I don’t know whether this Sunday or next Sunday should be Earth Sunday, (maybe every Sunday should be Earth Sunday?) but maybe we can take some time to see the changes happening around us: plants bursting out from the ground (dandelions and bleeding heart) buds appearing and spring flowers (crocus and daffodils) blooming, and give thanks.
Hymn Jesus Stand Among Us #396VU
Scripture Lessons: Acts 3:12-20
Psalm 4 p.727VU
Luke 24:36-48
Prayer: Jesus, ‘Peace be with you!’ you said to your disciples when you came and stood among them— locked as they were into their bewilderment and their fear. Breathe your Spirit of Peace into our troubled hearts, our full-of-fear world. Enter into our turbulence, our disorder and our discord. Bring your peace, your serenity and your harmony. Calm us, still us, open us up, in order that we may be channels of your peace to those in need of that life-giving river. Amen. (A prayer by Susan Hardwick published in Geoffrey Duncan’s Wisdom is Calling.)
God of power, God of people, you are the life of all that lives, energy that fills the earth, vitality that brings to birth, the impetus toward making whole whatever is bruised or broken. In you we grow to know the truth that sets all creation free. You are the song the whole earth sings, the promise liberation brings, now and forever. Amen (by Miriam Therese Winter, from Woman Prayer, Woman Song, Resources for Ritual).
Hymn Christ the Lord is Risen Today #157VU
Applications for the IFE (college and CEGEP) and Hugh Duncan (university) bursaries are now being accepted. Forms can be found on the regional council website nakonhakaucc.ca under resources. Or give me (Barbara) a call and I can provide one.
We welcome a new member into the Christian church and the family of God. Alayna Greig, daughter of Steven Greig and Laura Mahar will be baptized this Sunday in a private service in St Paul’s United Church in Ormstown.
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