
Friday, February 16, 2024

Sunday, February 18, 2024 The First Sunday of Lent

This month is not only the month the season of Lent begins, it is also Black History month. Are you doing something to observe this month: reading a book, taking part in a webinar or another event? There are some items on the United Church website,, if you would like to take a look. 

Hymn   Take Time to be Holy #672VU

Scripture Lessons:      Genesis 9:8-17

                                    Psalm 25 p.752VU

                                    Mark 1:9-15


Prayer:  Through the season of Lent, teach us, O God.  Teach us to walk in your ways, the way shown to us by Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus the Christ, even though it may lead us to the cross. Teach us to be faithful, as he was faithful, as you are faithful, so we call upon you: 
    When we are tempted, help us to find strength. 
    When we are discouraged, fill us with hope. 
    When we are led astray, help us to find the right paths. 
    When we are ashamed, assure us of your grace and love.  
 Unite us through your Holy Spirit that we may serve you with our sisters and brothers in Christ. 
We give you thanks, O God, that you hear and answer our prayers and that you are faithful to your promises. Let this season of Lent teach us how to be your faithful people, now and always. Amen. 

Hymn.       O Jesus I Have Promised #120

This Sunday’s services will be at 9:30 in Howick and at 11:00 in Ormstown. 

Unit B (retired) will be meeting on Tuesday, February 20th gathering at about 11:30-noon for a soup luncheon at the home of Thyra Ness. There will be a small charge to cover the cost of the lunch. 

The Ormstown-Franklin Pastoral Charge Official Board meeting will take place Wednesday, February 21st at 1:30 in the hall in Ormstown. Please note that we will be discussing and voting on Remit #1, on the Indigenous Church. If you wish to find more information, it might be found at the United Church website, or the United Church channel on YouTube, or the General Council website, 

Barbara will be preparing a printed newsletter for Sunday, March 3rd. If you have items to be included, please let her know by February 29th. 

St Paul’s United Church will be holding a Craft and Activity Day Sunday March 3rd at the 9:30 service. All welcome. 

Howick United Church will be holding its annual meeting on Sunday, March 3rd at 11:00 in combination with the worship service.  We will be discussing and voting on Remit#1, on the indigenous church. If you wish to learn more about this remit, information is available on the United Church website,, on the United Church channel on YouTube or on the General Council website, 

The annual meetings for Franklin United Church and St Paul’s United Church will be held on Sunday, March 10th, in combination with the worship service. Franklin’s meeting and service will begin at 9am and in Ormstown at 11am. 

Nakonhaka Regional Council’s First Third Ministries (formerly Youth and Young Adults) will be holding a Youth Forum for young people between the ages of 12-18 at Mount Bruno United Church will be held March 22-24th. Please let Barbara know if you would like registration information. 

We have been saddened to hear of a number of deaths in the wider community of the Regional Council, the Rev. Barend Biesheuval, a former minister of Lacolle and Clarenceville, the Rev. Marsha Mundy, wife of the Rev. John Matheson, and Heather Chesney, the widow of the Rev. David Chesney. We hold them in all in our thoughts and prayers. 

And just because I can, (because I haven’t given up laughter for Lent!)

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