Hymn A Mighty Fortress is Our God #262VU
Prayer: For all the saints: who went before us; who have spoken to our hearts; and touched us with your fire, we praise you, O God.
For all the saints: who live beside us; whose weaknesses and strengths are woven with our own, we praise you, O God.
For all the saints: who live beyond us; who challenge us to change the world with them, we praise you, O God. Amen. ( a prayer written by Janet Morley of England and printed in Bread of Tomorrow, edited by Janet Morley.)
Scripture Lessons: Deuteronomy 34:1-12
Psalm 90:1-6p. 805VU
I Thessalonians 2:1-8
Prayer: God, for all the saints I give you thanks— for grandparents and godparents, for doctors and teachers, for coaches and pastors.
God, for all the saints I give you thanks— for authors of books that have moved me, for friends whose advice has guided me, for strangers who proved an example, for my children and the children of others who have given me courage.
God, for all the saints I give you thanks— for those nearest and farthest away, for those who have died, and those who are living, for those who knew they made a difference and those who never will.
God, for all the saints I give you thanks. Amen. ( a prayer written by Maren Tirabassi and printed in Before the Amen, edited by Maren C. Tirabassi and Maria I. Tirabassi.)
Hymn For All the Saints #705VU
This week there will be a combined service held in Franklin United Church at 11:00, preceded by a fellowship time, beginning about 10:30. All welcome.
We hold the family and friends of Bill Lawrence, formerly of Ormstown, who died last week. We also continue to hold the family and friends of Melissa Evans, Marie-Paule Hodgson who have also died this month.
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