
Friday, March 4, 2022

Sunday, March 6, 2022 The First Sunday of Lent

 Happy International Women’s Day! Okay, this is a couple of days early, but we give thanks for the women of our church who have taught, led, supported and worked hard to sustain and renew our churches. 

Hymn      We Praise You O God #218VU

Prayer:  O God, we confess that sometimes we come to you reluctantly, afraid of what we might have to give up or change when we enter your presence. In our reluctance, we often miss opportunities for your grace to touch us, and through us to touch others. Touch us that we might be healed; forgive us that we might be born again. Amen. (a prayer printed in the United Church’s worship resource Celebrate God’s Presence) 

Scripture Lessons:     Deuteronomy 26:1-11

                                   Psalm 91:1,2, 9-16 p.807VU

                                   Luke 4:1-13


Prayer: O God, you know us through and through, you know the many choices we face each day. We choose between right and wrong; we choose between greater and lesser evils; we choose what will be important to us in life. As you strengthened Jesus to choose rightly when he was tempted in the wilderness, so strengthen us, through your presence and Spirit, when we face temptation, that we may walk in the paths most pleasing to you. Amen. (a prayer by Ruth C Duck and printed in Bread for the Journey, edited by Ruth C Duck.)

Hymn      O Jesus I Have Promised #120VU

This week we will be returning to public worship in the rest of our churches. There will be a 9:30 service in Ormstown and a combined worship service and annual meeting in Howick, beginning at 11:00. Next Sunday Franklin will hold a combined worship service and annual meeting beginning at 9:00. Ormstown’s annual meeting and service is tentatively scheduled for March 20th, beginning at 11:00. Masks and social distancing will continue to be needed, but no vaccine passports! 

Good news! Howick’s Membership Roll book has been re-located and is being updated. 

 An addition: I have just seen a report of the death of one of the United Church’s former Moderators. We give thanks for his life of faith and the service and leadership he provided to our church and to the Christian church and to the country throughout his life.                        

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