Hymn Amen, Amen
Scripture Lessons: Nehemiah 8:1-10
Psalm 19 pp.740-1 VU
I Corinthians 12:12-31
Luke 4:14-21
Another excerpt from the Song of Faith:
Prayer : O Lord our God, creator of heaven and earth, we thank you and pride you for your love, for your wisdom, for your kindness and mercy. Make us instruments of love, peace, unity, and harmony between people independently of race, colour, and creed. Grant us to respect all of your creation and to look at one another and at all your creatures as brothers and sisters. Help us to serve one another in humility, simplicity and joy. Take away from the heart of people the spirit of hatred, violence and rivalry. Amen. ( a Franciscan prayer, Week of Prayer for World Peace, 1986, and printed in With All God’s People)
Hymn Jesus United by Thy Grace #591VU
Did you know that our Moderator, the Rt. Rev. Richard Bott is reading through the whole New Testament from the New Year till Easter. You can join him by following him on Facebook.
Some reports have now come in for our annual reports. Howick’s report will be collected by Evie Kerr, for one last year, and Ormstown and Franklin’s can come to me. You can email them to me at ormstownfranklin59@yahoo.ca or you can drop them off at the manse.
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