
Saturday, April 16, 2022

Sunday, April 17, 2022, Easter Sunday

 Hymn      Come Children Join to Sing #345VU

Prayer: O God, as we celebrate with joy the resurrection of Jesus our Saviour, help us to make the Easter faith a deeper reality in our lives; that we may know something more of the peace he bequeathed to his disciples, and lay hold of the victory he won for us over sin and death, rejoicing in the hope of the life immortal which is ours in him, our Redeemer and Lord. Amen. (a prayer by Frank Colquhoun, published in Contemporary Parish Prayers).

Scripture Lessons:      Isaiah 65:17-25

                                    Psalm 118:14-24 p.837VU pts 2, 3

                                    Luke 24:1-12

Hymn     Christ Arose


Prayer:  Risen Christ, hear the prayer of my heart, not the dull confusion of my mind. Hear the tears I will not shed, the grief I hide in busyness, and bring your resurrection love weaving new life. 
       Risen Christ, hear the prayer of my heart not the words of foolish boasting. Hear the doubts within my soul, dark denials freezing action, and shine your resurrection light revealing new life. 
       Risen Christ, hear the prayer of my heart not the fear I hide behind. Hear the longing for a fairer world, for God’s Justice and compassion, and bring your resurrection power enabling new life. Amen. (a prayer by Chris Polhill, printed in the Iona Community’s worship resource, Fire and Bread.)

Hymn      Christ the Lord is Risen Today #157VU

A blessed Easter to you all! Throughout the coming weeks and months we will continue to celebrate our Easter faith. 

St Paul’s Stewards will be meeting on Wednesday, April 20th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

The time has come to renew subscriptions to Broadview. The cost is $25 to be paid to Wilene Cullen by May 22nd. 

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