
Monday, April 10, 2023

Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023


Hymn.       Welcome Happy Morning #161

Prayer:  God of Easter surprise and everlasting presence: on this joyous day, we feel as if anything is possible. In the mystery of love you empower us to join with you in helping transformations happen in this world. The hallelujahs of Easter equip us for the opportunities you send our way. And we are glad. Amen. ( a prayer written by Joanna MacQuarrie and printed in Courage for Hallelujahs, edited by Keri Wehlander) 

Scripture Lessons:     Acts 10:34-43

                                   Psalm 118:14-24 p. 837 pts 2&3

                                   John 20:1-18

Hymn      The Strife is O’er #159


Prayer:  Hurray, hurray, a million hurrays. All praise to you, God most holy. O mystery of mercy, O surprise of love. All was failing and loss. All was lost and death. Jesus our hope was murdered, all was buried and gone. But, O God, in wild abandon, in foolish wisdom, you raised Christ our hope from death to life. In Christ’s birth you announced your grace and favour. In Christ’s life he proclaimed your love and care. In his death he revealed you are with us always, and in his resurrection you revealed a new creation and new possibilities. You have given new worth to us and to the whole world. Hurray, hurray, a million hurrays. O God of mystery, O surprise of love. Amen. ( adapted from a prayer found in the United Church’s worship resource, Celebrate God’s Presence) 

Hymn.    Jesus Christ is Risen Today #155

A blessed and joyful Easter to you all! Unfortunately, the plans have changed for our Easter services this year. The service in Howick has had to be cancelled as Debbie has come down with COVID. We hope she will be feeling better shortly. There will be services in Franklin (9:30) and in Ormstown (11:00). Franklin’s service will also be a Communion service. 

Next Sunday, April 16th, will be Confirmation and Communion Sunday in Ormstown. The service will be at 11:00, following Howick’s usual service at 9:30. 

Barbara is planning to be away for a week of educational leave April 17th to 23rd. 

Sunday, April 30th there will be a combined service in St Paul’s in Ormstown, beginning at 11:00. Coffe and munchies will be offered in a fellowship time from 10:30. All welcome. 

Also, please keep in mind the Memorial Tea that will be held SundayApril 30th to celebrate the life of Marjorie Templeton. The tea will be held in the Howick United Church Hall from 2-4:00. 

Howick UCW (unit c) will be meeting Wednesday April 12th at 7pm in the Howick Church Hall. 

St Paul’s Session and Stewards will be meeting on Wednesday, April 12th. The Session will meet on Wednesday, April 12th at 1pm in the hall and the Stewards will meet on at 7:45 in the hall, following the Confirmation Class. 

April 16th to 23rd is Earth Week and there will be a Forum held in the Rec Centre in Ormstown Saturday April 22nd (Earth Day) from 10 - 1:00. Many organizations will be there and a lunch will be offered by the Scouts. 

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