
Friday, March 19, 2021

Sunday, March 21, 2021 Lent 5

This weekend marks the beginning of spring. I hope this will indeed be a season of new life, new light, and new hope for all people. May we continue to celebrate that hope as we prepare to mark Holy Week and celebrate Easter once again. 

Hymn   As Comes the Breath of Spring #373 VU

Scripture Lessons:      Jeremiah 31:31-34 

                                    Psalm 51:1-12 p.776-7VU

                                   John 12:20-36

Hymn     What Wondrous Love is This #147VU


Prayer:  God who dwells within, God who is in good times and in bad, we turn our hearts again to you and we proclaim: nothing can come between us and your love for us, even if we are troubled or worried or being persecuted, or lacking food or clothes, or being threatened or even attacked. 

     We can grow through difficult times because of this power of your love at work in our lives. For we are certain of this: neither death nor life, no angel, no prince, nothing that exists, nothing still to come, not any power, no height or depth, nor any created thing, can come between us and your love which has been made visible in Jesus. We lean upon you and we offer you our thanks. Amen. ( a prayer by Joyce Rupp, published in May I Have This Dance.)

Hymn    My Faith Looks up to Thee  #663VU

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Gordon Brooks, who died last week. A memorial service will be held, hopefully, in the spring. 

The plans now seem to be set: we will be holding a drive-in service in Ormstown on Palm Sunday, March 28th at 11am. Please plan on driving to the church, parking in the parking lot, and listening to the service on your car radio. The Easter Sunday service will be held in Howick in the same way, at 11am. All are welcome to either or both services. There will also be an additional blog posted for Good Friday. If the numbers continue to be good here in Quebec we may be able to plan in-church services in the spring. 

There will also be a Good Friday service led by the Moderator for the whole United Church. It will be posted on the United Church YouTube channel. It can be seen at 9:30am EDT on Good Friday, April 2nd. 
If you are attending, you are invited to bring with you a glass of water, a flower, and a candle. 

While you attend the service, you can also pick up a copy of the annual report. We will have them available on the day. They are also available from Barbara or in the church on request. 

I have not heard from anyone about the offer to hold a Zoom activity (sometimes known as Messy Church) for families and children. Shanna Bernier, the regional youth and family ministries staff person would help me to lead this. If you know of people who would be interested, please let me know by phone or email. Barbara

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