
Thursday, April 14, 2022

Good Friday April 15, 2022

 Hymn    Go to Dark Gethsemane #133VU

Prayer:  O God in heaven, as your people prepare once more to follow the events of Good Friday and Easter, may we be led by your Spirit to deeper insights into your love and saving grace; that we may love you more and serve you better, for the sake of him who died for us and rose again, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. (a prayer by Roger Pickering and printed in Frank Colquhoun’s Contemporary Parish Prayers)

Scripture Lessons:       Isaiah 52:13-53:12

                                     Psalm 22 p.744-5 VU part 1

                                     John 19:1-30

Hymn        What Wondrous Love is This #147


Prayer:  On those days when life seems too demanding with all its cares, burdens, and concerns….
Jesus, grant us strength to carry our cross. 

When we experience great loneliness deep inside and the pain of separation fills our spirits…..
Jesus, grant us strength to carry our cross. 

When we feel the pain of our world and unite in compassion with the Eath’s suffering people….
Jesus, grant us strength to carry our cross. 

When we feel weary and worn out, when it seems like all of our energy has been drained away….
Jesus, grant us strength to carry our cross. 

When we feel discouraged, desolate, and depressed and want to withdraw from others…..
Jesus, grant us strength to carry our cross. 

When worries and concerns choke our peacefulness and leave us with anxiety and fear…..
Jesus, grant us strength to carry our cross. 

Crucified Jesus, help us to take up our cross day by day. Through these crosses we can grow closer to you. Help us to lean on you and learn from you. May we not give in to self-pity or self doubt. Rather, let us trust in your presence which strengthens us. Encourage us on our tomb-like days. Remind us of your resurrection. Grant us the strength to carry our cross. Amen. (adapted from a  prayer by Joyce Rupp published in her book Out of the Ordinary)

Hymn      When I Survey the Wondrous Cross #149VU

For Easter Sunday, there will be in-person worship in Howick at 9:30, with the celebration of the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper; and in Ormstown at 11am, but Communion will not be celebrated.  Also in Ormstown, the FM transmitter will be set up so those who are not comfortable attending in person, can take in the service from the church parking lot on your car radio. The frequency is 87.7. 

St Paul’s Stewards will be meeting on Wednesday, April 20th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

The time has come for subscriptions to Broadview to be renewed. The cost is $25, to be paid to Wilene Cullen, and the deadline for renewal is May 22nd. 

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