
Thursday, August 25, 2022

Sunday, August 28, 2022 The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost


Hymn.     For the Beauty of the Earth #226

Scripture Lessons:      Hebrews 13:1-8, 15, 16

                                    Psalm 81:1, 10-16 p. 797, pt 2

                                    Luke 14:1, 7-14


Prayer:  God of our past, reconcile our brokenness. 

God of our future, renew our faith. 

God of the present moment, reach out and touch us, and through us, the lives of all we meet on our daily journey. 

May we be made whole through the holiness of God the Father, the humanity of Christ the Son, and the healing power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. (a prayer written by Ruth Bowen and printed in the Iona Community’s Bare Feet and Buttercups.)

Hymn.      New Every Morning is the Love #405

Things are getting busy in the Valley again! There is the Chateauguay Valley Antique Association the weekend, as well as Alyson Champ’s show Marginal Lands in Ormstown at 65 Saint Paul Street (as well as  at the Town Hall in Tres Saint Sacrement on October 1st and 2nd). In two weeks there is the Havelock Fair (for 2 days this time) and the OHO Quilt Show the following week. We have a lot to look forward to! 

Please keep in mind the fundraising concert that will be held in Howick United Church Saturday, October 15th. There will be a planning meeting for this concert held on Wednesday, September 7th at 7pm in the church. All welcome to attend. 

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Greig family this week, as we have heard the news of the sudden death of Cathy Greig’s husband Al Freeman this past week. We also hold in our thoughts and prayers the family and friends of Margaret Robertson who died this past week. 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Sunday, August 21, 2022 The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost


Hymn.     O Day of Rest and Gladness

Scripture Lessons:       Jeremiah 1:4-10

                                     Psalm 71:1-6 p.789 pt 1VU

                                     Luke 13:10-17


Prayer:  Gracious God, you have gathered us here together from different places, different traditions and with different needs. 
Of ourselves, we cannot come with undivided hearts; unfinished business, untended brokenness, the hurts of the past, the fears of the present, our torn and weary world itself all weigh us down.  But you can lighten our hearts, revive our spirits and unite us in glad and hopeful praise, and so we bless you. 
For your forgiveness of the harm that we have done 
for your healing of our deepest hurts
for your love drawing us together, we bless you. 
For your inspiring of our reconciliation 
for your power to rebuild our lives and our communities 
for your call to journey together in faith, we bless you. 
And in the wholehearted praise, we join to bless and to thank you 
In the name of our Saviour, Christ our Lord. Amen. (from the Iona Community’s Praying for the Dawn,
edited by Ruth Burgess and Kathy Galloway.)

Hymn       Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life #681VU

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Geoffrey Miller, who died this past week. 

Please mark your calendars! A fundraising concert with Fieldstone Reverie is being planned for Howick United Church, to be held Saturday, October 15th in the church. More information will be coming soon. 

Friday, August 12, 2022

Sunday, August 14, 2022 The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost


Hymn       We Praise You, O God  #218

Prayer:  Everpresent God, without your word we have nothing to say, without your Spirit we are helpless. Send your Holy Spirit upon us that we may come before you in prayer, proclaim the good news, and joyfully praise your name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Scripture Lessons:     Isaiah 5:1-7

                                   Psalm 80:1,2,8-19 p.794-5VU pt2

                                   Luke 12:49-56

Hymn.     Fight the Good Fight #674 


Prayer: Almighty God, we pray for your blessing on the church of Jesus Christ. 
Here may the faithful find salvation, and the careless be awakened. 
Here may the doubting find faith, and the anxious be encouraged. 
Here may the tempted be strengthened and the sorrowful find comfort. 
Here may the weary find rest, and the strong be renewed. 
Here may the prayers of our hearts be heard and known.
All this and more we pray in the name of our Saviour, Jesus the Christ. Amen. 

Hymn     Will your anchor Hold #675

Please note that the elevator in Howick United Church is currently out of service. We will have it repaired as soon as possible. 

Howick United Church Stewards are hoping to hold a fundraising concert this fall. Keep in touch. More information will be coming soon! 

Best wishes to Bob Brooks and Wendy Tarry who were married Saturday at the Brooks farm. 

St Paul’s Stewards will be meeting this coming week on Wednesday, August 17th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

Friday, August 5, 2022

Sunday, August 7, 2022 The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost


Hymn.    Great is Thy Faithfulness #288VU

Scripture Lessons:      Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16

                                    Psalm 50 p.775VU

                                    Luke 12:32-40


Prayer:  O God, you call us to be ready: to be ready to recognize your presence in the world, around us and with us. You call us to be ready for the wonderful things you make and share with us. You call us to serve you faithfully and joyfully each and every day. Help us to be open to all you call us to be and to do, in the way of our Saviour, Jesus the Christ, who came to reveal your love and grace to us. In his name we pray. Amen. 

Hymn     My Faith Looks Up to Thee  #663VU

It is good to be back home and back to the regular routine once again. We are back to the usual schedule of worship services: 9:30 in Ormstown and 11:00 in Howick. 

This Sunday, August 7th, the new Moderator, The Reverend Carmen Lansdowne will be in stalled at 1pm. (Ooops! I have discovered this is Pacific time, so if you want to see it live, it is actually at 4pmEDT.)This will be available for viewing on YouTube Livestream, on the united church channel, I believe.