
Friday, May 3, 2024

Sunday, May 5, 2024 The Sixth Sunday of Easter


Hymn.       Joyful Joyful We Adore You

Scripture Lessons:       I John 5:1-6

                                     Psalm 98 p. 818VU

                                     John 15:9-17


Prayer:  O God, hear our prayer:  breathe kites high into blue skies, Sow bright mirth into circles of friends, embroider brilliance into stars of night, and teach us how to joy. 

Paint the air with lilac’s fragrance, feast the earth with gentle rain, clothe each creature with a whimsy, and teach us how yo joy, 

Dance the seasons with new colour, caress each face into a smile, splash creation with your laughter, and teach us how to joy. (a prayer by Keri K. Wehlander, and printed in Joy is our Banquet.)

Hymn       Rejoice the Lord is King #213 VU

This Sunday’s services will be Ormstown at 9:30 and Howick at 11:00. 

Next Sunday in Ormstown there will be a craft activity for young people and families. It will take place at 11:00 in the sanctuary, along with the service. 

St Paul’s Session is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, May 8th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

The time has come to renew (or start a new) subscription to Broadview, the United Church’s magazine. The cost for a year’s subscription is $30 and the deadline for renewing us May 19th. Please let Wilene know if you wish to renew and you can pay your subscription by check, cash, or by e-transfer. If you are starting a new subscription, please give Wilene your name and address as well. 

Congratulations to Gordon and Thelma Lang, who have celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary this past week! ( and also to Joanne Brown and Doug Lang who have welcomed a new grandchild into the family, Eliza who was born in Fredericton this week.)

Please let university and college students know of the Hugh Duncan and IFE bursaries that are available to confirmed members of the United Church through the Nakonhaka Regional Council. The deadline for applying is June 2, 2024 and the forms are available in the churches, on the council’s website ( or from Barbara. 

Tomorrow, May 6th. Michael Blair, the Executive Secretary of the General Council will be speaking in Montreal, at St George’s Anglican Church, from 3:30-5:00. That evening the Convocation for the United Theological College and the Montreal Diocesan College will be held. 

Registration has now begun for Rendezvous 2024, an event for young adults in the church. It takes places July 3-6 at Brock University in Ste Catherine’s ON. More information is available on the United Church website ( and the First Third Ministries (formerly Youth and Young Adults) will be holding an online information session on Tuesday, May 7th at 6:30pm. 

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