
Saturday, May 27, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, May 28th

Today in Howick we are delighted to welcome Matilda, daughter of Lily-Catherine Johnston and Noah Tolhurst and Avea, daughter of Meagan Irving and Julien Cormier into the family of God and the church of Jesus Christ through the sacrament of baptism. 

The summer edition of the newsletter is now out, please take one for yourself and one for your neighbour!

 The Beechridge services begin this afternoon at 1:30 with Madrigal. 

Howick Girl Guides Spring Tea will be held at the Howick United Church on June 3rd from 11am to 1pm. Cost $5.00 per adult.In Howick

June 4th will be the Anniversary Sunday service, held at 11am and followed immediately by a potluck sandwich lunch.  All welcome to come, stay, and share. 

St Paul’s UCW will once again be having a booth at the Fair, June 8th-11th.  If you have items such as crafts, books, toys, jewellery, and other small items to be sold in the booth may be brought to the church next week or given to a member of the UCW.  Baking and preserves should be labelled listing all ingredients.  Once the Fair begins, you may bring the items directly to the booth, give them  to a UCW member, or leave them  in the box on the veranda of Linda Cullen’s home.  If you have any questions, please give Jean Niles a call.  If you are able to volunteer for a couple of  hours in the booth, please give Ruth Graham Petch a call. 

Quebec Presbytery is once again offering bursaries to college and university students who are confirmed members of the United Church of Canada through the Hugh Duncan and IFE funds.  Deadline for applying is June 9th.  Application forms are available in our churches and also on the presbytery website:

Did you know that Howick United now has a bike stand? Riding your bike to church on a beautiful summer morning is good for your body, soul,  and the environment. For security, there is a bike lock available in the Narthex.

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