
Saturday, December 10, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, December 11th, 2016

Saturday, December 17: Rennie’s Candlelight Christmas Service

Sunday, December 18th: Bursary Sunday at Howick United (9:30 am)

Saturday, December 24th : Christmas eve service at 8 pm.

Christmas is the giving season and there are many opportunities to give: we continue to appeal for the Canadian Food Grains Bank, an ecumenical organization that deals with issues of hunger and food all over the world. Donations are matched with federal funds, so the gifts are multiplied many times over!

There is also the special appeal for the victims of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti, which has to date raised about $100 000.00 If you would like to respond to this need, you can donate online through the church's secure webpage,; with a phone call with a credit card to 1-800-268-2738 ext. 2738; or by mail with a cheque to: The United Church of Canada, emergency Response, 3250 Bloor St. W., Suite 300, Toronto ON M8X 2Y4.

Did you know that Rendez-vous 2017 will be held at Concordia University in Montreal this year? This is an event for youth and young adults in the United Church and will take place August 13-16, 2017. If you are interested, they have a website for more information:

Saturday, December 3, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, December 4th, 2016

There will be a Christmas concert held by the Madrigal choir on Saturday, December 10th at 8pm in St Malachi Church.  Tickets are available at a cost of $15 and a donation of a non-perishable food item or $2 to the food bank will also be taken.
Next Sunday will be White Gift Sunday in all 3 of our congregations.  Gifts of non-perishable food items and small, wrapped toys for children (labelled as to age and gender it is intended for) would be greatly appreciated. 

Wednesday, December 7th will be the day to pick up your orders of Grant’s Bread.  Please pick them up between 1 and 3 in the church.   

This Wednesday, December 7th is the deadline for reserving a dinner for the St Paul’s UCW Christmas dinner December 14th at noon.  The cost is $15.  We will be collecting toiletries and personal items for the local women’s shelter and cash donations for Auberge Madeleine  in Montreal. 

St John’s Anglican Church will be holding its Service of Lessons and Carols at 3pm on Sunday, December 11th at 3pm. 

“Spoil Me Day - Learning to Pamper Myself” event, Monday, Dec. 12 from 9:30 am- 3:00 pm at Salle Alfred-Langevin, 10 rue King, Huntingdon. See poster for details.

Support for widowed or persons in mourning: “My first Christmas without you” Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 1:30 pm, 1493 RTE 138, Suite 4, Godmanchester. Registration required: 450-826-1243 or 1-855-826-1243.

Worship schedule

December 4       9:30       Ormstown         11:00    Howick, with Communion

December 11    11:00    Howick with D Beattie, White Gift service

December 18    9:30       Howick,  Bursary Sunday            11:00    Ormstown
                                                Candlelight Service in Franklin, 7:30 pm

December 24    8pm      Christmas Eve services in Ormstown and Howick

No services December 25 or January 1

January 8            9:30       Ormstown         11:00    Howick, Epiphany

Saturday, November 26, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, November 27th, 2016

Howick United Church Women UCW Annual Meeting on Monday, November 28 at 9:30 a.m. will now be held at the home of Thyra and Bobby Ness.
Coffee and muffins at 9:30 followed by meeting: Devotional and Memorial Candle, Reports, and Donations.

There will be a Christmas concert held by the Madrigal choir on Saturday, December 10th at 8pm in St Malachi Church.  Tickets are available at a cost of $15 and a donation of a non-perishable food item or $2 to the food bank will also be taken. 

Unit C are having a bread sale to raise money to help with the renovations to the church basement. We will be selling Grant’s Bakery breads until the 28th of November with delivery on Wednesday, Dec. 7th. Bread can be picked up at the church between 1-3 pm or we can deliver. You can call any Unit C member. 
Everyone eats bread so please support the renovation project. Please pass this info on to family,neighbours or friends.

We have the following available:
White sliced crusty bread - $3.75
Whole wheat sliced crusty - $3.75
Canadian harvest bread - $4.50
Farmers rolls- $3.75
Molasses oat bread - $4.50
Rye bread - $4.50
Fruit cake with nuts - $13.50

 Christmas is the giving season and there are many opportunities to give:  we continue to appeal for the Canadian Food Grains Bank, an ecumenical organization that deals with issues of hunger  and food all over the world.  Donations are matched with federal funds, so the gifts are multiplied many times over! 
·         There are information flyers and envelopes available in St Paul’s and Franklin.  There is also the catalogues for Gifts with Vision, gifts supporting United Church ministries in Canada and around the world.  You can pick up a copy in the church or find it online at the United Church’s website: 
·         There is also the special appeal for the victims of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti, which has to date, raised about $100,000.00.  If you would like to respond to this need, you can donate online through the church’s secure webpage,; with a phone call with a credit card to 1-800-268-2738 ext.2738 at or by mail with a cheque to: The United Church of Canada, -- Emergency Response, 3250 Bloor St W., Suite 300, Toronto ON M8X 2Y4.   

Did you know that Rendez-Vous 2017 will be held at Concordia University in Montreal this year?  This is an event for youth and young adults in the United Church and will take place August 13-16, 2017.  If you are interested, they have a website for more information:

Worship schedule

December 4       9:30       Ormstown         11:00    Howick, with Communion

December 11    11:00    Howick with D Beattie, White Gift service

December 18    9:30       Howick,  Bursary Sunday            11:00    Ormstown
                                                Candlelight Service in Franklin, 7:30 pm

December 24    8pm      Christmas Eve services in Ormstown and Howick

No services December 25 or January 1

January 8            9:30       Ormstown         11:00    Howick, Epiphany

Saturday, November 19, 2016

What's Happening?

Announcements for Sunday, November 20th, 2016

 Monday, November 28 - Annual UCW Meeting. Coffee at 9:30, meeting to follow by 10 am.

Congratulations to Bruce Hamilton who celebrated his 100th birthday on Thursday. 

There will be a birthday celebration for Lois Duncan on the occasion of her 80th birthday on Saturday, December 10th in the hall.  Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. 

We continue to invite donations to the Canadian Food Grains Bank, and to the special appeal launched by the United Church of Canada for victims of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti and in Cuba.  There are also catalogues for Gifts with Vision which could be used for Christmas or other gifts. 

We are looking forward to the beginning of the Advent season, leading up to our Christmas celebrations.  Please keep in mind the many events that are coming soon.  These include:  the Rudolph Run which will take place Saturday, November 26th, beginning at 9am in Rec Centre in Ormstown.  We are invited to participate by walking or running a 1, 2, 5, or 10 kilometre course and paying a $5 fee.  The proceeds go to La Bouffe Additionelle, Ormstown Lion’s Club, Howick Christmas baskets, and the Franklin Elementary School.  Please wear something red or green to the event.
Organizers are Grace Brown, Sylvie Guerin and Darlene Legros Schmid for more info.
Unit C are having a bread sale to raise money to help with the renovations to the church basement. We will be selling Grant’s Bakery breads until the 28th of November with delivery on Wednesday, Dec. 7th. Bread can be picked up at the church between 11:30 and 1:30 or we can deliver. You can call any Unit C member to order. 
Everyone eats bread so please support the renovation project. Please pass this info on to family,neighbours or friends.

We have the following available:
White sliced crusty bread - $3.75
Whole wheat sliced crusty - $3.75
Canadian harvest bread - $4.50
Farmers rolls- $3.75
Molasses oat bread - $4.50
Rye bread - $4.50
Fruit cake with nuts - $13.50

The Annual Christmas Bazaar held by the volunteers of the Centre d'hebergement, Ormstown, will be held on Saturday, 26 November 2016. Hours are from 9 am to 3 pm. There will be books and tenderly used treasures as well as a raffle and a baking goods table.
All monies go to the benefit of the patients. For example, each patient will receive a Christmas gift. Nobody will be left out. Also, this past year the volunteers purchased a large television set for the people on the 2nd floor. A purchase very well received. We also pay for music therapy.

The volunteers look forward to seeing you at the bazaar but additionally if you have any articles and/or baking goods that you would like to donate you could deliver them to the Centre d'Hebergement at 65 hector street Ormstown on Friday the 25th from 10 am till 4 p.m.

Upcoming Worship schedule

December 4       9:30       Ormstown          11:00    Howick, with Communion

December 11    9:30       Franklin              11:00    Ormstown
                                              Communion Sunday and White Gift
                                11:00   Howick with D Beattie, White Gift service

December 18    9:30       Howick                11:00    Ormstown

December 24    8pm       Christmas Eve services in Ormstown and Howick

No services December 25 or January 1

January 8            9:30       Ormstown          11:00    Howick

Saturday, November 12, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, November 13th, 2016

The applications for the Howden- Templeton Student Bursary are now available at the church or from Brent Tolhurst, Scott Templeton, Debbi Templeton or Marlene Stuckey. Applications must be returned NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 20, 2016, and bursaries will be presented in a 9:30am service on the 18th of December.

Monday, November 28 - Annual UCW Meeting. Coffee at 9:30, meeting to follow by 10 am.

Georgetown Presbyterian Church is hosting a Men’s Breakfast November 19th, 9:00 – 11:00 am. RSVP by Nov. 16th. Gregg Eastwood: 450 826 0230. See poster for details.

Merry Christmas, Mom! Is a free babysitting event for busy parents on November 26th, 9 am – 3 pm at Georgetown Presbyterian Church. RSVP by Nov. 23rd. Dianne Eastwood: 450-826-0230. See poster for details.

November 27th is the first Sunday of Advent.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, October 23rd, 2016

Today we welcome Nelson Weippert as our guest preacher. Barbara will be back from her educational leave tomorrow.

We continue our annual appeal for the Canadian Food Grains Bank. Envelopes are available in the church.

The United Church has launched a special appeal for victims of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti and Cuba.  They are inviting us to learn about the situation; to hold it in our prayers, and if possible, to donate  to the special appeal.  Donations may be made online through the church’s secure webpage from; by phone to 1-800-268-3781 ext. 2738 with a credit card; or by mail to The United Church of Canada, Philanthropy Unit—Emergency Response, 3250 Bloor St W., Suite 300, Toronto, ON, M8X 2Y4.

On Sunday, October 30th there will be a combined service at St Paul’s United Church at 11am, for all three of our churches.  There will be a fellowship time starting from 10:30am in the church. 

The Franklin Centre Church of the Nazarene is inviting all pastors, priests, lay preachers, worship leaders, and their congregations to a free concert celebrating all those who give so much of themselves to others. Come and enjoy an evening of gospel, country, and old time tunes. Requests are welcomed. Fellowship, coffee and finger foods to follow. The concert takes place at The Village Church 52 Lambton St., Ormstown QC, Saturday, October 29th, at 7:30 p.m. For more information call: 450-264-3308

 The applications for the Howden- Templeton Student Bursary are now available at the church or from Brent Tolhurst, Scott Templeton, Debbi Templeton or Marlene Stuckey. Applications must be returned NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 20, 2016, and bursaries will be presented in a 9:30am service on the 18th of December.

Halloween Party at Georgetown, 7:30 pm, on Saturday, Oct. 29. Prizes for funniest and most original costumes. Welcome young and old alike!

Semi-Annual Meeting of the Women’s Auxiliery of the Barrie Memorial Hospital: November 2, 2016, 2 pm in the library of the Pink School.

There will be a combined Remembrance Day service for the Howick area to be held on Sunday November 6th at 10:30am in the Riverfield Presbyterian Church.

The new catalogue for Gifts with Vision has been received. You are invited to take one and see the kind of charitable gifts you could be giving in someone's name!

Friday, October 7, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, October 9th, 2016

Chicken Pie Luncheon Summary: 185 meals were served including 63 take outs.
Profit amounted to $2,050. Thanks to everyone for support! Well done!

The applications for the Howden- Templeton Student Bursary are now available at the church or from Brent Tolhurst, Scott Templeton, Debbi Templeton or Marlene Stuckey. Applications must be returned NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 20, 2016, and bursaries will be presented in a 9:30am service on the 18th of December.

Beechridge church will be holding its closing service Oct. 9 at 1:30 pm
Georgetown Presbyterian Church will be holding a Community Harvest Luncheon on Wednesday, October 12th from 11:45am.  A free will offering will be taken.  For more information, please call Penny at 450-825-1350.

Students and teachers at the CVCEC are currently building two semi-detached homes in their facilities. Students are participating in all aspects of the build and the goal is to attain LEED certification. See poster on bulletin for details.

St Paul’s UCW will once again be holding its annual Bazaar and Bake Sale on Saturday, October 15th from 9-1:30 in the hall.

Please keep in mind the bilingual interactive workshop that is being offered by St Columba House on Wednesday, October 12th from 6-9pm in St Columba House at 2365 Grand Trunk in Montreal.  To RSVP please

On Oct 23rd Nelson Weippert will lead the service (9:30) as Barbara is going to be away.

Halloween Party at Georgetown, 7:30 pm, on Saturday, Oct. 29. Prizes for funniest and most original costumes. Welcome young and old alike!

Oct 30th is a joint service in Ormstown at 11:00, with coffee beforehand.

Donate a few hours of your time each week or each month and make a difference in the life of an elderly person in your community.  For more information, please contact Communic-action Project at 450-264-5197. 

The United Church is holding a kind of referendum in our pastoral charges over the next year.  We will be voting on remits about the structure and function of the United Church in the coming year.  These are somewhat technical and might be challenging to understand, so Barbara has printed up an introduction and the texts of the remits to be voted on in the new year. Members are invited to pick one up and take a look.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, Oct. 2nd, 2016

Many thanks go to all who supported and helped out at Howick’s Fall Luncheon yesterday.  Your support is greatly appreciated. 

Please pick up a copy of the newsletter, and take it home with you. 

The applications for the Howden- Templeton Student Bursary are now available at the church or from Brent Tolhurst,Scott Templeton, Debbi Templeton or Marlene Stuckey. Applications must be returned NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 20,2016 and bursaries will be presented in a 9:30am service on the 18th of December.

The Branches and Roots festival will be holding a gospel concert this afternoon Oct. 2nd) at St Paul’s United Church in Ormstown at 2pm.  All welcome. 

Beechridge church will be holding its closing service next Sunday, October 9th at 1:30pm. 

Georgetown Presbyterian Church will be holding a Community Harvest Luncheon on Wednesday, October 12th from 11:45am.  A free will offering will be taken.  For more information, please call Penny at 450-825-1350. 

St Paul’s UCW will once again be holding its annual Bazaar and Bake Sale on Saturday, October 15th from 9-1:30 in the hall. 

Please keep in mind the bilingual interactive workshop that is being offered by St Columba House on Wednesday, October 12th from 6-9pm in St Columba House at 2365 Grand Trunk in Montreal.  To RSVP please

Donate a few hours of your time each week or each month and make a difference in the life of an elderly person in your community.  For more information, please contact Communic-action Project at 450-264-5197. 

Habitat for Humanity are looking for two working families in our area to help their dreams of owning a new home, become a reality.  Families need to be renting, able to donate some volunteer hours to their new home and have an annual income of between $38,000 and $55,000. It's that easy!  For more info or to learn how you an apply, contact Anne Bergeron at Habitat for Humanity 1-855-937-0643, ext: 223 or Kim Wilson at 450-288-5180.

Friday, September 23, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, September 25th, 2016

Howick United Church will be holding its Fall Chicken Pot Pie Luncheon next Saturday, October 1st from 11:30-1pm in the church hall.  Prices are $13 for adults, $6 for children 5-12 and under 5, free.  Takeouts are available and delivery in the Howick area is offered as well (call Evie at 825-2276 by late evening, Sept. 30.) Help for setup, serving and cleanup would be gratefully received.  If you can help out, please give Evie Kerr a call.  Set-up will be on Friday, September 30 at 9 am.

 Next Sunday, as a part of the Branches and Roots festival, a gospel concert will be held in St Paul’s United Church in Ormstown at 2pm.

The closing service for Beechridge will take place on October 9th at 1:30 pm.

St Columba House will be holding a bilingual and interactive workshop with Professor Luc Noppen on Wednesday, October 12, 2016 from 6-9pm at St Columba House, 2365 Grand Trunk Montreal.  Please check out the flyer on the bulletin board.

There will be a Community Harvest Luncheon at Georgetown Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, October 12, serving at 11:45 am. Free will offering. For more information call Penny (450) 825-1350.

St Paul’s UCW will be holding its annual Bazaar and Bake Sale Saturday, October 15th from 9-1:30pm. 

Kahnawake United Church is starting a new music ministry beginning Thursday September 22nd at 7pm.  This will include singing all kinds of music with people of all ages under the leadership of Heather Beth MacIntosh in the Kahnawake United Church Hall.  For more information, check out the flyer on the bulletin board or ask Barbara to forward the email to you.  

This fall we will once again be appealing for funds to go to the Canadian Food Grains Bank following World Food Sunday.  Donations are used not only to feed hungry people, but also to help them feed themselves and are matched 4 to 1 by the federal government, which means even a small gift can make a big difference!  

Did you know that ...Rendez-Vous 2017 (a youth and young adult biannual event) is taking place in Montreal next year?  It will be held August 16-19th at Concordia University.  Registration will be March 1-June 30th with March1-May 30th as an early bird registration at a cost of $325 and regular registration from May31-June 30th at $360.  You can start making your plans now!  For more information, check out the website at 

,,, the United Church is making a special appeal for African Drought relief?  Donations may be made by secure webpage thru w,; by phone with a MasterCard or Visa at 1-800-268-3781 ext.2738; or by mail with a cheque to:  The United Church of Canada, Philanthropy Unit, --Emergency Response, 3250 Bloor St W., Suite 300, Toronto, ON, M8X 2Y4. 
... the United Church is holding a kind of referendum in our pastoral charges over the next year?  We will be voting on remits about the structure and function of the United Church in the coming year.  These are somewhat technical and might be challenging to understand, so copies of the questions will be placed in our churches so we have a chance to read them, to ask some questions, and to be ready to vote, probably in the new year.  

Friday, September 16, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for September 18th, 2016

A new newsletter will be printed this week.  The deadline for information to be included will be Wednesday, September 21st

Eglise St Jean in Montreal will be celebrating its 175th anniversary Saturday, September 24th and 25th, with historical presentations on Saturday at 10am and 13:30pm, open doors on Sunday from 10am and an anniversary service at 13:30pm.  For more information, please see the notice on the bulletin board. 

Please keep in mind Howick United Church’s Fall Chicken Pot Pie Luncheon which will take place on Saturday, October 1st from 11:30-1:00.  Takeoutsand delivery (Howick area) are also available.  Adults: $13; Ages 5 to 12: $6; Under 5: free

Also folks may volunteer to help during the event (important to a successful luncheon) by calling Evie at 825-2276.

Please keep on mind St Paul’s Bazaar and Bake Sale, to be held on Saturday, October 15th from 9am-1:30pm.  Items to be sold include books, toys, small household items, linens, crafts, and baking and preserves (Ingredients listed on label, please!) Again this year no clothing will be sold and no large items, please as there is limited space in the hall. 

St Columba House will be holding a bilingual and interactive workshop with Professor Luc Noppen on Wednesday, October 12, 2016 from 6-9pm at St Columba House, 2365 Grand Trunk Montreal.  Please check out the flyer on the bulletin board.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, September 11th, 2016

The OHO Quilters will be holding its Quilt Show September 16th and 17th from 10 -16:00 at the Ormstown Curling Club, 7 Chateauguay St in Ormstown.  Admission will be $5.

Howick 4-H Country and Square Dance Evening – Saturday, September 17th, 8 pm at the Riverfield Curling Club. Admission $8, 8 yrs and under free. All are welcome. A light lunch will be served. For more information: Shawn Mackay (450) 427-7866 or Phyllis Rouleau (450) 826-4623.

The Church Newsletter for Fall 2016 will be printed at the end of the month.  Submission deadline is Wednesday, Sept. 21st.

Eglise St Jean in Montreal will be celebrating its 175th anniversary Saturday, September 24th and 25th, with historical presentations on Saturday at 10am and 13:30pm, open doors on Sunday from 10am and an anniversary service at 13:30pm.  For more information, please see the notice on the bulletin board. 

Reminder: HUC Chicken Pie Luncheon on October 1.

St Columba House will be holding a bilingual and interactive workshop with Professor Luc Noppen on Wednesday, October 12, 2016 from 6-9pm at St Columba House, 2365 Grand Trunk Montreal.  Please check out the flyer on the bulletin board.

The Janet McCrory Tremblay Memorial Achievement Fund Committee
 is proud to announce the 23 recipients of this year’s awards.
 This fund was established in memory of Janet to “recognize children and youth that have contributed to the wellbeing of their peers and their community.” Students must be between the ages of 8 and 18, live in or participate in the Howick community and be nominated by a teacher, coach or leader of an activity.
The committee would like to congratulate each young person.

Valerie Tsimonidis Gougeon – CVR
Jessica Rouleau – Howick 4-H
William Orr –
Howick United Church Sunday School & Howick Boy Scouts

Shannon Roy – CVR
Jacob Rouleau – Howick 4-H
Annabelle Nadeau Germann- CVR
Kevin McFarlane- CVR Student Leadership
Randy Chisholm – Howick Boy Scouts
Cody Burton – Howick Boy Scouts
Annabelle Murphy – Howick Elementary School (HES)
Megan Paulin – HES
Lindsay Gruer – Howick 4-H
Emily Fyfe- Howick Cubs
Madelyn Sue McWhinnie Cabral
Axelle Lefebvre- la Petite Biblio Howick
Nathaniel Ouimet – Ecole Saint Jean
Colin Brown – HES
Zoe lalonde – Howick 4-H
Clarissa Leclerc- HES
Nicholas Madore Couture- HES
Claudia Zahner- Howick 4-H

Olivier Montpetit – Ecole Saint Jean

Friday, September 2, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, September 4th, 2016

September 4th at 1:30pm Rockburn Presbyterian Church will be celebrating its 160th anniversary with a special service with historical facts and artefacts, anniversary cake, and lots and lots of special music.  All are invited to share in this celebration. 

The school supplies and non-perishable food items for St Columba House will be going in to Point St Charles this week.  If there are other items coming in, please let Barbara know. 

There will be a Community Bingo in support of the Communic-action Project, held on September 8th at 7pm in the Huntingdon Parish Hall, 13 York St in Huntingdon.  For more information, please call 450-829-5197. 

There will be a scrap-booking and card-making workshop to be held on Saturday, September 10th from 9am-9pm at Walshaven, 35 Hector St in Ormstown.  Cost is $30 for adults and $10 for students 16 and under.  Please RSVP by September 1st to Pauline Wiedow at 450-617-0513 or  For more information, please check the flyer on the bulletin board. 

Eglise St Jean in Montreal will be celebrating its 175th anniversary Saturday, September 24th and 25th, with historical presentations on Saturday at 10am and 13:30pm, open doors on Sunday from 10am and an anniversary service at 13:30pm.  For more information, please see the notice on the bulletin board. 

St Columba House will be holding a bilingual and interactive workshop with Professor Luc Noppen on Wednesday, October 12, 2016 from 6-9pm at St Columba House, 2365 Grand Trunk Montreal.  Please check out the flyer on the bulletin board.

Howick 4-H Country and Square Dance Evening – Saturday, September 17th, 8 pm at the Riverfield Curling Club. Admission $8, 8 yrs and under free. All are welcome. A light lunch will be served. For more information: Shawn Mackay (450) 427-7866 or Phyllis Rouleau (450) 826-4623.

 The Janet McCrory Tremblay Memorial Achievement Fund Committee
 is proud to announce the 23 recipients of this year’s awards.
 This fund was established in memory of Janet to “recognize children and youth that have contributed to the wellbeing of their peers and their community.” Students must be between the ages of 8 and 18, live in or participate in the Howick community and be nominated by a teacher, coach or leader of an activity.

The committee would like to congratulate each young person.

Valerie Tsimonidis Gougeon – CVR

Jessica Rouleau – Howick 4-H

William Orr – Howick United Church Sunday School & Howick Boy Scouts

Shannon Roy – CVR

Jacob Rouleau – Howick 4-H

Annabelle Nadeau Germann- CVR

Kevin McFarlane- CVR Student Leadership

Randy Chisholm – Howick Boy Scouts

Cody Burton – Howick Boy Scouts

Annabelle Murphy – Howick Elementary School (HES)

Megan Paulin – HES

Lindsay Gruer – Howick 4-H

Emily Fyfe- Howick Cubs

Madelyn Sue McWhinnie Cabral

Axelle Lefebvre- la Petite Biblio Howick

Nathaniel Ouimet – Ecole Saint Jean

Colin Brown – HES

Zoe lalonde – Howick 4-H

Clarissa Leclerc- HES

Nicholas Madore Couture- HES

Claudia Zahner- Howick 4-H

Olivier Montpetit – Ecole Saint Jean

Sunday, August 28, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, August 28, 2016

There will be a Community Bingo in support of the Communic-action Project, will be held September 8th at 7pm in the Huntingdon parish Hall at 13 York in Huntingdon.  For more information, please call 450-264-5197. 

St Columba House in Montreal is inviting donations of school supplies and non-perishable food items.  If they are brought in to church by next Sunday, I will make sure that they are delivered.  

Rockburn Presbyterian Church will be celebrating its 160th anniversary on Sunday, September 4th at 1:30pm with music provided by the Franklin Ensemble, Elizabeth Churchill and the Valley Boys, among many others.  Please see the poster for more information. 

There will be a scrap-booking and card-making workshop to be held on Saturday September 10th from 9am-9pm at Walshaven, 35 Hector St in Ormstown.  Cost is $30 for adults and $10 for students 16 and under.  Please RSVP by September 1st to Pauline Wiedow 450-617-0513 or  For more information, please check the flyer on bulletin board.  

Friday, August 19, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, August 21st, 2016

This afternoon at 2:30pm Franklin United Church will be hosting its annual Zion service in the Zion Church on Covey Hill, with the Franklin Ensemble.  Please join us! 

There will be a Community Bingo in support of Communic-action held on September 8th at 7pm in the Huntingdon Parish Hall, 13 York St in Huntingdon.  For more information, please call 450-264-5197. 

St Columba House is looking for school supplies and non-perishable food items to help families.  If you would like to bring in items, I will make sure that they get to St Columba House.  Please take a look at the posters on the bulletin board for more information. 

Saturday, August 13, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, August 14th, 2016

August 14  -  Music service at Beechridge, beginning at 1:30pm

Please keep in mind the Zion service to be held on Covey Hill on Sunday, August 21st at 2:30pm with the Franklin Ensemble. 

Friday, August 5, 2016

What's Happening

Sunday, August 7th, 2016

Services begin again at Howick United on August 7th.

August 14    Music service at Beechridge, beginning at 1:30pm

 Please keep in mind the Zion service to be held on Covey Hill on Sunday, August 21st at 2:30pm with the Franklin Ensemble.  

Friday, June 24, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, June 26th

June 26th: Communion Service at The Knox Cemetery

Barbara will be away for the month of July.  While she is on vacation, Evie Kerr is available for your assistance in pastoral emergencies. 

Wesley United Church on Covey Hill will be holding its annual Candlelight Service June 26th at 7:30pm, with the Franklin Ensemble. 

FYI:  there are memorial services planned for Bill Brady (July 2nd at 2pm in the Zion United Church in Dundee) and for Joseph Heckenanst (July 5th at 2pm in the Georgetown Presbyterian Church) which may be of interest to some of our members. 

Huntingdon United Church will be holding its Ice Cream Social on Thursday, july 7th from 5-9pm serving all you can eat ice cream, cake, homemade toppings, and beverages. 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, June 19th

Next Sunday will be a Communion Sunday in both the Franklin and Howick congregations. 
For Howick, the service is planned for Knox Cemetery in St Louis de Gonzague, at 11am.  Please bring your own lawn chair and bug spray.  In case of rain, the service will be held in Howick United Church. 

St Paul’s United Church will be holding its Strawberry Social on Thursday, June 23rd from 5-8:30pm in the hall.  Adults $6; children 5-10 years $3. Take outs available.

Rennie's United Church will be holding its Strawberry Social on Friday June 24th from 5-9pm in the Rockburn Hall.  Prices:  $6.50 for adults, $3 for children 5-12, and under 5, free.  Takeouts available. 

Wesley United Church on Covey Hill will be holding its annual Candlelight service on Sunday, June 26th at 7:30pm with the Franklin Ensemble.
Huntingdon United Church will be holding its Ice Cream Social on July 7th from5-9pm.  All you can eat cake, ice cream, homemade toppings and beverage at a cost of $6 for adults, $3 for children 5-12 and under 5, free. 

July will be vacation period for our 3 churches.  While Barbara is away, Evie Kerr will be available for pastoral assistance. 

Memorial Services:

There will be a memorial service for Bill Brady to be held on July 2nd at 2pm in the Zion United Church in Dundee.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016 at 2 pm, Memorial Service for Joe Heckenast, husband of Grace Cullen, at Georgetown Presbyterian Church, Howick, Quebec.

Friday, June 3, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, June 5th

Anniversary Sunday:  Please join us downstairs for our anniversary luncheon, immediately following the service this Sunday.

The funeral service for Hazel (Cullen) Aikman will be held on Monday, June 6th at 2pm in St Paul's United Church in Ormstown.  Visitation will take place on Sunday evening and from noon on Monday at McGerrigles Funeral Home.  Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this time.

Sunday, June 5th is the opening service at Beechridge Presbyterian Church on Rte 209.  Service begins at 1:30pm.  Services will continue every second week until Thanksgiving Sunday. 

There will be no service in Howick United Church next week, due to the Ormstown Fair.  There will be services in Franklin at 9:30 and Ormstown at 11am. 

Congratulations to the Rev. Bert Loree who celebrated the 70th anniversary of his ordination in London Conference last weekend. 

St Paul’s UCW will once again be holding a booth in the Industrial Building at the Ormstown Fair.  Donations of crafts, plants, books, toys, small items for the White Elephant table, and jewellery, as well as baking and preserves (with their ingredients listed on the label, please!) are very welcome.  Donations may be brought in when the booth is being set up on Wednesday morning, or dropped off at the home of Linda Cullen, 85 Lambton, in a box on the front porch.  If you are able to take a shift on the booth, please give Ruth Graham Petch a call.  Your support is greatly appreciated. 

Georgetown Presbyterian Church will be holding a Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, June 18th at 9am with music by the Franklin Ensemble and guest speaker David Thiel.  A free will offering will be taken.  Please RSVP by June 15th at Gregg Eastwood at 450-829-0230 or by email to: 

Upcoming Events:  

St Paul’s Strawberry Social, Thursday, June 23 5-8:30pm in the hall. 
·         Sunday, June 26th Communion Sunday in Franklin, 9:30am
·         Sunday, June 26th 11am, Knox Cemetery service and Communion for Howick United Church in the Knox Cemetery off Rte 236 in St Louis de Gonzague (in case of rain, the service will be held in Howick United Church)
·         Wesley Church annual service on Covey Hill Sunday, June 26th 7:30pm with the Franklin Ensemble

Please keep in mind the United Church’s special appeals made for the survivors of the Ecuadorean earthquake, the drought and famine in Ethiopia and southern Africa, as well as for the evacuees of the wildfires in Fort McMurray and Northern Alberta.  Your prayers are invited and if you are able to make a donation, they may be made three ways:  online at the United Church’s secure donation page through the church’s website:; by phone with a credit card to 1-800-268-3781 ext 2738; or by mail with a cheque and a note on the memo line identifying to which appeal you wish your donation to go:  to The United Church of Canada, Philanthropy Unit—Emergency Response, 3250 Bloor St. West, Toronto, ON, M8X 2Y4.  

Saturday, May 21, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, May 22nd

Next Sunday May 29th there will be a combined service held in Franklin United Church and a fellowship time will be held in the basement from 10:30am. 

June 5th will be the anniversary service in Howick and will be followed by a sandwich luncheon provided by the congregation. Congregation members are invited to bring desserts to share. 

Also June 5th: Beechridge services begin and continue every 2nd week till October 9th

Monday, June 6th: Franklin hosts Military Whist at the Huntingdon Legion, 8pm.

Georgetown Presbyterian Church will be holding another Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, June 18th at 9am, with music provided by the Franklin Ensemble and David Thiel as a guest speaker.  A free will offering will be taken and a RSVP is requested by June 15th to Gregg Eastwood at 450-826-0230 or  

Friday, May 13, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, May 15th

A print copy of the newsletter is available in the Narthex.
Next Sunday there will be a Memorial service held for Jane Cameron at 2pm in St Paul’s. 

May 29th there will be a combined service, to be held in Franklin at 11am, with a fellowship time to be held downstairs from 10:30am. 

The United Church has actually launched 2 special appeals: one to respond to the earthquake in Ecuador and another for the victims of drought in Ethiopia and southern Africa.  Prayers are invited and donations may be made to these appeals either through the church’s website:; by phone with a credit card to: 1-800-268-3781ext.2738 or by mail with a cheque, money order, or credit card information to: The United Church of Canada, Philanthropy Unit – Emergency Response, 3250 Bloor St West, Suite 300, Toronto, ON, M8X 2Y4.  If you are sending a cheque, please note on the memo line which appeal your donation is meant for.  

June 5th: Anniversary Sunday in Howick.  11am service followed by lunch.

Also June 5th: Beechridge services begin and continue every 2nd week till October 9th

Monday, June 6th: Franklin hosts Military Whist at the Huntingdon Legion, 8pm.

The June 10 deadline is approaching for the Hugh Duncan and IFE bursaries offered through Montreal

June 9-12:           Ormstown Fair