
Saturday, January 21, 2023

Sunday, January 22, 2023 Third Sunday after Epiphany

 This Sunday is right in the middle of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The week begins on Wednesday, January 18th, the Feast of the Confession of St Peter to January 25th, The Feast of the Conversion of St Paul. This year’s theme is “Do Good, Seek Justice.”  During this week we pray for more understanding and cooperation between churches, and also between people of other faiths as well. 

Hymn        When Morning Gilds the Skies #339

Scripture Lessons:      Isaiah 9:1-4

                                    Psalm 27:1,4-9 p. 754VU

                                    I Corinthians 1:10-18


Prayer: O Lord our God, listening to us here, you accept also the prayers of our sisters and brothers in Africa, Asia, the Pacific, the Americas and Europe. 
    We are all one in prayer. So May we, as one, rightly carry out your commission to witness and to love in the church and throughout the world. Accept our prayers graciously, even when they are somewhat strange. They are offered in Jesus’ name. Amen. (a prayer from the church in Ghana and printed in the Iona Community’s A Wee Worship Book, the 4th incarnation)

We pray for the visible unity of the Church. 
Lead us to fulfill Jesus’ prayer that we may be one and work together to manifest your Kingdom. 
Today we ask you: O God, hear our prayer and grant us passion for unity. Amen. ( from resources for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity) 

Hymn      Jesus, United by Thy Grace #591

The dates for our annual meetings for all three congregations have now been set. For Howick, the date will be Sunday, February 5th in combination with the service, beginning at 11:00. For Franklin and St Paul’s, the date will be Sunday, March 12th, in combination with the worship service, beginning at 9:30 and 11:00 respectively. The time has come for reports to be turned in for the annual report. The deadline is January 29th. 

St Paul’s Stewards will be meeting on Wednesday, January 25th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

We are hoping to offer a Confirmation Class this year. If you know of someone who might be interested in participating, please let them or Barbara know. The classes might be offered during the winter or spring, hopefully in person, but possibly partly on Zoom as well. Those interested could contact Barbara by phone or email. 

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