Announcements for Sunday, March 17, 2019
Howick’s Stewards
will be meeting Monday, March 25th
at 7pm in the church.
Sunday, March 31st there will be a combined
service for our 3
congregations in Howick United Church.
The service will begin at 11am in the hall and there will be a
fellowship time beginning at 10:30. Our
speaker will be Debbi Templeton, sharing her experiences in Africa.
The Ladies Aid of
Georgetown Presbyterian Church invites you to meet Susanna Alexander (wife of new minister) at a Ladies’ Tea on Sat.
April 6, 2 pm. Programme. Refreshments.
There will be a newsletter printed for Sunday, April 7th. If you have items that should be included for
the spring and summer season, please call Barbara at 450-829-3855 or send her
an email at by Thursday,
April 4th.
Up the Challenge—A Lenten Spiritual Practice
This is an idea shared by Sue Browning of St
Andrew’s-Westminster and Littlewood United Churches, London ON. Each week during Lent, the youth of the
congregation offered a Lenten challenge.
Lenten Challenge
1: an act of generosity
Lenten Challenge
2: express gratitude
Lenten Challenge
3: pray for an enemy
Lenten Challenge
4: share your faith
Lenten Challenge
5: reach out to someone who is lonely
Lenten Challenge
6: do something sacrificial
This year we are
invited to try this spiritual practice.