
Sunday, December 17, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, December 17th, 2017

Third Sunday of Advent

This evening in Franklin the Franklin congregation invites members of all 3 congregations to join them for a Candlelight Christmas Communion service at 7:30pm.  

Sunday December 24         Fourth Sunday in Advent and Christmas Eve, no morning service
                                                Christmas Eve services in Howick and Ormstown, 8pm
Bursaries presented in Howick
Sunday, December 31        Combined Carol service in Howick at 11am, fellowship time 10:30
Sunday, January 7             Epiphany Sunday, services begin in the hall in Ormstown and Howick

Once again the United Church is offering Gifts with Vision as a gift-giving alternative.  Someone hard to buy for, who doesn’t need anything more?  As a Christmas gift, a birthday or anniversary gift they are terrific!  Catalogues for 2017-8 are now available in our churches and also online at    

Did you know that the UCW is celebrating its 55th anniversary this year?  In its thank you letter the Philanthropy Unit offers its thanks for the work of the UCW in our congregations and points out that since 1962 the UCW has raised $134,497,151.00 for the Mission and Service Fund, besides the gifts that have been given to congregations and many other projects and charitable organizations.  Well done! 

Have you gotten your church calendar for 2018 already?  I think they are mostly gone, but there still might be one or two left.  You can speak to Anne Carpentier if you are interested.  Want to see one of our churches in the next calendar?  There is a call for photos for the next calendar to be printed for 2019.  The deadline for submission is December 30, 2017. If you have or want to take a photo to submit for inclusion, the entry forms for submission with specifications for the photos are available in each of our churches.  

YAYA (youth and young adults) is planning a visit to Winterlude in Ottawa this February. If you know of some young people who might be interested in attending and participating in this event, please let Barbara know and she will get the information for you.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, December 10th, 2017

Once again the United Church is offering Gifts with Vision as a gift-giving alternative.  Someone hard to buy for, who doesn’t need anything more?  As a Christmas gift, a birthday or anniversary gift they are terrific!  Catalogues for 2017-8 are now available in our churches and also online at    

Did you know that the UCW is celebrating its 55th anniversary this year?  In its thank you letter the Philanthropy Unit offers its thanks for the work of the UCW in our congregations and points out that since 1962 the UCW has raised $134,497,151.00 for the Mission and Service Fund, besides the gifts that have been given to congregations and many other projects and charitable organizations.  Well done!

 YAYA (youth and young adults) is planning a visit to Winterlude in Ottawa this February. If you know of some young people who might be interested in attending and participating in this event, please let Barbara know and she will get the information for you.

Church books for the Memorial Fund will be closing December 15th should anyone wish to make a contribution before year end. Please send or give to Grace Brown.  Thank you.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, December 3rd, 2017

Welcome to our church and to our service today. 

St Paul’s UCW invites members of St Paul’s and also Franklin and Howick to attend their Christmas dinner, Wednesday December 13th at noon in the hall in Ormstown.  The cost is $15.  If you would like to attend, please contact Jean McClintock (829-2190) or Jean Niles (829-2652) by this Wednesday, December 6th.  We will also be collecting cash donations for Auberge Madeleine in Montreal, and also gifts and personal items for the women’s shelter in Huntingdon. 

Next Sunday will be the deadline for applying for the Howden-Templeton bursaries.  Forms are available in the church or on the congregation’s website:  Bursaries will be presented at the Christmas Eve service. 

Next Sunday will be White Gift Sunday in all of our congregations.  We will be collecting non-perishable food items as well as angel gifts in Franklin and Ormstown.  These gifts should be wrapped and labelled for the age and gender it is intended for.  Angel labels are in both of these churches. 

The Madrigal choir will be holding its Christmas concerts on Friday December 8th at 8pm in St Luke’s Anglican Church in Hemmingford and Saturday, December 9th at 8pm in St Malachi’s Church in Ormstown.  The cost of tickets is $15 and donations to the local food bank in either kind or cash will be collected. 

Quebec Presbytery (Montreal region) is currently looking for someone with a computer background who could be trained to run our video-conferencing  meetings over the internet.  Meetings take place on Saturday (approximately 4-6 meetings per year) and equipment needs to be set up the day or evening before.  It offers a great experience in a field of technology that is constantly expanding.  A small honorarium is offered.  If you, a member of your family, or a friend you know worked in the field of computers and might be able to help us, please contact Paul Stansfield by email at paul.stansfield(at)

Church books for the Memorial Fund will be closing December 15th should anyone wish to make a contribution before year end. Please send or give to Grace Brown.  Thank you.

The Canadian Foodgrains Bank and Mission and Service Fund thanks you for your support in 2017.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, November 26th, 2017

Tomorrow Howick’s UCW will be holding its annual meeting in the church hall, beginning at 9:30am.  All welcome. 

The Howden-Templeton Bursary application forms are now available in the church or in a downloadable version at  Applications must be returned NO LATER THAN December 10th, and bursaries will be presented at the Christmas Eve service at the church.

There will be a Christmas Bazaar at the Centre d’Hebergement Ormstown, 65 Hector, on Monday, November 27th from 11:30am-7:30pm. 

Georgetown Presbyterian Church will be hosting a Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, December 2nd from 9-11am.  Please RSVP with Gregg Eastwood at 450-826-0230. 

The Madrigal Choir will be presenting two Christmas concerts for the coming holidays:  at St Luke’s Anglican Church in Hemmingford at 8pm on Friday, December 8th and at St Malachie Catholic Church at 8pm on Saturday, December 9th at 8pm.  Tickets are available at a cost of $15, and free for children 12 years old and under. 

Our campaigns for the Canadian Food Grains Bank will soon be coming to an end.  If you would like to make a donation, envelopes are available in the entryway. 

The federal matching program for the Rohingya refugees is coming to an end this Tuesday, November 28th.  If you would like to contribute, you may either through the United Church or the Canadian Food Grains Bank.  Details may be found in the newsletter. 

Worship Schedule__________________________

December 3    9:30       Ormstown         11:00    Howick
                                Communion Sunday in Howick

December 10 9:30       Franklin              11:00    Ormstown
                                11:00    Howick with D Beattie

White Gift Sunday in all churches, Communion Sunday in Ormstown
December 17 9:30       Howick                                11:00    Ormstown
                                7:30pm Candlelight Communion service in Franklin

December 24 no morning service
                Christmas Eve services in Howick and Ormstown, 8pm

December 31 Combined service in Howick, 11am, fellowship time beginning at 10:30am.

Friday, November 17, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, November 19th, 2017

The Rudolph Fun Run/Walk will be held on Saturday, November 25th, beginning at the Rec Centre in Ormstown.  Courses of 1, 2, 5 may be walked or run.  A course of 10k can be run only.  Registration begins at 8am, and departures begin at 9am.  A minimum donation of $5 is requested, with all funds going to local Christmas baskets.  Get in the spirit by wearing something red or green.  Everyone welcome!  More information can be found on La Course/Marche Rudolph Facebook page.  

The Howden-Templeton Bursary application forms are now available in the church or in a downloadable version at 

There will be a Christmas Bazaar at the Centre d’Hebergement Ormstown, 65 Hector, on Monday, November 27th from 11:30am-7:30pm. 

Georgetown Presbyterian Church will be hosting a Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, December 2nd from 9-11am.  Please RSVP with Gregg Eastwood at 450-826-0230. 

The Madrigal Choir will be presenting two Christmas concerts for the coming holidays:  at St Luke’s Anglican Church in Hemmingford at 8pm on Friday, December 8th and at St Malachie Catholic Church at 8pm on Saturday, December 9th at 8pm.  Tickets are available at a cost of $15, and free for children 12 years old and under. 

Sunday, October 22, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, October 22nd, 2017

Today in Howick we are happy to welcome the Chartrand-McGrath family, who bring their youngest member, Finn, for introduction into the church of Jesus Christ through the sacrament of baptism. 

The Canadian Food Grains Bank wishes to say THANK YOU to so many Canadians, farmers, churches, businesses as well as foundations and the government of Canada.  Your support is truly appreciated.  World hunger is a problem that we can work towards reducing.  Your donation will help with many projects that improve crops in developing countries and allow people to provide for themselves.  Please pick up an envelope to make a donation today, in the narthex.

Come one, come all! There will be a Hallowe’en party on Saturday, October 28thth in the Georgetown Church at 7 pm.  Prizes will be given for the funniest and most original costumes. 
There will be a Quebec Presbytery Youth Forum held Friday November 3rd  6:30pm to Sunday November 5th at 2pm for anyone high school or CEGEP age (13-20-ish).  The cost for the weekend is $50.00.  The theme this year is “Cleaning-Up the Mess:  De-stress, De-clutter, and DIY.”  For more information, check out the poster and registration forms on the bulletin board. 

Next Sunday there will be a combined service for our three churches in St Paul’s United Church in Ormstown at 11am.  A fellowship time will start at 10:30am in the church. 

Saturday, November 4 - Hospital Bazaar for the Barrie Memorial Hospital at CVR

November 5th will be Remembrance Sunday.  In Howick we will be participating in the shared Remembrance Sunday service at Georgetown Presbyterian Church.  

Friday, November 10th at 7:30pm, Elvis will be in the building!  Howick United Church will be hosting a fundraiser with Sylvain Leduc as Elvis.  Tickets are available at a cost of $20 from Grace Brown, Marlene Stuckey, Mac Orr, Winifred Sherry, and at Donald Brown Equipment.

There will be an opportunity to share in a Blanket Exercise (a teaching tool to share the historic and contemporary relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada) on Sunday, November 12th at 1pm to 3:30 or 4pm, in the United Church and Hall in Hemmingford, #2-476 Frontiere St., Hemmingford.  The space is limited and participants must register.  To register, please call 514-710-6960.  A free will offering will be taken. 

Saturday, October 14, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, October 15th, 2017

As you give to Canadian Foodgrains Bank, please be aware that they work to involve Canadians in the work to end global hunger. They develop resources that can be shared and distributed in congregations around the country. They help with the many faces of hunger, please make a donation to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, envelope provided in the Narthex.

Huntingdon United Church will be holding its Fall Luncheon this Thursday, October 19th from 11-1:00 in the church.  Cost will be $15 for adults, $5 for children aged 5-12, and free for children under 5. 

Zion United Church, Dundee will be hosting a Hymn Sing with the Franklin Ensemble next Sunday, October 22nd at 2pm.  The church is found at 1831 Smallman in Dundee and all are welcome.  A free will offering for the Canadian Food Grains Bank will be taken and refreshments will also be served. 

St Paul’s will be hosting the combined service for our three Churches, on Sunday October 29th at 11am.  Fellowship time will lead into the service in the church and begin at 10:30am. 

Come one, come all! There will be a Hallowe’en party on Saturday, October 28thth in the Georgetown Church at 7 pm.  Prizes will be given for the funniest and most original costumes. 

Saturday, November 4 - Hospital Bazaar for the Barrie Memorial Hospital at CVR

Sunday, November 5 - Remembrance Sunday, combined service for the Howick area in Georgetown

On Friday, November 10 at 7:30 pm Sylvain Leduc as Elvis will perform in the sanctuary at Howick United Church.
The program of gospel and favorites is a fund raiser for HUC - tickets are on sale for $20 from Grace Brown. Everyone is welcome!

Friday, September 29, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, October 1st, 2017

Closing service today for Beechridge Presbyterian Church 1:30pm

There will be a family bazaar at Walshaven today, 10am-4pm, including pies, Christmas decorations, and other items. 

Montreal & Ottawa Conference – Traveling Road Show – Come! Discuss! And Ask! A workshop directed at Treasurers, Trustees, Board/Council Chairs, Mission & Service, Stewardship and Outreach Committee. Clergy and Lay! Saturday, November 4, 2017 at Summerlea United Church, Lachine, 8:45 am – 3:30 pm. If you have questios or to register contact Paul Sales at 613-841-9291

Saturday, October 14 - St Paul’s Bazaar and Bake Sale in the hall, Ormstown  9-1:30.
Sunday, October 15- World Food Sunday, campaign begins for the Canadian Food Grains Bank.
Sunday, October 22, 2pm- Hymn Sing with the Franklin Ensemble in Zion United Church, Dundee
Sunday, October 29,11am - Combined service at St Paul’s, fellowship time at 10:30 in the church
Saturday, November 4 - Hospital Bazaar for the Barrie Memorial Hospital at CVR
Sunday, November 5 - Remembrance Sunday, combined service for the Howick area in Georgetown

Howick United Church presents: Sylvain Leduc as Elvis, Friday November 10th 7:30pm in the church.  Tickets are $20. 
They may be purchased from Grace Brown, Marlene Stuckey, Mac Orr, Winnifred Sherry, or Donald Brown Equipment. 

 For those who were wondering, we have heard from the General Council of the United Church of Canada, that all of the remits which were discussed at our Official Board and annual meetings were passed by a majority of congregations, pastoral charges, and Presbyteries across the country.  The next step?  They go back to General Council 2018 for final ratification.

The United Church is seeking to respond to many of the crises that are happening around the world, including famines in Africa and the Middle East, flooding in Southeast Asia, and hurricanes in the Caribbean.  This can be done by making a donation to the Mission and Service fund online on their secure donation page through; by phone with a credit card at 1-800-268-3781; or by mail with a cheque to:  The United Church of Canada, Philanthropy Unit –Emergency Response, 3250 Bloor St W., Suite 200, Toronto, ON M8X2Y4.  Please be sure to note “Emergency Response - Hurricane Irma on the face of your cheque.  The United Church has a number of relationships in the area and can work with its partners in the rescue and restoration efforts. In the United States, the United Church of Christ, another UCC partner, is receiving donations for the hurricane damage to the US Gulf states.  

Worship Schedule: 
October 1           9:30       Ormstown         11:00  Howick

October 8           11:00    Howick with D Beattie
   9:30       Franklin              11:00    Ormstown

October 15         9:30       Howick               11:00    Ormstown

October 22         9:30       Franklin              11:00  Howick

October 29         11:00    Combined service in Ormstown

Saturday, September 23, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, September 24th, 2017

Thank you to all who supported and helped out at Howick’s Fall Luncheon yesterday.  It was greatly appreciated. 

The newsletter is now ready.  Please pick one up and take it home, and possibly, one for a neighbour or friend as well.  If you would like to receive the newsletter by email, please let Barbara know, she would be glad to add your name to the list. 

Rockburn Presbyterian Church will be holding its afternoon of music and praise today, at 1:30.  All welcome. 

Montreal & Ottawa Conference – Traveling Road Show – Come! Discuss! And Ask! A workshop directed at Treasurers, Trustees, Board/Council Chairs, Mission & Service, Stewardship and Outreach Committee. Clergy and Lay! Saturday, November 4, 2017 at Summerlea United Church, Lachine, 8:45 am – 3:30 pm. If you have questios or to register contact Paul Sales at 613-841-9291

ELVIS Sylvain Leduc will be performing at Howick United on Friday night, November 10th at 7:30 p.m.  Tickets ($20.) will be available at the Church Luncheon and from various church members.  Support the church and enjoy an evening's entertainment!  

Worship Schedule: 
October 1           9:30       Ormstown          11:00  Howick

October 8           11:00    Howick with D Beattie
9:30       Franklin              11:00    Ormstown

October 15         9:30       Howick                                11:00    Ormstown

October 22         9:30       Franklin              11:00  Howick

October 29         11:00    Combined service in Ormstown

Sunday, September 17, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, September 17th, 2017

Today in Howick we are delighted to welcome Liara, daughter of Allyson Carroll and Eric Ness into membership in the Christian church and the family of God through the sacrament of baptism. 

We continue to hold in our thoughts and prayers the family and friends of Tony Evans, who died last week, and whose funeral service was held yesterday in St Paul’s United Church. 

St Paul’s Session will meet this week, Tuesday, September 19th at 7:30pm at the manse. 

St Paul’s Stewards will meet next week, Wednesday September 27th at 8pm in the hall. 

Franklin’s Joint meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 26th at the home of Phyllis Johnston at 2pm. 

The newsletter is coming soon!  Please get any announcements or information in as soon as possible. 

Please keep in mind Howick’s Fall Luncheon, which will be held Saturday, September 23rd from 11:30-1:00 in Howick United Church.  Takeouts are also available. 

St Paul’s UCW is preparing for its Bazaar (aka the Rummage Sale) Saturday  October 14th from 9am to 1:30pm.  Donations of crafts, books, toys, plants, lightly used household items, preserves and baking (with ingredients listed on the label, please) would be greatly appreciated.  Items can be dropped off in the hall on Thursday or on Friday until noon.  Baking may be brought in Saturday morning.  No clothing or furniture please!  Volunteers are also needed to help set up, sort, price, on Thursday and Friday, and also to cleanup on Saturday around 1:30pm. 

Saturday, September 9, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, September 10th, 2017

It is that time of year again; it is a pleasure to announce:
Chicken Pie Luncheon at our church on Sat. September 23, serving 11:30 to 1. Adults - $13; Ages 5 to 12 - $6 and under 5 - free.
Take-out orders are available, with delivery in the local area. Order from Alyson Champ, Carole Ness or Evie Kerr.
This is an important fund-raiser for the church and your support is needed for its success. In an effort to stream-line the process and to give you a choice of activity, the planning committee invites you to volunteer your help for September 23 by waiting tables, serving tea and coffee,
as clean-up crew, drying dishes, parking cars, etc.
If you can give a couple or three hours of your time, please email or call Evie, or speak to Grace or Dottie at church. Your help will be greatly appreciated!
Volunteer or not, come and enjoy lunch or order a take-out meal.

Rockburn Presbyterian Church is hosting an afternoon of music and fellowship on September 24th at 1:30 pm. Everyone welcome. Free will offering.

Worship Schedule
September 3      no services
September 10   11:00  Howick with Debbie Beattie
                                9:30 Franklin    11:00    Ormstown
September 17   9:30       Howick                                11:00    Ormstown
September 24   9:30       Franklin              11:00    Howick

Sunday, July 23, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, July 23, 2017

Next Sunday’s service will be a combined service to be held at Franklin United Church at 11am.  There will be a fellowship time beginning at 10:30.  All are welcome to join us then. 

Next Sunday will be the final service before the vacation period begins for our three congregations.  Evie Kerr and Sally Meyer of Hemmingford will be available for assistance in pastoral emergencies.  There will be worship services in Riverfield (10am) and Georgetown (10:30am) as well as services in Beechridge every second Sunday at 1:30pm. 

The annual Russelltown service will be held Sunday, July 30th at 2:30pm.  All welcome. 

Worship Schedule for September
September 3      no services
September 10   11:00  Howick with Debbie Beattie
                                9:30 Franklin    11:00    Ormstown
September 17   9:30       Howick                                11:00    Ormstown

September 24   9:30       Franklin              11:00    Howick

Sunday, July 16, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, July 16th, 2017

August will be vacation time.  Barbara will be away until the 5th of September.  While Barbara is away Evie Kerr and Sally Meyer will be available for pastoral emergencies.

 There will be services in the Riverfield (10am) and Georgetown churches also Beechridge services every second Sunday at 1:30pm:  July 23: Christmas in July at Beechridge; August 20 music service.

The annual Russelltown service will be held Sunday, July 30th at 2:30pm.  All welcome. 


July 23                 9:30       Franklin              11:00    Howick

July 30                 11:00    Combined service in Franklin, fellowship time at 10:30am.  

Sunday, July 9, 2017

What's happening

Announcements for Sunday, July 9th, 2017

Huntingdon United Church will be holding its Ice Cream Social on Thursday, July 13th from 5-9pm. 

Huntingdon United Church will also be offering a Vacation Bible School this summer, from July 17th to 20th from 9-11:30am.  The theme will be “Maker Fun Factory, Created by God, Built for a Purpose.”  For more information, please call Randy and Debbie Rennie at 450-829-2998. 

Worship Schedule:

July 16 9:30       Howick                                11:00    Ormstown
July 23 9:30       Franklin              11:00    Howick
July 30                 11:00    Combined service in Franklin, fellowship time at 10:30am. 

August will be vacation time.  Barbara will be away until the 5th of September.  While Barbara is away Evie Kerr and Sally Meyer will be available for pastoral emergencies.  There will be services in the Riverfield (10am) and Georgetown churches also Beechridge services every second Sunday at 1:30pm:  July 23: Christmas in July at Beechridge; August 20 music service.

Friday, June 23, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, June 25

The Knox Service has been changed to an outdoor service at Howick United, Sunday, June 25th, at 11 am.
St Paul’s will be holding its Strawberry Social this Thursday, June 29th from 5-8:30pm.  Prices will be:  $6 for adults, $3 for children 5-12, and under 5 free.  Takeouts will also be available. 

Come to the Farmers’ Picnic to celebrate Canada’s 150th July 1st at Greig’s Grove.  Magic show will take place at 11:30, games, music, and baseball as well.  Please bring a chair. 

St Joseph’s Catholic Church will be holding its Strawberry Social next Sunday, July 2nd from 10-1:00 in the Parish Hall, 15 York Street in Huntingdon. 

Worship Schedule: 
July 2                     9:30     Ormstown          11:00    Howick
July 9                    11:00    Howick
                2:30       Zion service on Covey Hill with the Franklin Ensemble
July 16                 9:30       Howick                                11:00    Ormstown
July 23                                 9:30       Franklin              11:00    Howick
July 30                 11:00    Combined service in Franklin
                                Coffee etc., 10:30am in the basement

August will be vacation time.  Barbara will be away until the 5th of September.  While Barbara is away Evie Kerr and Sally Meyer will be available for pastoral emergencies.  There will be services in the Riverfield (10am) and Georgetown churches also Beechridge services every second Sunday at 1:30pm:  July 23: Christmas in July at Beechridge; August 20 music service.

Friday, June 16, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, June 18th, 2017

It is strawberry season once again!  Rennies United Church will be holding its Strawberry Social Friday, June 23rd from 5-9pm in the Rockburn Church Hall.  Prices will be:  Adults $6.50, children 5-12 $3, and children under 5 free. 

St Paul’s own Strawberry Social will be held on Thursday June 29th from 5-8:30pm in the hall.  Takeouts will be available. 

St Joseph’s Parish will hold their Strawberry Social Sunday, July 2nd from 10am-1pm in the Parish Hall, 15 York Street, Huntingdon.  Prices will be $6 for adults, and $3 for children 5-12.  Takeouts will be available. 

Next Sunday at 11am Howick United Church will be holding its annual Knox Sunday service at the Knox Cemetery off Route 236 in St Louis de Gonzague.  This will also be a Communion service.  Please bring your own lawn chair.  There will be a fellowship time to follow the service. 

Worship Schedule: 
July 2                    9:30     Ormstown          11:00    Howick
July 9                   11:00    Howick
                              2:30       Zion service on Covey Hill with the Franklin Ensemble
July 16                 9:30       Howick                                11:00    Ormstown
July 23                 9:30       Franklin              11:00    Howick
July 30                 11:00    Combined service in Franklin
                                Coffee etc., 10:30am in the basement

August will be vacation time.  Barbara will be away until the 5th of September.  While Barbara is away Evie Kerr and Sally Meyer will be available for pastoral emergencies.  There will be services in the Riverfield (10am) and Georgetown churches also Beechridge services every second Sunday at 1:30pm:  July 23: Christmas in July at Beechridge; August 20 music service.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, June 4th, 2017

Please join us downstairs in the hall immediately following the Sunday service for a potluck lunch and celebration of our congregations’ and denomination’s anniversary.   

Today we hold the families and friends of Brent Forrester and Barbara (Orr) Aldridge, in our thoughts and prayers following their death over the past week.

 June 5th Franklin United Church will be hosting the Military Whist in the Huntingdon Legion at 8pm.  All card players are welcome.  Hope to see you there. 

If you brought items for the UCW’s Fair Booth, thank you!  We will be setting the booth up on Wednesday morning in the Industrial Building.  Donations of crafts, books, toys, jewellry, plants, and other small items for our White Elephant Table would be greatly appreciated, as well as baking and preserves.  Baking and preserves need to have ingredients listed on the label.  Please, no pies as we have been warned by the food inspectors.  

Rennie’s United Church will be holding its Strawberry Social on Friday, June 23rd from 5-9pm in the Rockburn Church Hall.  The costs will be:  adults, $6.50; 5-12, $3; and under 5, free. 

St Paul’s Strawberry Social will be held Thursday June 29th from 5-8:30pm in the hall.

Worship Schedule
June 11                                No Service in Howick
June 18                                9:30       Howick                                11:00    Ormstown

June 25                                11:00    Knox service with Communion . In case of rain, service will be in Howick United Church.  Please bring your lawn chair and bug spray!

Saturday, May 27, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, May 28th

Today in Howick we are delighted to welcome Matilda, daughter of Lily-Catherine Johnston and Noah Tolhurst and Avea, daughter of Meagan Irving and Julien Cormier into the family of God and the church of Jesus Christ through the sacrament of baptism. 

The summer edition of the newsletter is now out, please take one for yourself and one for your neighbour!

 The Beechridge services begin this afternoon at 1:30 with Madrigal. 

Howick Girl Guides Spring Tea will be held at the Howick United Church on June 3rd from 11am to 1pm. Cost $5.00 per adult.In Howick

June 4th will be the Anniversary Sunday service, held at 11am and followed immediately by a potluck sandwich lunch.  All welcome to come, stay, and share. 

St Paul’s UCW will once again be having a booth at the Fair, June 8th-11th.  If you have items such as crafts, books, toys, jewellery, and other small items to be sold in the booth may be brought to the church next week or given to a member of the UCW.  Baking and preserves should be labelled listing all ingredients.  Once the Fair begins, you may bring the items directly to the booth, give them  to a UCW member, or leave them  in the box on the veranda of Linda Cullen’s home.  If you have any questions, please give Jean Niles a call.  If you are able to volunteer for a couple of  hours in the booth, please give Ruth Graham Petch a call. 

Quebec Presbytery is once again offering bursaries to college and university students who are confirmed members of the United Church of Canada through the Hugh Duncan and IFE funds.  Deadline for applying is June 9th.  Application forms are available in our churches and also on the presbytery website:

Did you know that Howick United now has a bike stand? Riding your bike to church on a beautiful summer morning is good for your body, soul,  and the environment. For security, there is a bike lock available in the Narthex.

Friday, May 19, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, May 21st, 2017

Another newsletter has been printed.  Please take one home with you. The newsletters are available in the Narthex.
Saturday, May 27 8pm Madrigal Concert celebrating Canada St
Malachi, Ormstown, tickets $15.  (also on Friday at St Luke’s Church,
Champlain St, Hemmingford)

Sunday May 28, 1:30 Services begin in Beechridge Presbyterian Church with Madrigal

Sunday, June 4  9:30   Anniversary Sunday in Howick with Potluck Sandwich lunch to follow service

The Quebec Presbytery is once again offering bursaries for college and university students who are confirmed members of the United Church.  Copies of the application forms are available in our churches and also on the Quebec Presbytery website:  The deadline for applying is June 9th

Franklin United Church is sponsoring the Military Whist on Monday, June 5th at 8pm at the Huntingdon Legion.  All card players are welcome.   Hope to see you there. 

Worship Schedule:

May 28        9:30         Franklin            11:00    Howick

June 4          9:30       Ormstown          11:00    Howick
June 11        9:30       Franklin              11:00    Ormstown 
                     (No service Howick, Ormstown Fair Sunday)
June 18        9:30       Howick                11:00    Ormstown
June 25        9:30       Franklin              11:00    Howick (Knox service)

Saturday, May 6, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, May 7th, 2017

Today immediately following the service in Howick, there will be a 90th birthday celebration for Leslie Orr.  Everyone is invited to come down to the church hall and share in the celebration. 

There will be a community Hymn Sing with the Franklin Ensemble today at 2pm in the Athelstan Presbyterian Church.  A free will offering will be taken for the Canadian Food Grains Bank.

Unit B and C will have a combined meeting on Tuesday, May 9 at 7:30 in the Church basement with Kristen Templeton speaking on her trip to Nepal. Everyone is welcome.

The United Theological College will be holding its Convocation celebration this Wednesday May 10th at 2pm in the Roxboro United Church. 

Please note that the date for St Paul’s Strawberry Social has been changed from the date printed in the Messenger, to Thursday June 29th in the hall in Ormstown. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, April 23, 2017

Howick United Church will be holding its Spring Luncheon Saturday, April 29th from 11:30-1:00. Please mark your calendars. Volunteers to wait tables, serve tea and coffee, and for kitchen clean-up are needed. Everyone's participation is important, whether as a volunteer or as a participant to come and eat a delicious meal or get a take-out. For meal deliveries please call (825-2276) before Saturday.

Rockburn Presbyterian Church will be holding a Benefit Concert featuring the Durham County Poets upstairs in the Rockburn Hall on April 29th, 2 pm, at 2450 Rockburn Sideroad, Rockburn Quebec.  The suggested contribution is $10 and advanced tickets are available.  For more information: Betty Waller at 450-827-2668 or

Next Sunday we will be welcoming Patricia Lisson, the Executive Director of St Columba House in Montreal, at our combined service at 11am in Howick.  We will have a fellowship time beginning at 10:30 in the hall in the basement. 

Hymn Sing at the Athelstan Presbyterian Church on Sunday May 7th
at 2:00 P.M. with the Franklin Ensemble. Free will offering for the
Canada Foodgrains Bank.