
Friday, August 23, 2024

Sunday, August 25, 2024 The Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

 Best wishes to teachers and to students who are preparing to go back to school shortly. 

Hymn      Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah #651VU

Scripture Lessons:      I Kings 8:22-30

                                    Psalm 84 p.800VU

                                    John 6:60-69


Prayer:  Each day, O God, we receive so much that is good:  a rainbow of colours, a symphony of sounds, a banquet of flavours, a bouquet of aromas. 
   As the seasons turn, we receive again: the crunch of amber leaves underfoot, the fragrance of cut grass in the sun, the warmth of soup when snow is falling, the first crocus to appear from the cold ground. 
   As moments come, as moments go, we receive even more: the song of a sparrow to lift our hearts, the smile of a friend to set things right, the grace of a deer to fill us with wonder, the laughter and love shared around a table. 
   For all we have received, O God, we say with you, “It is very good,” and we give you grateful hearts in return. Amen. ( a prayer written by Keri Wehlander’s and published in Circles of Grace)

Hymn      Blest be the Tie that Binds #602VU

This Sunday there will be a 9:30 service in Ormstown and an 11:00 service in Howick. The service in Howick will be a special music service with guest musician Bruce Barr accompanied by Emily, followed by a lunch that will be provided. Some desserts to finish the lunch would be appreciated. A free will offering will be taken to cover costs. 

We hold Norma Buttars in our thoughts and prayers, following the death of her husband Bob on Friday. 

St Paul’s Stewards will meet Wednesday, August 28th at 7:30 at the hall. 

For those who wish to know, Donald Sutherland’s visitation and memorial service will be held in London, through the Logan Funeral Home, next Friday, August 30th (visitation) and Saturday, August 31st. We continue to hold his family and friends in our thoughts and prayers. 

There will be a Flourishing event held in our Regional Council with the Moderator on Saturday, September 21st, from 9:30-4:30 in Cedar Park United Church in Pointe Claire. If you wish to attend, please let Barbara know and she will provide the registration link or info. 

Worship Schedule for September:     
September 1       9:30     Ormstown          11:00.      Howick
September 8.      9:30.     Howick.            11:00.      Ormstown
September 15.    9:30.     Howick.            11:00      Ormstown
September 22     9:30     Ormstown.         11:00.      Howick
September 29.    9:30.    Combined service in Ormstown, 11:00 fellowship time 10:30

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