
Friday, February 9, 2024

Sunday, February 11, 2024 Transfiguration Sunday

 This Sunday is either the last Sunday of the season of Epiphany or the Sunday before Lent begins (eat up all your chocolate before you give it up for Lent!). Either way, it is a Sunday to celebrate the glory of God and Jesus, the Light of the World. 

Hymn       God Reveal Your Presence #391 VU

Scripture Lessons:       II Corinthians 4:3-6

                                     Psalm 50:1-6 p. 775VU

                                     Mark 9:2-9


Prayer:  Holy and loving God, whose nature and ways are far beyond our understanding, we thank you the gift of your Son, Jesus, who lets us see your face in his, who shows us your love in his actions, your grace in his way of being. In him too, O God, we see ourselves as you would have us be and as your power is able to make us. Make us more like him, we pray. Lord, hear our prayer….

      Lord, we often find ourselves weary, tired out by a load of care, a heap of responsibility and concern. We hunger and thirst, and often fail to eat and drink at the table you have prepared for us. Lord, we are here now and we ask you grant us a glimpse of your glory, fill us with your spirit, refresh us and make us new. Lord, hear our prayer…..

      Loving God, we pray that your glory may fill your church and give to your people everywhere the energy to shine wherever there is darkness, dignity, persecution, or despair. Lord, hear our prayer….

      Give us all, O God, a greater love of your holiness, a greater delight in your mystery, and a greater joy in seeking your presence. We ask it through Christ Jesus, who revealed your will to us and who taught us to pray to you as one family. Amen. ( a prayer written by John Maynard, shared on Richard Fairchild’s Kir-shalom website and on the re:Worship website as well.) 

Hymn       Fairest Lord Jesus #341VU

This Sunday there will be an 11:00 service in Howick with Debbie Beattie. There will also be a 9:30 service in Franklin and an 11:00 service in Ormstown. 

Please note that the annual meeting date in Howick has been changed to March 3rd, combined with the worship, beginning at 11:00. 

For Franklin and Ormstown there will be an Official Board meeting Wednesday, February 21st at 1:30pm in the hall and the annual meetings will be held on Sunday, March 10th, beginning at 9am in Franklin and 11am in Ormstown. 

St Paul’s Session will meet on Wednesday, February 14th at 1:00 in the hall. 

The Board of Stewards for St Paul’s United Church will meet on Wednesday, February 21st at 7:30pm in the hall. 

Unit B (retired) of the Howick UCW will meet Tuesday, February 20 at 11:30 at the home of Thyra Ness for a soup lunch and fellowship. A small charge will be requested to cover the cost of the lunch. 

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