
Friday, September 27, 2024

Sunday, September 29, 2024 The Fifth Sunday Creation

Tomorrow will be National Truth and Reconciliation Day across Canada (aka “Orange Shirt Day”) so people are invited to wear, if you can, an orange shirt to church if you are coming, and/or on Monday to mark this day. 

Hymn.      Praise to the Lord, the Almighty #220VU

Scripture Lessons:       James 5:13-18
                                     Psalm 124 p.848VU

                                     Mark 9:38-50


Prayer:  Today we wear orange to remember and honour all the indigenous children who went to residential schools.
   Today we wear orange and we pray for the residential school and intergenerational survivors who are still struggling. 
   Today we wear orange and we are thankful for those speak the truth, and who work to shine a light on injustice. 
    Today we wear orange in the name of compassion and the spirit of truth and reconciliation. 
     Help us, God, to remember and act on this and every day. Amen. 

In the light of the events of this past week:  O God, maker of the whole human family in heaven and on earth; stand by those who sorrow; that as they lean on your strength, they may be upheld, and believe the good news of life beyond life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

We trust that beyond absence there is a presence, 
That beyond the pain there can be healing, 
That beyond the brokenness there can be wholeness, 
That beyond the anger there can be peace, 
That beyond the silence there may be the word,…. 
That beyond silence … there may be Love. by Anonymous.

Hymn.         Tell Me the Old, Old Story

This Sunday there will be a combined service that will be held in St Paul’s in Ormstown at 11:00. We will begin at 10:30 with coffee and goodies. 

We hold Debbie Beattie and her family in our thoughts and prayers at this time. 
We also hold Debbie Templeton and family in our thoughts and prayers following the death of her mother in Ottawa. 

Once again Anne Carpentier will be ordering United Church calendars for sale. This year we are inviting you to let Anne know if you would like a calendar. They are $15.00 due to increases in the cost of the calendar and shipping. She will be making the order in a few weeks, so please let her know if you would like one (or more). 

Next Sunday will be Communion Sunday in Ormstown (9:30) and Howick (11:00). All welcome to share in this sacrament. 
This will also be the Sunday Howick will be holding its BBQ chicken fundraiser. We are taking orders for Benny &Co chicken dinners, either $20 for adults, a quarter chicken with fries and cole slaw, or a children’s order with chicken nuggets for $12.  Orders need to be received by Wednesday, October 2nd, and are required. Meals can be eaten in the church as a community meal or taken out to share family or friends. 

Sunday, October 13th will be Thanksgiving Sunday. Services will be 9:30 in Howick and 11:00 in Ormstown. In Ormstown we will also be collecting food for La Bouffe Additionelle, our local food bank. Both fresh and non- perishable food items would be welcomed. 

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