bott. It can be found on the United Church’s YouTube channel, on Facebook, or at the United Church’s website, 

Next Sunday, our Easter services will be held in Howick at 9:30, with communion, and in Ormstown at St Paul’s at 11:00, but communion will not be held there. We are planning to have the FM transmitter set up in Ormstown, for those who would prefer not to attend the service in-person. 

Friday, April 1, 2022

Sunday, April 3, 2022, The Fifth Sunday of Lent


Hymn      New Every Morning #405VU

Prayer:  O God our Creator, your kindness has brought us the gift of a new day. Help us to leave yesterday, and not to covet tomorrow, but to accept the uniqueness of today. 

By your love, celebrated in your Word, seen in your Son, brought near by your Spirit, take from us what we need carry no longer, so that we may be free again to choose to serve you and to be served by each other. 

Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon us. Amen. ( a prayer from the Iona Community, printed in the Iona Community Worship Book)

Scripture Lessons:  Isaiah 43:16-21

                                Psalm 126

                                John 12:1-8


Prayer: Living God, our loving parent: you cherish your creation and we praise you. 
With earth, air, water, fire: in our element as your children, we praise you. 
With our lips, with our lives, in all our diversity, each one made in your image, we praise you. 
Because, in Jesus, you came to share our human lives, our sorrow and joy, we praise you. 
Because your Spirit is at work today: encouraging, enabling, surprising us, we praise you. 
Poor as we are, you give us hope: salt of the earth, you give us meaning and purpose and we praise you. Amen. ( a prayer from the Iona Community, printed in the Iona Abbey worship book.)

Hymn       Take My Life and Let It Be #506VU

We hold in our thoughts and prayers the family and friends of Bill Ness, May Scoble, and Jane Younie who have died this past week. 

St Paul’s Session will meet on Tuesday, April 5th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

The Board of Stewards of Howick United Church will meet on Wednesday, April 6th at 7pm in the church hall.