
Thursday, May 4, 2023

Sunday, May 7, 2023 The Fifth Sunday of Easter

 This is also the end of Mental Health Awareness Week. We pray for the health and well-being of all God’s people, for both their physical, mental and emotional health. 

Hymn      How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds #344

Prayer: Jesus, you are the Living Stone, chosen by God and precious. We desire to be like you, living stones, built into a spiritual house. Let this time of worship open us to your presence and transform us into a holy priesthood in your name. Amen. (written by Kate Crawford of Huron Shores United Church, Grand Bend ON and printed in Gathering L/E2020) 

Scripture Lessons:      Acts 7:55-60

                                    Psalm 31:1-5, 15,16

                                    I Peter 2:2-10


Prayer: God, we thank you for the hope of a new day and a fresh start. We give thanks for the reminder that “it’s ok not to be ok” and that it’s better to tell the truth about what’s really going on for us, get support and help, than to suffer in silence and alone. We thank you God that you never give up on us even when we feel like giving up on ourselves. We thank you that we can hold onto hope one day at a time. We are grateful for this faith community where we can experience sacred welcome, inclusion, support, and engagement for mental health. Bless us with the power of your Spirit that is holy as we share your love with others in our mission to end the stigma and shame of mental illness. In the name of the Disabled and Neurodiverse God we pray. Amen. (a prayer written by the Rev. Dr. Sarah Lund and included in the resources for Mental Health Sunday.) 

Hymn         Christ is Made theSure Foundation #325

We continue to hold in our thoughts and prayers the family of Charles Harvey following the service of remembrance and thanksgiving for his life held on Saturday. 

The Howick UCW will be meeting Wednesday, May 10th at 7pm at the home of Marina and Scott Templeton, to learn and try out some flower arranging techniques. 

St Paul’s United Church Session will be meeting on Wednesday, May10th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

St Paul’s Stewards will be meeting on Wednesday, May 17th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

Congratulations to the Rev. Patricia Lisson who has been granted an honorary doctorate and the Rev. Ken Delisle who has been awarded the Craig Chaplin Award by the combined colleges of the Montreal Diocesan College and the United Theological College. The awards will be presented at the combined convocation to be held May 8th in the Christ Church Cathedral. 

The deadline for the Hugh Duncan and IFE bursaries offered by the Nakonhaka Regional Council will be June 1st. Bursaries are available for both college and university students who are confirmed members of the United Church of Canada. Application forms are available on the Nakonhaka website ( or you may request a copy from Barbara. 

The United Church is hiring 16 Youth Climate Motivators aged 14-19 to work with communities of Faith over the summer. The application date is May 14th. More information is available on the Jobs and Volunteer Opportunities webpage, accessed the the United Church website, 

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