
Thursday, April 7, 2016

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, April 10th

Collection of items for Volunteer Experience in the mountains of the Dominican Republic: 12 students and teachers from the practical nursing program in Ormstown are traveling to the DR to volunteer their services.  We are collecting school supplies (workbooks, pencils, erasers, etc), Toiletry items (toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, etc) and medical supplies (band-aids, handwash, etc) to donate to the communities that we visit. A basket will be left in the Narthex for any donations, thank you! Debbi Templeton can pick up items as well, please call if you want to donate items.

Huntingdon County Hospital Bazaar and Bake Sale: Friday, April 15 - 9:30-2:00. Also, Spaghetti Dinner, 11:00-2:00, $10 adults,$5 children5-12, under 5, free.

Saturday, April 16: 4-H Pancake Supper in MacDougall Hall

Unit B ladies from Howick United Church have invited Kim Wilson and Jayme McClintock from the New Frontiers School Board to speak on the afternoon of April 19th at 2pm at Howick United Church. Kim and Jayme work as community outreach co-ordinators and can offer a great deal of information about what services and programs are available to us in the Chateauguay Valley. An open invitation is extended to the community.

Thursday, April 21: 11:00-1:30   Spring Luncheon at Huntingdon United Church

Saturday, April 30: 11:30-1:00 Howick Spring Salad Luncheon

Saturday, May 7: 5-8pm  Rockburn Presbyterian Church’s Roast Pork Supper

Monday, June 6: 8pm  Franklin hosts the Military Whist at Huntingdon Legion

Application forms for the Hugh Duncan and IFE bursaries are available at in the rack at the back of the church and online at

The deadline for applying is June 10, 2016. 

Announcements for Sunday, April 3rd

Nelson Weippert leads the service April 3rd.

Application forms for the Hugh Duncan and IFE bursaries are available at in the rack at the back of the church and online at
The deadline for applying is June 10, 2016. 

Huntingdon County Hospital Bazaar and Bake Sale, Friday, April 15 - 9:30-2:00. Also, Spaghetti Dinner, 11:00-2:00, $10 adults,$5 children5-12, under 5, free.

Saturday, April 16 - 4-H Pancake Supper in MacDougall Hall

Thursday, April 21 - 11:00-1:30   Spring Luncheon at Huntingdon United Church

Saturday, April 30 - 11:30-1:00 Howick Spring Salad Luncheon

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