
Saturday, December 31, 2022

January 1, 2022 New Year’s Day


Hymn    See Amid the Winter’s Snow #76

Scripture Lessons:       Isaiah 63:7-9

                                     Psalm 147:12-20

                                     John 1:1-18

Hymn Great God WeSing Your Mighty Hand #529VU


Prayer:  Freshness (a prayer/poem by Joyce Rupp)
a new year is moving in
just as surely as the winter
walks along in snowflakes

and I sit here wondering
in the breath of his bless
and the glance of his grace

I think about the year now gone
and how I’ve walked across it
(it grieves me some and joys me some)

and as the new year stretches
I wonder how I’ll meet it
will I let his grace find me
and will I let him charm me
and will I let his truth possess me
and will I let him lead me
and will I take his love to heart
and fix my gaze on him

oh how I wonder how I’ll meet this year
and if I’ll give myself the chance
to catch the breath of bless
and glance of his dear grace
to rise and walk from sinfulness
to come return and find him waiting
to reach and know that he can heal
to turn around and give up all 
and let him be my treasure

a new year is moving in
just as surely as the winter
walks along in snowflakes

my God is moving in again
and just like winter snow
he breathes my life full freshness

Hymn.        Joy is Now in Every Place #45

There will be no Sunday service on New Year’s Day in our churches, but there will be a regional Zoom service offered at 10am by the cluster of South Shore ministers. Barbara will be sending out the link to participate in this service. We are expecting to be back to our regular services in the hall beginning January 8th. That Sunday we will be in Ormstown at 9:30 and Howick at 11am. 

Have a blessed and happy and healthy new year, everyone. 

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve or Christmas Day 2022


A candle burns, the last marker of our Advent journey. 
As we arrive at our journey’s end, May we arrive with wonder and worship. 
As we arrive at our journey’s end, God of journeys, welcome us. ( by David Hamflett and printed in the Iona Community’s Candles and Conifers) 

Hymn      Angels We Have Heard on High #38

Scripture Lessons:       Isaiah 9:2-7
                                     Luke 2:1-20

Carol       Silent Night #67


Prayer:  Lord, it is Christmas, and I have traced my way to a manger by the light of a beam from a teardrop of a newborn child crying for love, 
for peace, in a war-torn broken world, 
filled with greed and lawlessness, with violence and destruction, draping this beautiful earth in clouds of despair, of disunity. 

Lord, this Christmas, give us new hope and strength, new meaning and power to Change with love, with understanding, to face challenges with courage believing that a life centred in Thee will never fail to build a world of Peace 
of Brotherhood 
of Love. The Love that was born at Christmas. Amen.

…Lord, rekindle in us the dying embers of Faith with the power of the Incarnation 
of the Cross 
of the Resurrection 
to rebuild our broken world with friendship and laughter with music and dance with your Life-giving Spirit, to weave all creation and all nations in your garland of changeless Love. Amen.  (written by Savithri Devansen and printed in Gifts in Open Hands edited by Maren Tirabassi and Karen Wonson Eddy) 

Carol       Go Tell it on the Mountain #43

Friday, December 16, 2022

Sunday, December 18, 2022 The Fourth Sunday of Advent


A candle burns, the fourth marker of our Advent journey. 
As we continue, May we travel joyfully. 
As we continue, God of journeys, draw us to journey’s end. Amen. ( by David Hamflett and published in the Iona Community’s Candles and Conifers.)

Hymn.    Gentle Mary Laid Her Child #36VU

Prayer: Lord Christ, born of Mary, in our littleness, in our weakness, Let your light shine. 
Lord Christ, born of Mary, in our strength and our achievement, Let your kingdom come. 
Lord Christ, born of Mary, in the overturning of our values, in the renewing of your people, 
Let your kingdom come. Amen. 

Scripture Lessons:      Romans 1:1-7

                                    Psalm 80:1-7 p.794VU

                                    Matthew 1:18-25


Prayer:  God of mystery and miracles, your Word brings light into the dark places of our lives; your presence gives us strength to endure when we are pushed beyond our own strength. You find us in our list Ness and, with love beyond our imagining, you lead us home. 

All this you offer in and through Jesus Christ. Yet, we resist you. We resist loosening our tight grip on our lives. We hesitate to trust you for you may lead us where we do not want to go. You know the places in our hearts and in our minds where we are well-defended against your intrusions. 

In this season of longing, grant us grace to bring all that we are to you, O Christ— all the broken places, all the lost wandering, all the weariness from trying to live lives that are pleasing to you. 

Hold them all in the fullness of your love. Then, be born in us, that we may find our home, our life, our joy in you, Lord of light and love. (a prayer written by Christine Jarrett and shared on the re:worship website.) 

Hymn        O Little Town of Bethlehem #64 

This Sunday is Communion Sunday in our three churches: in Howick at 9:30, in Ormstown at 11:00 and in Franklin during its Christmas Candlelight service at 7:30pm. All are welcome to attend. 

Many thanks to all who gave so generously to our White Gift service last Sunday. It is going to make a great difference to many local families. In Howick there were 78 donations to the Mitten Tree and 15 bags going to the Christmas baskets. Your generosity is being noticed. 

Also, thanks to those who organized the activities in church last Sunday in Ormstown. It was greatly appreciated. 

There will be Christmas Eve services held in both Howick and Ormstown. Howick’s will be held at 6pm and Ormstown’s will be at 8pm. There will be no Sunday service on Christmas Day and on New Year’s Day there will be a regional Zoom service offered. If you wish to participate, please let Barbara know and she will send you the link. The regular schedule of Sunday services will begin on January 8th with a 9:30 service in the hall in Ormstown and an 11:00 service in Howick. 

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Sunday, December 11, 2022 The Third Sunday of Advent


A candle burns, the third marker of our Advent journey. 
As we continue, May we travel expectantly. 
As we continue, God of journeys, guide our footsteps. (written by David Hamflett and published in the Iona Community’s Candles and Conifers)

Hymn.      Good Christian Friends Rejoice #35

Scripture Lessons:       Isaiah 35:1-10

                                     Luke 1:47-55
                                     Matthew 11:2-11

Hymn.         People Look East #9


Prayer: God of tender compassion: hear the cry of your children whose hope is faint, Lord in mercy, 
Make bright our gloom and fill the hungry with every good thing. 
Ruler of all nations, prince of peace: bring an end to violence and the starvation linked with war. Lord in mercy, 
Make bright our gloom and fill the hungry with every good thing. 
Promised Saviour, who will faithfully bring forth justice: overturn oppression and greed; raise up those whom the world has brought low. Lord in mercy, 
Make bright our gloom and fill the hungry with every good thing. 
Holy child, stable-born: provide warm shelter for the homeless poor, and help us to see you in every guest. Lord in mercy, 
Make bright our gloom and fill the hungry with every good thing. 
Infant of Bethlehem, brought in haste to Egypt: console all driven from home by cruel threat, and protect all who must wander in search of refuge. Lord in mercy, 
Make bright our gloom and fill the hungry with every good thing. 
O God, you have remembered your promise of mercy, you have come to dwell among us, and you have revealed your glory. Pour out upon us the Spirit of your love, that we might pour ourselves out for the hungry and reveal your care to the afflicted. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen. (from the Evangelical Lutheran Church, posted on the World Renew website and shared through the Canadian Food Grains Bank.)

Hymn       Joy to the World #59

This Sunday is our White Gift Sunday, in all three churches. We will be collecting non-perishable food items and gifts for families, particularly children under 12. Gifts for La Bouffe should be wrapped and labelled for age and gender, if appropriate. They can be brought to church this week, 9:30 in Franklin, 11:00 in Ormstown and 11:00 in Howick, with Debbie Beattie. If you cannot bring the gifts this Sunday, you may bring them the week following, or contact Barbara and we will make sure they get to the food bank for distribution. 

This coming Thursday, December 15th members of the Howick UCW will be getting together in the church to organize the goodie exchange for Christmas. We will begin about 9:45. 

Next Sunday, December 18th will be Communion Sunday in our churches, 9:30 in Howick, 11:00 in Ormstown, and 7:30pm in Franklin, in their Candlelight Christmas service. 

The Christmas Eve services will be held at 6pm in Howick and 8pm in Ormstown. There will be no Sunday service on Christmas Day and there will be a regional Zoom service held on New Year’s Day. Please let Barbara know if you would like to receive the link to participate. 

Friday, December 2, 2022

Sunday, December 4, 2022 The Second Sunday of Advent

A candle burns, the second marker of our Advent journey. 
As we continue, May we travel faithfully. 
As we continue, God of journeys, speak to us. Amen. (written by David Hamflett, from the Iona Community’s  Candles and Conifers)

Hymn.     Hail to God’s Own Anointed #30

Scripture Lessons:       Isaiah 11:1-10

                                     Psalm 72 p.790VU

                                     Romans 15:4-13

Hymn.     Lo How a Rose E’er Blooming #8


Prayer: Lord, we have pulled out the Advent wreath, the Christmas tree, the poinsettias. We dusted off the hymns, unsung for a year (at least), and unearthed the words of your prophets. 
   Yet in your eyes, these efforts are for nothing without the regular, persistent, deep pursuit of justice for all people. 
   Our efforts are hollow without consistent work toward peace, reconciliation, and participation in your mission for creation. In our hearts, we do long to be your people, to carry out your mission, to be lights in the darkness— proof that no darkness can overcome your truth. 
   Awaken us to action. Stir us to courage. Rouse us to prepare a way in the wilderness for your coming, clearing the brush of oppression, racism, injustice, and hopelessness— so that all may see your light and perceive your coming. Amen. ( a prayer written by lutheranjulia and  posted on RevGalPals blog and also on

Hymn.     Hark the Angels Sing #48

Many thanks for all who helped make our Family Activity Day in Howick a success. The activities were interesting and a lot of fun and the lunch was delicious! 

This Sunday’s services will be 9:30 in Ormstown and 11:00 in Howick. 

Howick UCW (formerly known as “Unit C”) will be holding its Christmas Potluck Supper Thursday, December 8th beginning at 6pm. Please let Marlene know what you are planning to bring for the meal. Also we will be collecting items for women for the Christmas baskets and donations for a local project or need. 

December 11th will be White Gift Sunday in all three congregations. Donations of non-perishable food items and toys for children for the Christmas baskets would be greatly appreciated. 

December 18th will be Communion Sunday in all three congregations. We will be celebrating the sacrament at 9:30 in Howick, 11:00 in Ormstown, and 7:30pm in Franklin, in its Christmas Candlelight service. 

There will be Christmas Eve services held in Howick and Ormstown. The service in Howick will be held at 6pm and in Ormstown the service will be held at 8pm.