
Saturday, October 7, 2023

Sunday, October 8, 2023 Thanksgiving Sunday

 This is the final Sunday of the season of creation. As this season comes to an end, let us rejoice in the wonderful gifts and blessings that God provides to us in God’s wonderful world. 

Hymn.     Come You Thankful People Come #516VU

Prayer:  Creator of the world, and all that is in it, you crown the year with your goodness. May we who have been blessed give thanks always, sharing from God’s abundance. In all the earth, May we recognize your gifts and treat them with reverence. So be it! Amen. ( from the United Church’s worship resource) 

Scripture Lessons:      Deuteronomy 8: 7-18

                                    Psalm 65 

                                    Luke 17:11-19

Hymn.      We Plough the Fields and Scatter #520


Prayer:  In your presence, O God, we make our prayer of thanksgiving. 
  We begin with the simple things of our days: fresh air to breathe, 
      Cool water to drink, 
      The taste of food, 
      The protection of houses and clothes, 
      The comforts of home.
For all these we make an act of Thanksgiving this day! 

We bring to mind all the warmth of humankind that we have known: 
   Our mothers’ arms, 
   The strength of our fathers, 
   The playmates of our childhood, 
   The wonderful stories brought to us from the lives of many who talked of days gone by, 
   The tears we have shed, the tears we have seen;
   The excitement of laughter and the twinkle in the eye with its reminder that life is good. 
   The love freely accepted, genuinely offered, and mutually elected, 
For all these we make an act of Thanksgiving this day. Amen. ( a prayer of Howard Thurman) 

Hymn.    Now Thank We All our God #236

After consultation, the Franklin United Church has cancelled their service for Sunday, as many people cannot attend. There will be services in both Howick and Ormstown at 11:00. Ormstown will also collect food for the food bank as well. Howick United church will be welcoming Tad and Muriel to the service. Coffee and munchies will be available from about 10:00. 

St Paul’s in Ormstown will be holding their fall communion celebration on Sunday, October 22nd at 11:00. This is also World Food Sunday. 

Many thanks to all who planned and took part in  the craft activity Sunday last Sunday in Ormstown. 

St Paul’s United Church Session will meet on Wednesday October 11th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

St Paul’s Stewards will delay their meeting until Wednesday, October 25th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

Howick United Church will be holding a family activity day following the 9:30 Sunday service on October 15th. This will include decorating mini-pumpkins and preparing mini-pizzas for lunch. (This is a change of date from what was originally discussed. Please make note!) If you are planning on attending, please let Wilene Cullen know so we can make sure we have enough materials for everyone. 

Howick will also be holding a congregational meeting following the 11:00 Sunday service on Sunday October 22nd to discuss plans for applying for Faithful Footprints funding to make the church more sustainable and also possibly to discuss the expenses for repairing the elevator in the church. Sandwiches and coffee will be available. 

St Andrew’s United Church, Chateauguay, and St Edwards’s Presbyterian Church in Beauharnois will be holding a special anniversary musical celebration at St Andrew’s United Church, 46 DuPont West on Sunday, October 22nd at 7pm. This will include lots of singing and be followed by tea, coffee, and apple desserts. The free will offering taken will be donated to the local food bank. 

There will be a combined Sunday service for our three congregations on Sunday, October 29th at 11:00 in Franklin United Church. There will be a time of fellowship beginning about 10:30 am. 

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