
Friday, May 13, 2022

Sunday, May 15, 2022, The Fifth Sunday of Easter


Hymn.     Come Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love #57

Prayer: O Christ, had we faith enough to move mountains, without love what would we be? 
But you love us. 
Without your Spirit who lives in our hearts, what would we be? 
But you love us. 
Taking everything upon yourself, you open for us a way towards the peace of God, who wants neither suffering nor human distress. 
Spirit of the Risen Christ, spirit of compassion, spirit of praise, your love for each one of us will never fail, and we thank you. Amen. (a prayer from the Taize community, adapted.)

Scripture Lessons:       Revelation 21:1-6

                                     Psalm 148 p.871VU

                                     John 13:31-35

Hymn.      O Love that Wilt Not Let Me Go #658


Prayer:  God, kindle within our hearts today a flame of love for our neighbours, for our foes, for our friends, for our people, for the brave, for the cowardly, for the thoughtless ones. 
O Christ, son of Mary, in all that we love May we serve you, from the lowliest thing that lives, to the name that is highest of all. Amen ( a prayer from the Scottish Celtic tradition published in the Iona Community’s Wild Goose Worship Group’s A Wee Worship Book, 4th incarnation.)

Hymn.      Love Divine #333VU

This week’s services will be held in Howick at 9:30 and in Ormstown at 11:00. (The service in Ormstown will also be available from the parking lot on a car radio at the frequency 87.7.) Next week’s services will follow the usual pattern, 9:30 in Franklin and Howick at 11am. The following Sunday, May 29th is a fifth Sunday and a combined service will be held at 11am in Howick. All are welcome. 

June 5th will be Pentecost Sunday. There will be a 9:30 service in Ormstown and in Howick this will be Anniversary Sunday as well. The 11:00 service will be followed by a lunch of sandwiches and cake. 

It is now the time to start or to renew a subscription for Broadview, the United Church’s magazine. The cost is $25.00 for a year’s subscription. You can give the cash or send the money by e-transfer to Wilene Cullen. Please clearly identify that this is for Broadview and if it is a new subscription, please include mailing details as well. 

St Paul’s Session will be meeting Tuesday, May 17th at 7:30pm at the hall. 

St Paul’s Stewards will meet on Wednesday, May 18th at 7:30pm at the hall. 

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