
Friday, October 7, 2022

Sunday, October 9, The Fifth Sunday of Creation, Thanksgiving Sunday


Hymn       Come You Thankful People Come #516VU

Prayer:  God our maker, your open hands of grace sow us with many generosities. You offer these ordinary treasures simply, and without demand. 
We who receive do so with recognition and delight; or we wonder dissatisfied and forgetful. 
O God, grant us the choice of gratitude. Transform our hearts into generous soil. Make us ready with praise for every blessing. Amen. (from Keri Wehlander’s Joy is our Banquet)

Scripture Lessons:        Deuteronomy 26:1-11

                                       Psalm 100 p. 824VU

                                      Philippians 4:4-9

Hymn       We Plant the Fields and Scatter #520 VU


Prayer: (a litany of thanks) 
To wake from sleep into a new day—           Is gift enough for thanks.
To hear a child’s delight in laughter—          Is gift enough for thanks. 
To sip a glass of clean, cold water—             Is gift enough for thanks. 
To watch the sunset paint the sky—              Is gift enough for thanks. 
To share a moment with a friend—               Is gift enough for thanks.
To smell the fragrance of moist soil—          Is gift enough for thanks. 
To feel the comfort of clean clothing—        Is gift enough for thanks. 
To form the words that make a prayer—      Is gift enough for thanks. (from Keri Wehlander’s Joy is our Banquet.) 

Hymn       Now Thank We All our God #236VU

Next weekend is the time! Howick United Church’s fundraising Concert with Fieldstone Reverie and Sammi Grace will be this coming Saturday, October 15th at 7pm in the church. Tickets are $20 and are now available from Noah Tolhurst, Mac Orr, and myself and will be available at the door as well. Proceeds of the concert will be divided between the church and I Am Heshima. Hope to see you there! 

The new Gifts with Vision catalogues have arrived. There are a few copies in the churches so you can take a look, and you can also check them out online, at A great gift for those who don’t need more “stuff”. 

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