
Saturday, July 29, 2023

Sunday, July 30, 2023


Hymn       Tell Me the Stories of Jesus #357

Prayer:  Holy God, who is both near and far, huge beyond measure, and as tiny as a mustard seed, to you we come. We come to worship, to sing your praise to seek your help and to learn your ways. Help us to open our minds to all that you are: you contain all genders, all melodies, all colours, all languages. Our limited understanding seeks to name who you are and how you are, and all our words and all our images fall short. Keep us mindful, dear God, that our language may fall short but that you never do. Holy God, to you we come. Open our hearts and our minds to you. Amen. ( a prayer by Jane O. Sorensen printed inBefore the Amen edited by Maren C. Tirabassi and Maria I. Tirabassi.)

Scripture Lessons:     Romans 8:26-39

                                   Psalm 105:1-11 p.828VU

                                   Matthew 13: 31-33, 44-52


Prayer:  God, make our prayers like a candle-flame, always aspiring, hoping, stretching for heaven. 
God, make our prayers like a light-bulb, drawing energy from a network that extends far beyond my sight. 
Thank you for the vision you give us; and for the world-wide community of sisters and brothers in which you place us. Amen. (a prayer by Bob Warwicker of England printed in Wisdom is Calling edited by Geoffrey Duncan)

Hymn       I Love to Tell the Story #343

This Sunday’s service, July 30th is our final summer service for our 3 congregations, as Barbara will be on holiday through the month of August until after Labour Day. This Sunday’s service will be a combined service in Howick beginning at 11:00, preceded by a fellowship time beginning about 10:30. All welcome. 

There will be a shared service for our cluster (South Shore and Valley) to be held on Sunday, August 13th at 10:30am in the Kahnewake United Church. This will be followed by an introduction to the Teepee project and a lunch will be served. I have been asked for numbers for this, so if you are planning or hoping to attend, could you let me know and I will let the planners know. Also, I now have some info about where the service is to be held that I could forward to those who would like to receive it. Barbara

There will be an outdoor Quilt Show to be held this Sunday, July 30th from 11-4:00 at Tolhurst Farms. Admission is $5.00 and you are asked to bring a non-perishable food item as well. A light lunch will be provided. 

Huntingdon United Church will be holding its second Ice Cream Social Thursday August 17th from 5-9pm. Prices will be $10 for adults, $5 for ages 5-12 and under 5 free. Mark your calendars! 

I am hoping to prepare one more blog for the month I am away. It should be available after Monday. 

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