
Friday, March 10, 2023

Sunday, March 12, 2023 The Third Sunday of Lent

 This week we marked International Womens’s Day, recalling the many gifts and contributions women bring to our community, giving thanks for them, and praying for justice, peace, and equality for all women all around the world. Next Tuesday March 14th (3.14) is PIE Day (Public, Intentional and Explicit) offering support to congregations who are affirming and welcoming to LGBTQ+ members. The Moderator of the United Church has posted a message on the website and on the church’s YouTube channel. 

Hymn.      Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah #651VU

Prayer:  Gracious God, may your love, like water, pour over our thirsty spirits, cleansing, refreshing, renewing us. Be present as we seek to know you, to love you, and to respond to your unconditional love for us. Amen. (a prayer from Jacqueline Syrup Bergman and S. Marie Schwan’s Taste and See)

Scripture Lessons:     Exodus 17: 1-7

                                   Psalm 95 p.814VU

                                   John 4:5-42


Prayer: God our Mother, Living Water, River of Mercy, Source of Life, in whom we live and move and have our being, who quenches our thirst, refreshes our weariness, bathes and washes and cleanses our wounds, be for us always a fountain of life, and for all the world a river of hope springing up in the midst of the deserts of despair. Honour and blessing, glory and praise to you forever. Amen. (a prayer from Miriam Therese Winter’s Woman Prayer Woman Song)

Hymn.     I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say #626VU

The Stewards of Howick United Church will be meeting March 14th at 7pm in the hall. 
The Session and Stewards of St Paul’s United Church have delayed their meetings until next week, March 22nd. 

Howick UCW (unit C) will be holding a fundraiser, a sale of a selection of Grant’s bread (white, whole wheat, Canadian Harvest, Austrian, molasses oatmeal, farmer’s rolls, raisin bread, and pizza crusts). Orders need to be handed in by Saturday, April 15th and delivery will be on Wednesday, April 26th between 12 and 2 in the church hall. Members of Unit C can take your order. Your support would be greatly appreciated! 

The Confirmation Class will be meeting this week, on Wednesday night in the hall in Ormstown, from 6:30-7:30pm. 

Howick United Church is planning a Pancake Luncheon for Sunday, March 26th following the Sunday service. All welcome to come and join in the fun. A free will offering will be taken to try to cover the costs.

Please mark your calendars: a memorial tea will be held Sunday, April 30th from 2-4pm in the hall in Howick United Church to remember and to give thanks for the life of Marjorie Templeton. 

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