
Saturday, November 13, 2021

Sunday, November 14, 2021 Children’s Sunday

 Hymn      O Day of God Draw Nigh 688 VU

Scripture Lessons:      Ruth 4:13-17

                                    Psalm 127 p.851VU

                                    Hebrews 10:19-25


Prayer:  God, you heap your love upon us like a parent providing for a family’s needs, embracing a child with tenderness. 
Forgive us when, like spoiled children, we treat your generosity as our right, or hug it possessively to ourselves. 
Give us enough trust to live secure in your love and to share it freely with others in open-handed confidence that your grace will never run out. Amen. (a prayer by Jan Berry and printed in Bread of Tomorrow, edited by Janet Morley) 

Hymn.      New Every Morning is the Love #405VU

Howick UCW will be holding its annual meeting in combination with Unit C’s meeting on Wednesday, November 17th in the Church Hall. All welcome. 

This year’s Rudolph Run will be held in part as a virtual event, from November 26th to December 2nd. You can walk any distance, time or place. There will also be an in person run/walk on Saturday, November  27th starting at the Rec Centre in Ormstown, from 9-11am, where you can make your donation and head off on your run/walk in any direction or any route. No volunteers will be on the street, nor will any refreshments be offered. A minimum of $5 is requested and you are invited to wear red or green as you head off. Remember this is an event to raise funds for the Christmas basket programs in our area, so put on your running shoes and get ready to participate! 

We continue to invite donations to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Envelopes are available in our three churches and donations may also be made online at 

We are being reminded in Howick that the year is coming to an end, and if you would like to give a gift to the memorial fund in memory of a church or community member, you are invited to do so soon. November is Remembrance month, so you can make your gift in remembrance of someone in your family, church or community. 

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