
Friday, September 3, 2021

Sunday, September 5, 2021

 I hope everybody had a good summer, and now here we are again, ready to start a new (school) year. I will continue to produce these blogs for those who are not comfortable coming to our public services especially in light of the increasing numbers of infections. 

Hymn     In Christ There is No East or West #606VU

Scripture Lessons:      James 2:1-10, 14-17

                                    Psalm 125 p.849VU

                                    Mark 7:24-37


Prayer: Sometimes, O God, we are so sure we know who you are and what you will do, but sometimes we are surprised. We are surprised by what you do and what you do not do. We are surprised by your word. We are surprised by your grace and generosity. We are surprised by how you live and move and act in our own lives. Surprise us again, O God, and open our eyes to your presence in our lives and in our world. Open our ears to what you have to say to us this day, and open our mouths to speak words of faith, hope, peace, and love in the way of our Saviour. We pray in his name and in his spirit, this day and forevermore. Amen. 

Hymn     Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life #681

Good wishes to all our students beginning school at the time: to our Cegep students who started last week; our elementary and high school students; and our university students who start next week: good luck and have a good year! 

We hold in our thoughts and prayers the family and friends of Helen Nice, who died last Tuesday, at the age of 98. Visitation and a service will be held in Ganonoque soon, and a service in this area is planned for at a later date. 

We continue to hold in our thoughts and prayers the family and friends of Jennifer MacGregor and Tristan Majumdar, whose lives were remembered and deaths acknowledged this past month. 

If you wish to send a donation for relief following the earthquake in Haiti, one possibility is through the United Church. You can make a donation online, through the secure donation page found at;  by phone with a credit card  at 1-800-268-3781 ext 2738; or by mail to The United Church of Canada, the Philanthropy Unit-Emergency Response, 3250 Bloor St W, Suite 200, Toronto, On, M8X 2Y4. Please be sure to mark the cheque Emergency Response Haiti on the memo line of your cheque. The church’s response is part of the Humanitarian Coalition, in partnership with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. 

As some of you know, Alyson Champ is no longer producing our church bulletins in Howick. Karlina Bustamente had agreed to take it on, but she is currently on parental leave, so if you have announcements to include in the bulletin, please give them to me, either by email or by phone, by Wednesday evening so they can be included in the bulletin. 

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