
Sunday, October 22, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, October 22nd, 2017

Today in Howick we are happy to welcome the Chartrand-McGrath family, who bring their youngest member, Finn, for introduction into the church of Jesus Christ through the sacrament of baptism. 

The Canadian Food Grains Bank wishes to say THANK YOU to so many Canadians, farmers, churches, businesses as well as foundations and the government of Canada.  Your support is truly appreciated.  World hunger is a problem that we can work towards reducing.  Your donation will help with many projects that improve crops in developing countries and allow people to provide for themselves.  Please pick up an envelope to make a donation today, in the narthex.

Come one, come all! There will be a Hallowe’en party on Saturday, October 28thth in the Georgetown Church at 7 pm.  Prizes will be given for the funniest and most original costumes. 
There will be a Quebec Presbytery Youth Forum held Friday November 3rd  6:30pm to Sunday November 5th at 2pm for anyone high school or CEGEP age (13-20-ish).  The cost for the weekend is $50.00.  The theme this year is “Cleaning-Up the Mess:  De-stress, De-clutter, and DIY.”  For more information, check out the poster and registration forms on the bulletin board. 

Next Sunday there will be a combined service for our three churches in St Paul’s United Church in Ormstown at 11am.  A fellowship time will start at 10:30am in the church. 

Saturday, November 4 - Hospital Bazaar for the Barrie Memorial Hospital at CVR

November 5th will be Remembrance Sunday.  In Howick we will be participating in the shared Remembrance Sunday service at Georgetown Presbyterian Church.  

Friday, November 10th at 7:30pm, Elvis will be in the building!  Howick United Church will be hosting a fundraiser with Sylvain Leduc as Elvis.  Tickets are available at a cost of $20 from Grace Brown, Marlene Stuckey, Mac Orr, Winifred Sherry, and at Donald Brown Equipment.

There will be an opportunity to share in a Blanket Exercise (a teaching tool to share the historic and contemporary relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada) on Sunday, November 12th at 1pm to 3:30 or 4pm, in the United Church and Hall in Hemmingford, #2-476 Frontiere St., Hemmingford.  The space is limited and participants must register.  To register, please call 514-710-6960.  A free will offering will be taken. 

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