
Sunday, March 17, 2019

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, March 17, 2019

Howick’s Stewards will be meeting Monday, March 25th at 7pm in the church. 

Sunday, March 31st there will be a combined service for our 3 congregations in Howick United Church.  The service will begin at 11am in the hall and there will be a fellowship time beginning at 10:30.  Our speaker will be Debbi Templeton, sharing her experiences in Africa.

The Ladies Aid of Georgetown Presbyterian Church invites you to meet Susanna Alexander (wife of new minister) at a Ladies’ Tea on Sat. April 6,   2 pm. Programme. Refreshments.

There will be a newsletter printed for Sunday, April 7th.  If you have items that should be included for the spring and summer season, please call Barbara at 450-829-3855 or send her an email at by Thursday, April 4th. 

Take Up the Challenge—A Lenten Spiritual Practice
This is an idea shared by Sue Browning of St Andrew’s-Westminster and Littlewood United Churches, London ON.  Each week during Lent, the youth of the congregation offered a Lenten challenge. 
Lenten Challenge 1:  an act of generosity
Lenten Challenge 2:  express gratitude
Lenten Challenge 3:  pray for an enemy
Lenten Challenge 4:  share your faith
Lenten Challenge 5:  reach out to someone who is lonely
Lenten Challenge 6:  do something sacrificial

This year we are invited to try this spiritual practice. 

Saturday, March 2, 2019

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, March 3rd, 2019.

Information pamphlets for Camp Livingstone in Magog are now available in the Narthex.

Worship Schedule 
March 10            11am    Howick with Debbie Beattie
                              (9am     Franklin   11am                Ormstown)
March 17            9:30       Howick                                11:00    Ormstown
March 24            9:30       Franklin              11:00    Howick
March 31            11:00    Combined service in Howick, 10:30 fellowship time.  
Debbi Templeton will be sharing what she learned and saw on her latest trip.