
Friday, May 14, 2021

Sunday, May 16, 2021

 I seem to have missed that this past week was National Nursing Week. Certainly during this pandemic we have seen the need and importance of nursing care. We are thankful for the many essential workers who have served and worked faithfully throughout this pandemic including nurses who use their knowledge, skill and compassion to make a difference. 

Hymn       Praise the Lord His Glories Show #875VU

Scripture Lessons:        Acts 1:15-17, 21-26

                                      Psalm 1 p.724VU

                                      John 17:6-17


Prayer: Praised be the living God for the multitude of women, men and children who throughout the world  are searching, striving, and giving their lives in order to be bearers of good news. Through the repentance of our hearts, and the spirit of simplicity of the gospel, you clothe us with joy, as with a garment. Enable us to welcome the realities of following in Christ’s way with a childlike heart, and to discover your will, which is love and nothing else. Amen. 

Lord Christ, had we faith enough to move mountains, without love, what would we be? But you love us. Without your Spirit who lives in our hearts, what would we be? But you love us. Taking everything upon yourself, you open for us a way towards the peace of God. Spirit of the Risen Christ, Spirit of compassion, Spirit of praise, your love for each one of us will never fail, and we thank you. Amen. 

(Prayers adapted from the Taize Community, printed in Praying Together in word and song.)

Hymn          Revive Us Again

We pray for the peace of Jerusalem, Israel, and Palestine and the safety and security of all their peoples, remembering that peace without justice is not peace and does not last. May their leaders have the courage to work for peace for all the peoples of this region. 

I see that the Canadian Food Grains Bank has launched a special appeal for India in the midst of the crisis created by the pandemic. No word from the United Church (yet?) but we can remember that the effects of the pandemic are being felt around the world as well as at home. Donations can be made online on their website at 

The deadline is approaching for the IFE and Hugh Duncan bursaries offered by the Nakonhaka Regional Council to confirmed members of the United Church who are students in either college or university. The application form is available on the region’s website or you can ask Barbara to supply you with one. The deadline for applying is June 4, 2021. 

The United Church will be holding a Union Day service, celebrating the church’s 96th anniversary on June 10th at 7pm EDT live streamed on the United Church’s YouTube channel. Take a look, if you would like. 

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