
Friday, November 3, 2023

Sunday, November 5, 2023 Remembrance Sunday

 This Sunday we start preparing for the events of Remembrance Week. (Also it is time change weekend! Time to fall back!) 

Hymn.       O God our Help in Ages Past #706VU

Scripture Lessons:      Joshua 3:1-16

                                    Psalm 107:33-43 p.831-2 VU, parts 1 and 4

                                    I Thessalonians 2:9-13


Prayer:  on this Remembrance Sunday, we think of people around the world who fear the violence of war when troops are deployed, bombs are dropped, missiles launched, and attack rockets released. 
Help us, God, to see the light of Christ even in the light of Christ even in the midst of fear. 

As stories of war are heard all around us, we think of people who have served their country and who sought to bring stability and peace to the world even as they responded to the invitation to participate in battle. 
Help us, God, to see the light of peace even in the midst of war. 

As autumn moves into winter, and as the cold night air chills our bodies and our homes, we look for reminders of the joy we seek each new day. Turn us, God, away from the dreariness of a world torn and forlorn. 
Help us, God, to see the light of day even in the midst of night. 

As war dominates the news and is splashed across our television sets and newspaper headlines, May we know that the essence of life is in following the one known as the Prince of Peace. Keep us, God, aware of that truth, and open to your presence. 
Help us, God, to see the light of hope even in the midst of despair. Amen. ( a prayer written by the Rev. Bill Steadman and printed in Gathering S/A 

Hymn.        God of Grace and God of Glory #686

This Sunday there will be a Remembrance Sunday service in Ormstown at 9:30. In Howick there will be a community Remembrance Sunday service held in Georgetown Presbyterian Church, beginning at 10:30am. 

In Ormstown there also will be a Cenotaph service held Saturday morning, November 11th, beginning about 10:30am. 

We hold in our thoughts and prayers the family of Allister Irving, following his death this past week. 

This is the time for college, university, and vocational students from Howick United Church to apply for the Howden-Templeton bursaries. The deadline is November 12th with the bursaries being presented in the 11:00 service on Sunday, November 26th. Application forms are available on the Howick United Church website, or in the church as well. Applications should be returned to one of the members of the bursary committee: Scott Templeton, Debbi Templeton, Brent Tolhurst, or Marlene Stuckey or May be mailed to the church, 2 Bridge, Howick, QC, J0S 1K0. 

St Paul’s Session will meet on Wednesday, November 15th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

St Paul’s Stewards will meet on Wednesday, November 22nd at 7:30pm in the hall. (please note that this is a change from the date set at the meeting.)

Howick united Church is planning a couple of craft and activity days for families and members. The first will be held Sunday, November 19th during and following the 9:30 service. All are welcome to come and take part. The second craft and activity day will take place the first Sunday of Advent, December 3rd during and following the 11:00 service. There will be craft activities based on the nativity scene and we will conclude with a soup luncheon. 

Because we have chosen to go ahead with the elevator repairs, Howick United Church is going to try a few new fundraising activities. The first we will be trying is a book, puzzle, gently used toys, Christmas decorations, and bake table on Saturday, December 9th (the day of the Santa Claus Parade) from 11:00-1:30.

In order to try to save money, once the elevator is repaired, we will routinely meet in the hall in the basement. 

Barbara will be printing a newsletter for the Advent-Christmas season, which should be printed for Sunday, November 19th. If there is any news that needs to be included, please let Barbara know. 

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