
Friday, June 10, 2022

Sunday, June 12, 2022 Trinity Sunday


Hymn Holy Holy Holy #315VU

Prayer:  Almighty God, beginning and end; giver of food and drink, clothing and warmth, love and hope: life in all its goodness— we praise and adore you. 

Lord Jesus, carpenter’s son; lover of outcasts, friend of the poor; one of us yet one with God; crucified and risen: life in the midst of death— we praise and adore you. 

Holy Spirit, storm and breath of love; bridge builder, eye-opener, living power of Jesus; water of the oppressed, God of the unexpected, untameable energy of life— we praise and adore you. 

Holy Trinity, forever one, whose nature is community; source of all sharing, in whom we love, and meet, and know our neighbour, life in all is fullness, making all things new— we praise and adore you. 
(a prayer by Brian Wren and printed in Bread of Tomorrow, prayers for the church year edited by Janet Morley) 

Scripture Lessons:       Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31

                                     Psalm 8 p.732VU

                                     Romans 5:1-5


Hymn     For the Beauty of the Earth #226

A Benediction for Trinity Sunday: God be the road on which you travel: 
He the mountains on which you are tested and challenged
He the wells at which you find healing and peace. 

Christ be the light by which you travel: 
He the vision which informs and enlarges you
He the lodestar shining in your darkest nights. 

The Spirit inspire you as you travel: 
She the restlessness driving you onwards
She the stillness leading you to the heart of God. 

The Trinity, the Three, go with you as you travel; 
and May your journey begin
And end in them. (written by Pat Bennett and published in the Iona Community’s Fire and Bread)

This week is Fair week and there will be no Sunday service in Howick but there will be services in Franklin (9:30) and Ormstown (11:00). 

We were saddened to hear of Norman Fletcher’s death this past week. We hold his family and friends in our thoughts and prayers. 

Howick United Church Stewards will be meeting this week on Wednesday, June 15th at 7pm in the church hall. 

St Paul’s United Church Stewards will meet Wednesday, June 22nd at 7:30pm in the church hall. 

St Paul’s will be holding a takeout only Strawberry “Social” at MacDougall Hall in Ormstown on Thursday, June 30th from 5pm. Prices will be $8 for adults and $5 for children between the ages of 5-10. 

Volunteers will also be needed to fix the strawberries on Wednesday, June 29th. We will be fixing the berries from 1pm in the church hall. If you can, please bring bowls and a knife (and maybe an apron!). 

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