
Friday, May 26, 2023

Sunday, May 28, 2023 Pentecost Sunday


Invocation:  Come Holy Spirit, come. 
Come into our time of worship this day. 
Come into each heart, each prayer, each song, each life this day so that we may live and love with purpose, courage, and enthusiasm serving our world this day and everyday. 

Hymn.     Spirit Divine, Attend our Prayers #385

Scripture Lessons:     Acts 2:1-21

                                   Psalm 104:24-24

                                    John 20:19-23

Hymn       Breathe on  Me Breath of God #382


Prayer:  Come Holy Spirit, come:  enter our lives. Free us from all fear. Give us strength to carry on. Give us hope and joy sufficient for each day. 
Come Holy Spirit, come:  give us power to be the church. Impart to our members, that we may be the body of Christ’s presence in the world. Free us from all fear, and renew our life together.
Come Holy Spirit, come. Bind us close together. May we rejoice with one another’s joys and weep with one another’s sorrows. Bind us together, not only with the sheep of this fold, but all of Christ’s people around this community and the world. Forgive the pride, prejudice, and self-righteousness which separate us from one another. 
Come Holy Spirit, come:  that all may be one in Christ, source of all true unity, who is with us today and always, even to the end of time. Amen. ( a prayer by RuthC. dDuck printed in Bread for the Journey) 

Hymn.      Spirit of God, Descend upon my Heart #378

This Sunday Howick United Church will be holding its Anniversary Sunday celebration, beginning at 11:00. This will include a brief worship service, some family friendly activities, and a sandwich lunch. The sandwiches will be supplied but donations of cash to cover the cost, veggies and sweets would be greatly appreciated. 

Franklin United Church will be holding a Pentecost Sunday service at 9:30. 

This weekend is the final weekend for beginning or renewing a subscription to Broadview. The cost is $25 for a year’s subscription. Please let Wilene Cullen know if you are interested. 

St Paul’s Session will be meeting on Wednesday, May 31st at 7:30pm in the hall. 

The Howick Women’s Institute will be holding an information evening with Wendy Sherry (nurse clinician at the MUHC) on Tuesday, June 13th at 7pm in the Howick United Church. All welcome. 

Howick United Church Stewards will be meeting on Thursday, June 15th in the church at 7pm. 

June Worship Schedule:  June 4.   9:30.   Ormstown.      11:00.   Howick
                                         June 11  9:30.    Franklin.        11:00.   Ormstown. (No service in Howick) 
                                         June 18. 9:30.    Howick.         11:00.   Ormstown 
                                         June 25.  9:30.   Franklin.        11:00.   Howick. outdoor service 

Friday, May 19, 2023

Sunday, May 21, 2023 The Seventh Sunday of Easter


Hymn.      Sweet Hour of Prayer

Scripture Lessons:      Acts 1:6-14

                                    Psalm 68:1-10

                                    John 17:1-11


Prayer:  Gracious God, as Jesus’ disciples asked him to teach us to pray, so we do too. Deep within our hearts we have a great hunger and need for your presence and your guidance. Teach us to pray; teach us to love; teach us to live. This we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen. ( adapted from a prayer printed in Taste and See, by Jacqueline Syrup Bergan and S. Marie Schwan.) 

Hymn.        What a Friend We Have in Jesus #664

Blessing:  In each breath this day, May there be peace. 
In each step this day, may there be grace. 
In each word this day, May there be compassion. 
In eac encounter this day, May God’s presence be known. ( from Keri Wehlander’s Circles of Grace.)  

This week’s services will be 9:30 in Howick and 11:00 in Ormstown. 

The Howick Stewards meeting has been postponed until Wednesday, June 15th at 7pm in the church hall. 

St Paul’s Session will be meeting on Wednesday, May 31st at 7:30pm in the hall. 

Next Sunday is planned to be Anniversary Sunday in Howick. We will begin at 11:00 with a short service and have a few intergenerational activities planned, to be followed by a sandwich lunch. All welcome to take part. 

Next Sunday is also the deadline for renewing or subscribing to Broadview magazine. The cost is $25 for a year’s subscription. It can be paid in cash, by cheque (made out to Howick United Church) or by e-transfer to

The deadline for applying for the IFE or Hugh Duncan bursaries made available by Nakonhaka Regional Council for college and university students is June 1st. The application form is available on the Nakonhaka website ( or Barbara can provide a copy if requested. 

We continue to hold the Chisholm and Buchanan families in our thoughts and prayers, following the memorial service held yesterday in the Georgetown Presbyterian Church. 

We also hold the family of George Cullen in  our thoughts and prayers, following his death last week. A service to celebrate his life will be held on Saturday, June 3rd at 3:00, visitation being held in the church from 1:30. 

Friday, May 12, 2023

Sunday, May 14, 2023 The Sixth Sunday of Easter

 Today is of course, Mother’s Day or Christian Family Sunday. We give thanks for the gifts of life and love often learned and experienced in families, whether in the families we are born into, the families we choose and make together, or both. 💞

Hymn      Praise My Soul the God of Heaven #240VU

Prayer:  Loving God, like a mother you are always watching over us, always caring for us. On this day, we pray for all those who are like mothers to us— all of those women who wipe away tears, who teach and guide us, who hold us and hug us and listen to our stories and tell us their wisdom. For mothers and grandmas, aunties and big sisters, neighbours and friends, who show us your love in their words and actions, we offer thanks, and ask you to bless the. Amen. (from Seasons of the Spirit 2004)

Scripture Lessons:     Acts 17:22-31

                                   Psalm 66:8-20

                                   John 14:15-21


Prayer:  We thank you, O God, for our family and for what we mean and bring to one another. We are grateful for the bonds of loyalty and affection which sustain us and for the capacity to love and to care. Help us to be modest in our demands of one another, but generous in our giving to one another. May we never measure how much love or encouragement we offer; may we never count the times we forgive. Rather, May we always be grateful that we have one another and that we are able to express our love in acts of kindness. 
      Keep us gentle in our speech. When we offer words of criticism, May they be chosen with care and spoken softly. May we waste no opportunity to speak words of sympathy, of appreciation, of praise. Bless our families with health, happiness and contentment. Above all, grant us the wisdom to build a joyous and peaceful home in which your spirit will always abide. Amen. ( a prayer from Temple Beth Emanuel in Montreal) 

Hymn.    Love Divine #333

This week there are services in all three of our churches: 9:30 in Franklin, 11:00 in Ormstown and 11:00 in Howick with Debbie Beattie. Hope you all have a happy Mother’s Day, however you choose to celebrate it. 

This coming week the St Paul’s Stewards will be meeting on Wednesday, May 17th in the hall at 7:30pm. 

Howick’s Stewards will be meeting the following Wednesday, May 24th in the church hall at 7pm. 

Unit B of the Howick UCW will be meeting for a soup lunch at the home of Thyra Ness Wednesday, May 24th at 11:45. 

The deadline for beginning or renewing a subscription to Broadview is approaching, May 28th. The cost is $25 for a year’s subscription. Please get cash or cheque (made out to Howick United Church) to Wilene Cullen or you may make an e-transfer to, including your name and address for the subscription.

Georgetown Presbyterian Church will be holding a flower and plant sale Monday, May 22nd from 9:-12:00. Hanging baskets and bedding plants will be sold on a first come, first served basis. For more information, please call Amy at 450-825-2872. 

May 14th is the application deadline for the Youth Climate Motivators that the United Church is hiring this summer. Applicants need to be between 14 and 19 years of age and will work with faith communities across the country. More information and the application form is available on the Job and Volunteer Opportunites page on the United Church website, 

The application deadline for the IFE and Hugh Duncan bursaries is June 1st. The bursaries are provided by the Nakonhaka Regional Council to confirmed members of the United Church who are attending college or university. Application forms are available on the regional council website, or you may speak to Barbara and she will provide one. 

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Sunday, May 7, 2023 The Fifth Sunday of Easter

 This is also the end of Mental Health Awareness Week. We pray for the health and well-being of all God’s people, for both their physical, mental and emotional health. 

Hymn      How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds #344

Prayer: Jesus, you are the Living Stone, chosen by God and precious. We desire to be like you, living stones, built into a spiritual house. Let this time of worship open us to your presence and transform us into a holy priesthood in your name. Amen. (written by Kate Crawford of Huron Shores United Church, Grand Bend ON and printed in Gathering L/E2020) 

Scripture Lessons:      Acts 7:55-60

                                    Psalm 31:1-5, 15,16

                                    I Peter 2:2-10


Prayer: God, we thank you for the hope of a new day and a fresh start. We give thanks for the reminder that “it’s ok not to be ok” and that it’s better to tell the truth about what’s really going on for us, get support and help, than to suffer in silence and alone. We thank you God that you never give up on us even when we feel like giving up on ourselves. We thank you that we can hold onto hope one day at a time. We are grateful for this faith community where we can experience sacred welcome, inclusion, support, and engagement for mental health. Bless us with the power of your Spirit that is holy as we share your love with others in our mission to end the stigma and shame of mental illness. In the name of the Disabled and Neurodiverse God we pray. Amen. (a prayer written by the Rev. Dr. Sarah Lund and included in the resources for Mental Health Sunday.) 

Hymn         Christ is Made theSure Foundation #325

We continue to hold in our thoughts and prayers the family of Charles Harvey following the service of remembrance and thanksgiving for his life held on Saturday. 

The Howick UCW will be meeting Wednesday, May 10th at 7pm at the home of Marina and Scott Templeton, to learn and try out some flower arranging techniques. 

St Paul’s United Church Session will be meeting on Wednesday, May10th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

St Paul’s Stewards will be meeting on Wednesday, May 17th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

Congratulations to the Rev. Patricia Lisson who has been granted an honorary doctorate and the Rev. Ken Delisle who has been awarded the Craig Chaplin Award by the combined colleges of the Montreal Diocesan College and the United Theological College. The awards will be presented at the combined convocation to be held May 8th in the Christ Church Cathedral. 

The deadline for the Hugh Duncan and IFE bursaries offered by the Nakonhaka Regional Council will be June 1st. Bursaries are available for both college and university students who are confirmed members of the United Church of Canada. Application forms are available on the Nakonhaka website ( or you may request a copy from Barbara. 

The United Church is hiring 16 Youth Climate Motivators aged 14-19 to work with communities of Faith over the summer. The application date is May 14th. More information is available on the Jobs and Volunteer Opportunities webpage, accessed the the United Church website,