
Friday, November 4, 2022

Sunday, November 6, 2022 Remembrance Sunday


Hymn      O God our Help in Ages Past #806VU

Prayer: We pause to remember today: to remember with thanks those who have given their lives in the service of others; and to remember with sadness the suffering, destruction and pain caused by human conflict. We come also to commit ourselves to be peacemakers and peacekeepers wherever we can. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Scripture Lessons:  Haggai 2:1-9

                                Psalm 46 p.770VU

                                II Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17


Prayer: Lord Jesus, today we commit ourselves to: choosing love over hate; 
             Choosing service over selfishness; 
              choosing sharing over greed; 
             and choosing peace-making over trouble-making, for the honour and glory of your name. Amen. 
(Both prayers were found in the Presbyterian Church of Canada’s Remembrance Sunday resource, 2019)

Hymn        God of Grace and God of Glory

We have been saddened to hear of the death of Jean Cogswell and Joan Burton this past week. There will be a visitation held for Jean Cogswell this Saturday in Cowansville and a committal service will be held for her in the Riverfield Cemetery this Sunday, November 6th at 3pm. Those who would like to come and share in this time of remembrance are welcome to join us on Sunday. The arrangements for Joan Burton will be held on the following weekend. 

We continue to hold in our thoughts and prayers the family and friends of Ruth Sundborg and Jean Pycock. The memorial service for Ruth was held on Friday and the service for Jean will be held Saturday, November 12th at the Unitarian Church in Montreal on de Maisoneuve and will be followed by a reception. 

It was announced that the Howden-Templeton bursaries would be awarded this week, but the presentation has been delayed until Sunday, November 20th at the 9:30 service. 

Howick United Church UCW, Unit B will be holding a lunch meeting on Tuesday, November 15th at the home of Thyra Ness. We will share a meal and make some decisions about what to do next. 

There will be a joint meeting of the UCWs in Howick to be held Wednesday, November 16th in the church basement, beginning at 7pm. The will be a memorial for past members and a brief business meeting as well. 

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