
Thursday, September 3, 2020

September 6, 2020

 We continue to post messages, and announcements as well as worship materials for each week even as we open our churches for indoor public worship again. We hope this will continue to be useful and helpful, both to those who are staying home to avoid any possible exposure to the virus, and possibly for those who may choose to attend the Sunday service as well. If you are coming to the Sunday service, please keep in mind that masks will be required, as well as hand sanitizing and registering your name on a list for any possible contact tracing in the future. Pews will be blocked off to keep us socially distanced, doors and windows will be left open, and the service will be shorter than usual, with no congregational singing, though some music will still be included. 

Hymn  Let All Things Now Living #242

Suggested Scripture Lessons: Exodus 12:1-14

Psalm 149 p.873 VU

Romans 13:8-10


Prayer:  O God of the exodus, you call us onward, onward towards your reign of shalom. 
     You call us to freedom:  freedom from oppression and freedom from fear. 
     You call us to hope:  hope for our world and hope for our common future. 
      You call us to community, living in relationship with you and with our brothers and sisters, your children. 
Open our ears to hear your voice calling and speaking to us, guiding us ever onward and following in the way of our Saviour, Jesus the Christ. Amen. 

Hymn  He Leadeth Me #657VU

We hold in our thoughts and prayers the family of Lochlan (Butch) Cameron, whose death took place last week, and whose memorial was held on Saturday, September 5, 2020. 

Worship Schedule for September:

September 6     9:30     Ormstown     11:00     Howick

 September 13   9:30     Franklin        11:00     Ormstown      11:00     Howick, with D Beattie

September 20    9:30     Howick         11:00     Ormstown

September 27    9:30     Franklin         11:00     Howick

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