
Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sunday, June 16, 2024 Father’s Day


Today is also being observed as an Indigenous Day of Prayer in many United Churches. 

Hymn.       Great is Thy Faithfulness #288

Prayer:  Spirit of the living God, be the gardener of my soul. For so long I have been waiting, silent and still— experiencing a winter of the soul. But now, in the strong name of Jesus Christ. I dare to ask: 
Clear away the dead growth of the past, 
Break up the hard clods of custom and routine, 
Stir in the rich compost of vision and challenge, 
Bury deep in my soul the implanted Word, 
Cultivate and water and tend my heart, 
Until new life buds and opens and flowers. Amen. (by Richard J. Foster, collected in Richard J. Foster’s Prayers from the Heart) 

Scripture Lessons:      II Corinthians 5:6-10, 14-17

                                    Psalm 20 p, 742VU

                                    Mark 4:26-34


Prayer: Sower of Seeds, you have planted in our hearts the potential for many gifts of your love to grow and develop within us: charity, authenticity, mercy, honesty, humility, forgiveness, loyalty, patience, understanding, courage, kindness, faith, respect, and other qualities reflective of your goodness dwell within us. We give thanks for these seeds you plant within us and pray that they will continue to bear fruit in our lives. We rejoice in the diversity and richness of all we receive and can share and we offer you our thanks, now and always. Amen. (adapted from a prayer written by Joyce Rupp and printed in Prayer Seeds)

Hymn.       Faith of our Fathers #580

This week Sunday services will be held in Howick at 9:30 and in Ormstown at 11:00. We give thanks and pray for fathers, here and everywhere. 

This week, June 20th will be Refugee Day. Let us consider the joy we can give and the gifts we can receive when we welcome people seeking a safe and a just place to call home. 

We celebrate and give thanks for the ministry of the Rev. Dr Phyllis Smythe who is celebrating the 60th anniversary of her ordination this afternoon with a gathering and special service at Westmount Park United Church beginning at 4pm. 

Next Sunday there will be Communion Sunday in Franklin at 9:30, a traditional service, and in Howick at 11:00 as part of our annual Outdoor service which will (hopefully) take place in the church parking lot. This will be followed by a lunch, which will take place before the Open House we will hold from 1:-3:00, which will enable community members to see the renovations that have been completed. 

St Paul’s will once again be holding its Strawberry Takeout Thursday, June 27th from 5-7pm at MacDougall Hall. (Please note new hours.) Prices will be $10 for adults and $6 for children. We will be holding a Bee to prepare the berries on Wednesday, June 26th, in the hall, in the afternoon. If you can, please bring your own bowl, paring knife and an apron. Many hands make light work! 

Bill Templeton will be celebrating his 90th birthday on Saturday, June 29th. You are invited to drop in and wish him a happy birthday between 1 and 4:00 at his home at 25 Prince Arthur in Ormstown. Best wishes, Bill! 

Sunday, June 30th will be the final service to be held in Franklin United Church at 11am. This will include members of the Franklin Ensemble as well as Kent Sutton. The service will be followed by a lunch. All welcome to share in this special service. 

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