
Thursday, October 29, 2020

All Saints Sunday, November 1, 2020

 I hope that you have survived Hallowe’en, if you have chosen to celebrate it this year. Now that we may have scared away the goblins, it is now time to celebrate the saints of the church. And this means you too! 

Hymn.     For All the Saints #705 VU

Scripture Lessons:    Joshua 3:7-17

Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37 pp. 831-2 VU pts 1 & 4

I Thessalonians 2:9-13


Prayer:  We confess, O God, that when we think of saints, we think often of different people, special people, holy people who glow with your light, your love, and your Spirit. We may not think of our neighbours, our families, or ourselves. Yet you call each and all of us to be your saints: to listen to your word; to follow in the way of our Saviour; and to bring hope, healing, and blessing to your children. As we pause to give thanks for those who have gone before us, who have taught us and shown us your love and grace, help us to dare to seek to be saints as well, to open ourselves to your spirit, and to live your love day by day. We pray in the name of our Saviour, Jesus the Christ. Amen. 

Hymn.     A Mighty Fortress is our God #262VU

 We continue to hold in our thoughts and prayers the many families over this year who have lost family members over this year and who continue to mourn their loss and give thanks for their lives. 

Congratulations to Abigail Chisholm, daughter of Bart Chisholm and Emily Dragunas, who was baptized in Howick United Church last weekend. 

For members and adherents of Howick United Church: The Trustees of the Howden-Templeton Bursaries are now inviting applications for the bursaries. The applications are on the website and the deadline for applying is December 1st. Please share this information with those who might be interested. 

We are starting to think about Advent and Christmas. Alyson Orr would like us to know that even if there is no Mitten Tree this year, we can still collect hats, scarves, mittens, and gloves to be distributed to those who need them. Start knitting, everyone! (If you haven’t already.)

The United Church is welcoming a new Executive Secretary for the Denominational (national) Council. His name is the Rev. Michael Blair, he was covenanted with the Executive last weekend and officially starts today! 

Thursday, October 22, 2020

October 25, 2020

 Another week in this pandemic has passed. When will the isolation end? When will we be together again? We do not know, but we do know that we can be together in heart and mind and spirit and that wherever we are, and however we are feeling, God is still with us as a source of strength and comfort. Let this be a reason to rejoice and to worship God! 

Hymn:  Tell Me the Old, Old Story #496 Hymnary

Scripture Lessons:  I Thessalonians 2:1-8

Psalm 90 p. 805 pts 1 & 3VU

Matthew 22:34-40

Hymn. Jesus Loves Me #365VU


Prayer:  O God, we give you thanks and praise that you dare to believe in us: that we can be bearers and messengers of your love and that we can be your servants in the world, helping to make a difference in the lives of your children. We pray that we too will have the courage to dare to believe in you, our Maker, Redeemer, and Sustainer; that we will dare to believe in ourselves; and that we will dare to believe in others so we can work together to do your will in the world. We give thanks for those who work to do your work in the world: for political leaders who seek to make this world a better place; for church leaders who dare to speak of justice and peace and truth for all people; and for those who seek to teach, to heal, and to help your children in so many ways. Help us to see them, to know them, and to give thanks for them each and every day. And help us each and every day to do our part to share your love, to bring honour and glory to your name, and to follow in the way of our Saviour, Jesus the Christ, in whose powerful spirit we pray this day. Amen. 

Hymn      Lord I want to be a Christian

Please keep in mind that the Bursary committee for Howick’s United Church’s Howden-Templeton bursaries is now receiving applications. These bursaries are for members or adherents of Howick’s United Church who are attending college (CEGEP) or university.  The application is available online and the deadline for applying is December 1, 2020. 

Congratulations to Marlene and Peter Stuckey, who welcomed a new granddaughter Lola to their family this last week. 

Howick Stewards are planning a meeting next Monday, October 26th, at 7pm in the church. 

We hold the Brisebois family in our thoughts and prayers following the death of Gerry Brisebois this past week. 

If you wish to continue to support the work of the Canadian Food Grains Bank, you can do so online at, or mail it to CFGB, P.O. Box 767 Winnipeg MB, R3C 2L4. I do have envelopes that can be made available to mail in your donation. Did you know that the Food Grains Bank selected a new Executive Director this year? His name is Andy Harrington and he started this September, taking over from Jim Cornelius, who has retired. We look forward to seeing this good work continue under his leadership. 

Also, the new Gifts with Vision catalogues have come out. We haven’t received a lot of copies, but you can order these online at 

Last flower of the season? 

Saturday, October 17, 2020

World Food Sunday, October 18, 2020

 Here we are again! I hope that your Thanksgiving went well and that you are staying safe and well. As we begin another week, may that spirit of thanksgiving continue to fill our hearts and minds. 

Hymn   I Sing the Mighty Power of God #231VU

Scripture Lessons:  Psalm 99 p.819 VU

I Thessalonians 1:1-10


Prayer: O God, we give you thanks and praise, for many reasons: for food and all that nourishes our bodies and our spirits; for the world in which we live, which supports and sustains us; and for our faith that renews and refills us. We give thanks for those who encourage and inspire us: for those who work for shalom, to bring your promise of peace and justice and wellbeing to life on this earth, for all your children. We give thanks for those who work to feed the hungry, to house the homeless, and to welcome those who are stateless and friendless. We pray that in our own lives we too may be witnesses to the meaning and power of your love, and that our church will enable us to work together to make a difference in our world. All this and so much more we offer up to you in prayer in the spirit and the name of our Saviour, Jesus the Christ. Amen. 

Hymn: Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life #681VU

Thanks to those who brought food to go to La Bouffe. It was delivered this week and was much appreciated. 

St Paul’s Session will be meeting this Tuesday, October 20th at 7:30pm in the church.  (St Paul’s Stewards will wait until the end of the month to meet.) 

Howick’s Stewards will meet on Monday, October 26th at 7pm in the church. 

The Howden-Templeton Bursary Committee wish to let the members and adherents of the Howick United Church know that they are preparing to distribute funds to students for the coming year. The application form is available online on the church website and may be returned to Brent Tolhurst, Debbi Templeton, or Marlene Stuckey by December 1st. Instead of presenting the cheque’s in a service, the cheques will be mailed to the recipients. 

Although there may not be an actual mitten tree this year, (we will see), mittens,  gloves, and hats etc. will still be collected. So as we may be settling in for the cooler weather, you can get your knitting needles or crochet hooks out and start producing. This may be a year When they be needed more than ever! 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

 I hope this is a happy Thanksgiving for you, even though it may not be our usual celebration. We will not be gathering in our churches and we may not be gathering as extended families either, but I hope we can still find a reason to be thankful and to rejoice this weekend. Maybe it will be the beautiful world we live in or a contact or message from a friend or family member, or something else, something completely different. Whatever it is, I hope it fills your heart with joy and your prayers with thanks. 

Hymn.  We Plough the Fields and Scatter  #520VU

Scripture Lessons:     Philippians 4:4-9

                                   Matthew 22:1-11

Hymn     I Cannot Come


Hymn     Count Your Blessings

Prayer:  O God, our thanksgivings cannot be contained by a day or a weekend or even a month or a season. Even in a year like this one there is much to give thanks for: for life and health and home and family; for laughter and music and beauty and sharing.  We give thanks for the gift of faith that comforts us in our sorrows; heals our bruised and broken spirits; strengthens us in times of trouble; and that sustains us each and everyday. As we count our blessings and recognize your generosity and loving-kindness, we know we have so many reasons to give thanks, O God our maker and redeemer. Amen. 

While we are not holding public worship services at the moment, the church is not closed! Let me know if there is something we can be doing for you. 

Notice to Session members and Stewards in Ormstown: the Session members are called to attend a meeting in the church on their usual night and at the usual time: Tuesday, October 20th at 7:30pm. The Stewards will wait until the end of the month, to discuss some routine and emerging issues. The chair will in touch. 

Howick’s Stewards will meet on October 26th. 

If there are still those who would like to bring donations for La Bouffe Additionelle, our local food bank. I would be glad to receive them at my house and take them in next week.