
Friday, May 21, 2021

May 23, 2021 Pentecost Sunday

Happy Pentecost! Or is it Joyful Pentecost? Maybe Blessed Pentecost? We may not think of Pentecost one of the great holy days of the Christian calendar, but it is in fact. It has its roots in a Jewish festival, Shavuot or the Feast of Weeks, it celebrates an important moment in the life of the Christian church, and we sometimes call it the birthday of the church. So let’s celebrate! Let’s celebrate God’s gift of the Spirit that makes us aware of God’s presence, that unites us as a people and a church, that comforts, strengthens and renews us, and that enables us to follow in the way of our Saviour, Jesus the Christ. 

Hymn      Breathe on Me Breath of God  #382VU

Scripture Lessons:     Acts 2:1-21

                                   Psalm 104:24-34 p.p.827 pt 2VU

                                    John15:26,27, 16:4b-15

Hymn With the Wings of our Mind #698VU


Prayer: O God, we praise and thank you for the gift of the Spirit, the spirit who may be known as the Wind of Change, the Flame of Love, and the Breath of Life. We can experience you as the Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Power, and the Spirit of Peace, as Advocate, as Teacher, as Helper, as Comforter and Sustainer. The list of names and experiences can go on and on, because wherever we go, whatever we do, and however we serve you are there, guiding and leading and helping us, in whatever way we need. Today we pray that your spirit will unite us in mind and spirit, so we may be truly your servants and your servants and Christ’s church, a gathering of faithful, hopeful people, who support and encourage one another. Help us to truly be your church and your people, witnesses to your love, faithfulness, and forgiveness. We pray in the name of our crucified and risen Saviour, who reveals the power and greatness of your Holy Spirit to us. Amen. 

Hymn       Love Divine #333VU

We were saddened to hear of the death of Joyce McKell this past week. We hold her family, friends, and neighbours in our thoughts and prayers. We celebrated her 100th birthday earlier this year and we give thanks for her long life and the love she shared throughout that long life. 

We were deeply shocked and saddened to hear of the death of Morris Craig this week as well. We pray for his family, friends, and neighbours as well as those who responded to the accident that led to his death. We pray for strength and healing for them all. 

Looking for a way to celebrate Pentecost with your family? There is a website offering crafts and activities offered by some United Church personnel, including Shana Bernier, our youth and families staff person. It can be found at Take a look and see what can be found there! 

The United Spirit Camp will be online this year, for 3 weeks, June28-July 16th. You can sign up and receive a home kit and participate mornings and/or afternoons or evenings as is convenient for you. The theme is Dreaming Dreams. You can register to receive your at home package and more information at the region’s website,, or on Facebook. 

(I imagine that Pentecost calls us to be like dandelions, that spreads its seeds, bends and bows before the mower, and pops up again to add colour and life to our world.)

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