
Saturday, March 4, 2023

Sunday, March 5, 2023 The Second Sunday of Lent


Hymn      Unto the Hills #842VU

Prayer:  Creator God, from quark to planet your universe is awesome. 
Give us eyes to gape at the wonders daily about us, 
And the will to live in the harmony of your creating. 
Help us to recognize and honour the connections of all things, 
Even at cost to our own wants and comforts; 
So we may live gently on earth, 
And all creation praise you. ( a prayer by Chris Polhill and published in the Iona Community’s Lenten worship resource, Eggs and Ashes, edited by Ruth Burgess and Chris Polhill)

Scripture Lessons:   Genesis 12:1-4

                                 Psalm 121 p.842VU

                                 John 3:1-17


Prayer:  By the prayers of Jesus, Lord teach us how to pray. 
By the gifts of Jesus, Lord, teach us how to give. 
By the the toils of Jesus, Lord, teach us how to work. 
By the love of Jesus, Lord, teach us how to love. 
By the cross of Jesus, Lord, teach us how to live. Amen. (printed in Frank Colquhoun’s Contemporary Parish Prayers) 

Hymn      I Love to Tell the Story #343

Next Sunday will be the combined service and annual meeting in both Franklin and Ormstown. Franklin’s service will begin at 9am and Ormstown’s at 11:00 in the hall. Annual reports are available for those who have not yet received one. 

Upcoming Events in Howick:  Stewards meeting Tuesday, March 14th 7pm in the church hall. 

Pancake Luncheon following the 11am Sunday service March 26th 

A Memorial Tea held for Marjorie Templeton Sunday April 30th, 2-4pm, in the church hall. 
Please mark your calendars! 

The Confirmation Classes have begun on Wednesday evening from 6:30-7:30pm in the hall in Ormstown. We will be beginning again after March Break, on March 15th. 

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