
Thursday, April 27, 2023

Sunday, April 30, 2023 The Fourth Sunday of Easter

This Sunday is known as “Good Shepherd Sunday” when we celebrate God’s goodness and faithfulness to us, as revealed in Jesus of Nazareth. 

Hymn      Come Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love #574

Prayer:  Holy God, our good shepherd, lead us to the peace and calmness that restore our souls; so that we may live faithfully in Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen. ( a prayer by Patricia Catellier, printed in Before the Amen, edited by Maren Tirabassi and Maria I. Tirabassi)

Scripture Lessons:      Acts 2:42-47

                                    Psalm 23 p. 749VU

                                    John 10:1-10

Hymn      The Lord’s My Shepherd #747


Prayer: Most compassionate God, we thank you that you have come to us in Jesus Christ, sharing our common lot. As the shepherd seeks a lost, sheep, you seek us when we wander; finding us, you receive us with rejoicing. Since you have claimed us, fill us with your Spirit, that we might be channels of your tender care for those who are broken-hearted or wandering. Amen. ( a prayer by Ruth C. Duck and printed in Bread for the Journey, edited by Ruth C. Duck.) 

Hymn      He Leadeth Me #657

This Sunday there will be a combined service for our three congregations to be held in St Paul’s in Ormstown. The service will be at 11:00 and we will begin with a fellowship time at 10:30 in the church. 

A belated congratulations to Donald and Grace Brown who celebrated their 50th anniversary last week. 

This afternoon there will be a Memorial Tea in honour of Marjorie Templeton from 2-4pm in the church hall. 

We have been saddened by the news of the death of Charles Harvey this week. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family. A service of remembrance and thanksgiving will be held on Saturday, May 6th at 2pm, at St Paul’s  United Church, Ormstownwith visitation at the church from 1-2 preceding the service. 

Congratulations to the Howick United Church Women, who raised more than $1000.00 (1016.34) through the bread sale. Thanks to those who planned, organized, and supported this fundraiser. 

There will be a session on hearing loss and accessibility led by Abby Stonehouse offered by the Howick WI and hosted by the Howick UCW, to be held Tuesday, May 2nd at 1:30pm in the Howick United Church hall. All welcome to attend. 

The time has come to renew or begin a subscription for Broadview, formerly The Observer, which combines both general interest articles as well as news from the United Church of Canada. The cost for an annual subscription is $25.00. Wilene Cullen is collecting the subscriptions. They can be made in cash or cheque (made out to Howick United Church) or by e-transfer to 

The deadline for the Hugh Duncan and IFE bursaries offered by the Nakonhaka Regional Council is June 1st. Application forms are available on the Nakonhaka website ( or speak to Barbara and she will provide one for you. 

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Sunday, April 23, 2023 The Third Sunday of Easter

 In honour of Earth Day, a few selections

Hymn       All Creatures of our God and King #217

Prayer:  God of the heavens and the earth, with joy we praise you, we thank you, we honour you. 
Because you have made us like yourself, made us to be creative in your world, we praise you. 
Because you have freed us through Jesus, freed us to be people of light and love, we thank you. 
Because your Spirit is present with us, present to guide and renew, we honour you. 
God of the heavens and the earth, with joy we praise you, we thank you, we honour you for ever. Amen. 

Hymn       Fairest Lord Jesus #341

Prayer:  Generous and loving God, we thank you for your blessings without number. 
We bless you for the beauty of creation: for day and night, for summer and winter;
   for sun and rain, for seed-time and harvest;
   for your bounty supplying all our needs. 
We bless you for protecting us in our weakness, and renewing our strength of spirit; for guiding us as we resist evil, and calling us to your truth, and to your service. 
We praise you for sending Jesus to be among us:  for his life on earth, and the lessons he found there; for his sufferings and death, which revealed to us the height and depth and breadth of your love for us; for his resurrection to new life and the gift of your Holy Spirit. 
Grant, O God, that our hearts may grow in thankfulness for these and all your gifts of grace, so that as the people of new life, we may proclaim your praise; in Jesus’s name. Amen. 

Hymn       For the Beauty of the Earth #226

This week Barbara is on educational leave and Debbie Beattie will be leading the Sunday services in Franklin (9:30) and Howick (11:00). Many thanks Debbie! 
Barbara will be back in the office on Monday. 

Next Sunday will be a combined service in Ormstown. The service will begin at 11:00 and there will be a time of fellowship, beginning at 10:30 in the church. 

Friday, April 14, 2023

Sunday, April 16, 2023 The Second Sunday of Easter

 My apologies for those who were looking for the blog last weekend. I had not realized that I had not published the blog before I sent out the email. Once again, I am sorry. B

Hymn       The Day of Resurrection #164VU

Scripture Lessons:         I Peter 1:3-9

                                       Psalm 150 p.874VU

                                       John 20:19-31

Hymn      Jesus Stand Among Us #396VU


Prayer:  Praise to you, my risen Redeemer, who keeps on challenging the doubt in me, who perceives the Thomas in me and allows me those graceful times when I, too, can put my fingers into the signs and wounds of my everyday life and there come in contact with you. 

Praise to you, my risen Lord, who keeps on meeting me in the garden of my life, who keeps on calling my name, allowing me to feel loved, blessed, and cherished. 

Praise to you risen Jesus, who walks with me on my Emmaus journeys, coaxing the ache out of me, comforting and strengthening me with the intimate presence of yourself. 

Praise to you, my risen Saviour, who surprises me on the sandy beaches of my so often planned and programmed life, inviting me to come and taste what you have prepared. Time after time, you nourish me with all that I need to carry your risen presence with me, wherever I go and to who ever I meet. Amen. ( a prayer from Joyce Rupp’s Fresh Bread and other gifts of Spiritual Nourishment) 

Hymn      Christ the Lord is Risen Today #157VU

Barbara will be away this week on educational leave. Debbie Beattie will be leading the services in Franklin and Howick next Sunday, April 23rd. 

We are delighted this Sunday to welcome 7 new members into St Paul’s, Ormstown through Profession of Faith. 

Sunday, April 30th will be a combined service for our 3 congregations held in St Paul’s in Ormstown at 11:00. Fellowship time will begin at 10:30 in the church. 

There will be a Memorial Tea held for Marjorie Templeton on Sunday, April 30th from 2-4pm in the Howick United Church Hall. 

This week has been labelled as Earth Week, leading into Earth Day on Saturday April 22nd. We are invited to consider how we can show our care and concern for the Earth, our environment this week and beyond. In Ormstown there will be a forum with many groups and organizations organizing displays as well as the Scouts offering a lunch at the Rec Centre in Ormstown 10:00-1:00. 

The 4-H Square Dancing Competition will be held Saturday, April 22nd at 1pm in the Industrial Building at the Fairgrounds. 

The Nakonhaka Regional Council is now receiving applications for the IFE and Hugh Duncan bursaries. The deadline for applying is June 1st. It is open to confirmed members of a United Church congregation who are studying at a college level or university level school. The application form is available on the Nakonhaka website ( or request a copy from Barbara. 

Monday, April 10, 2023

Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023


Hymn.       Welcome Happy Morning #161

Prayer:  God of Easter surprise and everlasting presence: on this joyous day, we feel as if anything is possible. In the mystery of love you empower us to join with you in helping transformations happen in this world. The hallelujahs of Easter equip us for the opportunities you send our way. And we are glad. Amen. ( a prayer written by Joanna MacQuarrie and printed in Courage for Hallelujahs, edited by Keri Wehlander) 

Scripture Lessons:     Acts 10:34-43

                                   Psalm 118:14-24 p. 837 pts 2&3

                                   John 20:1-18

Hymn      The Strife is O’er #159


Prayer:  Hurray, hurray, a million hurrays. All praise to you, God most holy. O mystery of mercy, O surprise of love. All was failing and loss. All was lost and death. Jesus our hope was murdered, all was buried and gone. But, O God, in wild abandon, in foolish wisdom, you raised Christ our hope from death to life. In Christ’s birth you announced your grace and favour. In Christ’s life he proclaimed your love and care. In his death he revealed you are with us always, and in his resurrection you revealed a new creation and new possibilities. You have given new worth to us and to the whole world. Hurray, hurray, a million hurrays. O God of mystery, O surprise of love. Amen. ( adapted from a prayer found in the United Church’s worship resource, Celebrate God’s Presence) 

Hymn.    Jesus Christ is Risen Today #155

A blessed and joyful Easter to you all! Unfortunately, the plans have changed for our Easter services this year. The service in Howick has had to be cancelled as Debbie has come down with COVID. We hope she will be feeling better shortly. There will be services in Franklin (9:30) and in Ormstown (11:00). Franklin’s service will also be a Communion service. 

Next Sunday, April 16th, will be Confirmation and Communion Sunday in Ormstown. The service will be at 11:00, following Howick’s usual service at 9:30. 

Barbara is planning to be away for a week of educational leave April 17th to 23rd. 

Sunday, April 30th there will be a combined service in St Paul’s in Ormstown, beginning at 11:00. Coffe and munchies will be offered in a fellowship time from 10:30. All welcome. 

Also, please keep in mind the Memorial Tea that will be held SundayApril 30th to celebrate the life of Marjorie Templeton. The tea will be held in the Howick United Church Hall from 2-4:00. 

Howick UCW (unit c) will be meeting Wednesday April 12th at 7pm in the Howick Church Hall. 

St Paul’s Session and Stewards will be meeting on Wednesday, April 12th. The Session will meet on Wednesday, April 12th at 1pm in the hall and the Stewards will meet on at 7:45 in the hall, following the Confirmation Class. 

April 16th to 23rd is Earth Week and there will be a Forum held in the Rec Centre in Ormstown Saturday April 22nd (Earth Day) from 10 - 1:00. Many organizations will be there and a lunch will be offered by the Scouts. 

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Good Friday, April 7, 2023


Hymn       There is a Green Hill Far Away #152

Prayer:  Holy God, who has opened our ears to hear your Word and our lips to proclaim your truth:  open our eyes this day to see in the cross the revelation of your love; through Jesus the Crucified, to whom with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, be honour and praise, now and forever. Amen. (a prayer from the United Church’s worship resource, Celebrate God’s Presence)

Scripture Lessons:       Isaiah 52:13-53:12

                                     Psalm 22:1-18


Hymn     When I Survey the Wondrous Cross #149


Prayer:  O Saviour of the world, we praise you again for the victory of the cross and for your finished work. 
You have done for us what we could never do for ourselves, and what we did not deserve you to do; and you have done it once and for all. 
Through your perfect and all-sufficient sacrifice sin is conquered, death is destroyed, humanity is redeemed, and heaven is opened. To God be the glory for ever and ever. ( a prayer by Frank Colquhoun and printed in Contemporary Parish Prayers)

Hymn.      Beneath the Cross of Jesus #135

Have a blessed and a joyful Easter! We were planning to hold Easter services in all three of our churches, but we have heard from Debbie that unfortunately she has come down with Covid and is unable to lead worship for us this Sunday. We hope she will soon be recovered and back with us soon. Members of Howick are invited to join with the Franklin (9:30) or Ormstown (11:00) congregations for an Easter service. An Easter blog will also be posted, and we will continue to celebrate the good news of Easter through the Easter season.