
Thursday, January 18, 2024

Sunday, January 21, 2023 The Third Sunday of Epiphany

 This Sunday is the Sunday in the middle of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, ( January 18-25) when we pray for greater understanding and cooperation between Christians of all churches and people of all faiths. 

Hymn.      Jesus, United by Thy Grace #591VU

Scripture Lessons:     Jonah 3:1-5, 10

                                   Psalm 62:5-12 p. 779VU

                                   Mark 1:14-20

Hymn.      Jesus Calls Us #562VU


Prayer:  Lord, have mercy on us and heal our souls, for we have sinned against you and against our sisters and brothers. 
Renew the communion among Christians, healing their divisions, so that the world may believe in your love, Lord we pray.
For justice and peace in our society, for the overcoming barriers of fear, resentment, and distrust, Lord we pray. 
For those who suffer want and anxiety through lack of work, Lord we pray. 
For those who are separated from their families, and those who have no home or family, Lord we pray. 
For the victims of drought and famine throughout the world, for the generous sharing of the world’s resources, Lord we pray. 
For all who suffer trials and affliction and who need kindness and help, Lord we pray. 
Keep all who have found you rooted in your love; may they grow in goodness and truth, Lord we pray. 
We remember those who have died in the peace of Christ, and those whose faith is known only to you. Grant us to enter with them into the life that never ends, Lord we pray. 
Grant us, Lord, the joy of praise, in communion with all your saints. Amen. (a prayer from the Taize Community, printed in Praying Together, adapted) 

Hymn.       All the Way My Saviour Leads Me #635VU

We have recently heard of the death of Mary Loree in London, ON. A memorial service was held for her this past week. 

We continue to hold the family and friends of Susan Evans, whose funeral service was held this past week, and Karen Jones Buchanan, whose memorial service is being held on this Sunday in Georgetown Presbyterian Church. 

Howick United Church will be holding a Session meeting this coming week, on Tuesday night in the church at 7pm. 

Franklin United Church is planning a Joint Board meeting on Tuesday, January 23rd at 1:30 at the church. 

Please get your annual reports completed and handed in so we can produce our annual report for last year. For Howick they can be given or sent to Wilene Cullen and in Franklin and Ormstown they may be given or sent to Barbara. Please try to have them in by January 28th, or let us know when they will be ready. Thank you. 

There will be a Youth Forum through the Nakonhaka Regional Council held March 22-4 at the Mount Bruno United Church for young people aged 12-18. If you would like to receive information about this, please let Barbara know. 

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