
Friday, November 18, 2022

Sunday, November 20, 2022 Reign of Christ Sunday

 This is the last Sunday of this liturgical year. Next Sunday we begin a new year with the first Sunday of Advent. Happy New Year, everyone! 🎉

Hymn     Come Children Join to Sing #345

Scripture Lessons:  Colossians 1:11-20

                                Luke 1:69-79 p.900VU

                                Luke 23:33-43


Prayer:  O God, in Jesus you keep turning the world’s expectations upside down.
  You promise a king but we find an ordinary man who shares our lives and our sorrows. 
  We look for a Messiah but we find one born as a homeless child laid to sleep in a manger and who becomes a refugee living as a stranger in a strange land. 
  We seek a Saviour but he comes without armies or weapons, with only a small party of followers and he is put to death on a cross by his enemies. 
  We have visions of glory but he speaks about service and servanthood.  
Open our eyes and ears and hearts, O God, to all that Jesus can teach and reveal to us in his life and death and resurrection and may his love and grace and peace fill and reign in our hearts now and always. Amen. 

Hymn   Rejoice the Lord is King #213

Today in Howick the Howden-Templeton bursaries will be presented to our 2 recipients: William Orr and Kevin Macfarlane. Congratulations and best wishes to both of you! 

Next Sunday Howick will beholding a family activity service that will include some worship and also activities such as puzzles and preparing treats and cards for Christmas. We will start at 11:00 and end with a soup luncheon. There will be activities for all ages. Please join us. 

We have been inviting donations to the Canadian FoodGrains Bank through the fall. As we move into Advent, the envelopes will remain available for those who wish to make a donation in the future. 

Mitten trees will be appearing in our three churches. Donations of hats, scarves, mittens, and gloves would be gratefully received. 

White Gift Sunday will be held on Sunday, December 11th in all three churches. Both gifts and non-perishable food items would be gratefully received. 

FYI: following the survey that Wilene Cullen circulated a couple of weeks ago, it has been decided to hold a Christmas Eve service in Howick at 6pm. There will also be a later service in Ormstown at 8pm. 

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