Hymn Lord Speak to Me #589
Scripture Lessons: Isaiah 65:17-25
Isaiah 12:1-6 p.880VU
Luke 21:5-19
Hymn Be Thou My Vision #642
We hold in our thoughts and prayers the family and friends of Keith Bryson, who died last week and whose life will be remembered at a service in St Paul’s United Church on Saturday, November 19th at 11:30am, preceded by a visitation beginning at 10am. This is following a visitation held at the McGerrigle Funeral Home Friday night, November 18th, from 7-9pm.
We continue to hold in our thoughts and prayers the families and friends of Ruth Sundborg, Jean Cogswell, Jean Pycock, and Joan Burton as well.
We are inviting donations for the Canadian Food Grains Bank. Envelopes are available in our churches or donations may be made online at foodgrainsbank.ca.
St Paul’s Session will be meeting this week, on Wednesday, November 16th at 1pm in the hall.
Howick UCW Unit B will be meeting Tuesday, November 15th at noon at the home of Thyra Ness.
The annual meeting of the Howick UCW will be held Wednesday, November 16th at 7pm in the church hall. There will be a time for memorial and a short business meeting as well as time for fellowship.
The Howden-Templeton bursaries will be given out next Sunday at our 9:30 service in Howick.
The preparations are underway for the Rudolph Run, which will take place in-person on Saturday, November 26th from 9-11am, starting at the Rev Centre in Ormstown. A minimum $5 donation is requested for all adults taking part, with the proceeds going to the Christmas Baskets offered through La Bouffe Additionelle. Virtual participation is also possible. For more information, check the poster in the church, the Facebook page or contact Grace Brown or Darlene Legros.
Grace also wants to remind us that November can be Memorial Month, making a donation in memory of a friend or loved one to our church memorial fund.
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