
Friday, December 8, 2023

Sunday, December 10, 2023 The Second Sunday of Advent


Hymn      Hark the Glad Sound #28

Scripture Lessons:      Isaiah 40:1-11

                                    Psalm 85 p.802VU

                                    Mark 1:1-8

Hymn       There’s a Voice in the Wilderness Crying #18VU


Prayer:  With John the Baptist and all your saints, we ask this grace:  that we may know repentance for our sins, that is true and heartfelt; let us prepare a way for the Lord and make his paths straight. 
   With John the Baptist and all your saints, we ask this grace: that our nation may be turned around to the values of God’s kingdom; let us prepare a way for the Lord and make his paths straight. 

   With John the Baptist and all your saints, we ask this grace:  that your church may be renewed by the fire of your Spirit; let us prepare a way for the Lord and make his paths straight. Amen. (a prayer from the Iona Community’s Candles and Conifers) 

Carol        Herald Sound the Note of Gladness #28VU

This Sunday will be White Gift Sunday, when we will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Christmas baskets and the local food bank. There will be services in Franklin at 9:30, Ormstown at 11:00 and in Howick at 11:00, led by Evie Kerr, as Debbie Beattie will not be able to be with us this month. 

Good news! The elevator in Howick is working and unlocked now! (Really this time!)  It will be available for the sale on Saturday and the service on Sunday. 

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Louise Johnson, who died this week and whose memorial service will be held Sunday, December 10th at 2:30, following the visitation beginning at 1:30 at the McGerrigle Funeral Home. 

Unit B (retired) of the Howick United Church will meet on Tuesday, December 12th for lunch at the home of Winnifred Sherry. Soup and some extras will be provided, but a few cookies or goodies could be added.

The UCW of Howick United Church will meet on Wednesday, December 13th at 6pm in the church for its annual Christmas Potluck supper. Gifts will also be collected for women receiving Christmas baskets. 

St Paul’s Stewards and the Trustees will be meeting Tuesday, December 12th at 7:30pm in the hall, in part to discuss the parking situation. 

Worship Schedule: Sunday, December 17th Communion Sunday in Howick (9:30) and Ormstown (11:00)
          Candlelight Christmas Service in Franklin 7:30pm
Sunday December 24 Advent 4 and Christmas Eve service in Howick 11am
           Christmas Eve service in St Paul’s, Ormstown 8pm
Sunday December 31 New Year’s Eve combined service 11:00 in the hall in Ormstown , fellowship time starting from 10:30am.

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