
Friday, April 1, 2022

Sunday, April 3, 2022, The Fifth Sunday of Lent


Hymn      New Every Morning #405VU

Prayer:  O God our Creator, your kindness has brought us the gift of a new day. Help us to leave yesterday, and not to covet tomorrow, but to accept the uniqueness of today. 

By your love, celebrated in your Word, seen in your Son, brought near by your Spirit, take from us what we need carry no longer, so that we may be free again to choose to serve you and to be served by each other. 

Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon us. Amen. ( a prayer from the Iona Community, printed in the Iona Community Worship Book)

Scripture Lessons:  Isaiah 43:16-21

                                Psalm 126

                                John 12:1-8


Prayer: Living God, our loving parent: you cherish your creation and we praise you. 
With earth, air, water, fire: in our element as your children, we praise you. 
With our lips, with our lives, in all our diversity, each one made in your image, we praise you. 
Because, in Jesus, you came to share our human lives, our sorrow and joy, we praise you. 
Because your Spirit is at work today: encouraging, enabling, surprising us, we praise you. 
Poor as we are, you give us hope: salt of the earth, you give us meaning and purpose and we praise you. Amen. ( a prayer from the Iona Community, printed in the Iona Abbey worship book.)

Hymn       Take My Life and Let It Be #506VU

We hold in our thoughts and prayers the family and friends of Bill Ness, May Scoble, and Jane Younie who have died this past week. 

St Paul’s Session will meet on Tuesday, April 5th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

The Board of Stewards of Howick United Church will meet on Wednesday, April 6th at 7pm in the church hall. 

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