
Friday, November 10, 2023

Sunday, November 12, 2023


Hymn.     Jesus Bids Us Shine #585VU

Scripture Lessons:      Joshua 3:14-24

                                    Psalm 78:1-7 p.792VU pt1

                                    Matthew 25:1-12


Prayer:  O living God, in our darkness you kindle a flame that never goes out. Through the spirit of praise, you take us out of ourselves. To us you have entrusted a mystery of hope. In our human frailty, you have set a spiritual strength that is never withdrawn. Even when we are unaware of it, it is always there, ready to carry us onward. Yes, in our darkness, you kindle a fire that never dies out. We thank you. Amen. (a prayer by Brother Roger from the Taize Community.)

A Prayer for Courage: We offer to you, O God, our prayers for those who seek Justice and resist evil. We pray for those who need your presence and strength to stand firm; for those who are opposed to the use of violence in any form in faithful response to the Prince of Peace. We pray for those are prepared to be firm to protect those in danger. We pray for those who walk with others who need strength. We pray for those who protest, those who organize letter campaigns, those who give sacrificially on behalf of others.
   We pray for those who speak the unpopular truth; who protect the unpopular victims; who choose the unpopular path of peace. 
   We pray for those who do not let their desire for peace hinder the requirements of justice, and for those who do not let their zeal for justice override the call for peace. Amen. (a prayer by the Rev.Dr. Neil Parker)

Hymn.       I Love to Tell the Story #343

There will be a Cenotaph service held in Ormstown Saturday November 11th on Church St beginning at 10:45. 

This Sunday there will be services in all three of our churches: 9:30 in Franklin, 11:00 in Ormstown and 11:00 in Howick with Debbie Beattie. 

This Sunday, November 12th, the Sunday after Remembrance Sunday, the United Church is joining with other churches and faith groups to call for a ceasefire in the Middle East. Members are invited to take part in demonstrations to show their concern for both Israelis and Palestinians in the region. 

Wesley United Church in NDG will be holding a covenanting service with their new minister, the Rev. Cynthia Reynolds. Best wishes to the in their ministry together. 

We hold in our thoughts and prayers the family and friends of Vera Sutton, who died this past week. A memorial service will be held this afternoon. 

For the next two Sundays in Howick we will be collecting items for shoeboxes for homeless women. Items such as shampoo, lotions, socks, candy, makeup or gift cards would be greatly appreciated. It is requested that nothing for specific sizes or complexions be included. Many thanks for all that will be donated. 

Next Sunday in Howick, November 19th, there will be a craft and family activity Sunday, making cards for our Christmas treat plates. The service will begin at 9:30am and the activities will begin after the children’s story. There will be another craft and activity day on Sunday, December 3rd beginning with the 11:00 service and ending with a Soup Luncheon. 

St Paul’s Session will meet this Wednesday, November 15th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

St Paul’s Stewards will meet next Wednesday, November 22nd at 7:30pm in the hall. 

Keep in mind the Rudolph Run which will take place Saturday, November 25th from 9-11:00am from the Ormstown Rec Centre. A minimum donation of $5 per adult is requested and the proceeds go to La Bouffe Additionelle for the Christmas baskets. For more information, please check the poster on the bulletin board or check with Grace Brown or Darlene Legros. 

Howick United Church is planning a book, puzzle, toy, game, and bake sale on Saturday, December 9th from 11:00-1:30 in the church hall. Items donated for the sale may be brought in any time, but please by Friday December 8th. 

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